Catwoman - I'm curious

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Catwoman - I'm curious

I'm going to see it in the theater.
Its a rental.
I wouldn't watch it for free on cable.
Total votes: 12

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Post by Leisher »

This movie apparently ignores the Batman films and the Catwoman character from the comics. Its simply an excuse to have Hallie Berry run around in Spandex.

First of all, her outfit isn't revealing at all, and in my opinion, horribly designed.

Secondly, and I expect to take flak for this, I think Hallie Berry has a great body, but her personality makes her very unattractive. I'd bet anything that she's an absolutely worthless lay. (I apologize to the females reading this, but yes, women can be bad in bed.)

I mean, every man she's ever been with has cheated on her...

Anyway, this film is yet another example of Hollywood's arrogance and ignorance. They think they can do better with an existing product than the original creators, and they're wrong 99% of the time. I can't think of an example of when they've done better, but I'm sure there's got to be at least one time when a movie was better than the source material.
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Post by 71-1085092892 »

I'm waiting to hear the reviews. Unless they are all, "It was way better then I expected," I'll be skipping it.
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Post by Paul »

Catwoman looks terrible. The commercials make it look like they were tryign to do an unartistic, fluffy version of The Crow.

I imagine overweight women into pseudo bondage (Xena fans) loving this film.

I wouldn't pay money to see it, because it looks cheesey. But if it was on cable or a friend had it on DVD I'd watch it, more out of curiosity than desire. I'd want to see what they did with the Catwoman character, and to see if it was as bad as I thought it would be.
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Post by Paul »

Leisher wrote:I mean, every man she's ever been with has cheated on her...
See, women as hot as Halle can have any man they want, so they go for the attractive men who have it all (famous musicians, sports stars, etc.). These men are used to having whatever they want, as often as they want. Getting a hot woman is no big deal. So once they're married for awhile, they miss the poontang smorgusborg, and cheat. Not only are old habits easy to pick back up, but the opportunity to do so continually presents itself.

That's why supermodels and such should only date computer geeks.
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Post by Zetleft »

I won't ever be watching this one... looks like absolute trash. And it doesn't even look like a fun bad movie that you can still watch and get into on a stupid level. Hell if I want to see her naked I'll just watch Monster Ball (or to be more specific the avi file I have of the only good part).
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Post by TheCatt »


The wife wants to see it... but I'm more particular than she.
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Post by TheCatt »

Sounds, uh.... not-exciting
If the "Spider-Man" movies represent all that can be wondrous and inspiring in a comic book adaptation, "Catwoman" is the absolute opposite.

It's cinema for the attention span-challenged -- a soulless amalgamation of quick edits, computer images and swooping, nausea-inducing dolly shots. The dialogue (credited to four different people) is too awkward to be unintentionally funny and the urban setting is too muddled to be considered gritty.

The most egregious sin of all: For an action movie, it's mind-numbingly boring.
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Post by Malcolm »

& Spiderman still sucks. Both of them.
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Post by TheCatt »

Uh, remove the "theater" vote I made on the presumption of my wife's will.

Another suckass review just in.

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Post by Paul »

Next thing you know they'll have Jack Black play the Green Lantern. Sheesh!
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Post by MommaBear »

This film isn't about anything that even remotely interests me.
Yes, Benjamin Bratt is in this film here and there, I think he's gorgeous... but that's not enough to shell out $9.00. And the reviews I've read say it sucks.
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