ArcheAge - Formerly: "So I've been playing..."

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Post by Stranger »

I played quite a bit of this game over the weekend. So far, i'm a pretty big fan of it.

I actually was playing last night and by random chance just happened to bump into Leisher in the game! we are both on the eastern continent and these continents are HUGE! so i was quite amazed that we were in the same spot in the world. We went through some quests together and shared our thoughts on the game. Were both level 15 in the game and i'm finding out that its just the tip of the iceberg.

After Leisher logged off i wanted to explore the world because it was the last day of the beta weekend. As i started exploring i saw the ocean shore for the first time, a shipping port, a huge city (different from the one Troy posted because he's on the western continent) and huge expanses of desert plains with wide open areas for people to build thier own houses. I happend to run into somone out in the middle of nowhere that had a house built and they were farming these kangaroo looking creatures. There were a couple of other houses in the process of being built nearby but this one was the only one complete and thriving. We got to talking and i found that thier job in the guild was farming this creature for their furs. They take these furs and package it with other resorces and put them on trade runs and the guild goes out to protect these goods on the run. Pirates or other PvP'ers can ambush and steal these goods. (He told me the PvPing doesnt really start till about level 30. I'm not sure if there is some quest that gets that going or what, but thats what i was told.)

I wanted to run and explore a little more. As i did i found huge housing complexes all grouped up, i'm assuming these were guild housing and they looked like little towns of thier own, some even had merchants and blacksmiths and all the fixins of a little community. Then there were beautiful houses sitting all by themselves overlooking a cliff and decorated to the nines, flowers all over, different trees and whatever they might be farming. I found myself taking screenshots at all these different locations just because it looked so beautiful.

So i'm finding out that at level 15 the story and gameplay have been pretty linear so far. I really just started to figure out the crafting and farming part of the game and that is the main part of the game. I found this post by a dev that trys to sum up the game.

"Let's see if I can get a decent summary within a reasonable post length...

It goes something like this:
Ultimately, the best gear in the game is crafted. So are a lot of other cool things, like fishing poles, or glider upgrades, or vehicles. Crafting is the sole source of many/most of these objects.

Subcomponents for the above objects that can only be obtained through crafting, require materials that cannot be bought from NPCs/vendors. They must be grown/harvested/gathered/farmed by players.

Player grown/obtained subcomponents go into player crafted items (that can only be gotten through crafting) which are then supplied to other players.

Trade packs are related. The packs are crafted from, again, materials that cannot be bought from NPCs. These packs can be transported and turned in for rewards, gold, etc. There is incentive for other players to want to take these from you and turn them in for the rewards themselves.

The only limit on the amount of raw goods you can make is the amount of labor you have available to make them with; crafting requires labor. The only limit on how much you can sell is the amount you can transport safely -- that said, if too many people are selling too many of the same items on a trade route, the NPC offered value for those items will decrease."

And then there are castles, guilds can take control of these castles and while that guild controls the castle they are paid the taxes from all the houses and farms that are on the land of that castle, and some other goodies and buffs that i'm not sure of yet. So these castles are highly contested by the bigger guilds in the game.

I really enjoyed the beta weekend and will continue to follow the game if another beta happens before release. There is alot to this game, and just playing to level 15 doesn't give you the whole scope of it yet.
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Post by Troy »

You can make some fucked up shit in the character creator.

Here's a sample:


Hitler with boobs, i think.

More beta thoughts later today.

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Post by GORDON »

It's Girl Hitler from The Venture Brothers.
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Post by Leisher »

Stranger is right that one weekend of beta isn't giving us the whole story. This game is DEEP. There is just so much to do and so many different directions you can take your character.

I'd say the game's biggest flaw right now is that you can't just start up and play YOUR way. I mean you could, but it'd be very difficult.

Remember in UO how you would create a character, appear in Britannia, and it's sink or swim? This is pretty different. I died once this weekend, and was maybe in danger of dying 2-3 other times. I died because I hadn't yet learned how to open and identify some packages I received the contained armor. Once I put that on and fought the character that killed me, it was a much easier battle.

It's funny because for as much as the game hand holds you, it doesn't. The game skims the surface of things in its effort to tell you a story. Going deeper seems to be on you as a player. I like that concept, but at times it's a bit jarring. You'd think they'd walk you through a bit more with your skills, inventory, etc. but they don't.

One of my biggest concerns is that other players are no threat whatsoever. I would leave my game running for hours while I was AFK in the middle of a city, and had no worry about anyone stealing anything. Now I do know that somewhere in this world, PvP happens, but so far I have no details on how it works or where it takes place.

I take it back. There was one asshole, and I believe this was a common complaint in WoW, who kept trying to mess with me and Stranger during a few quests. We ran into him two times (you'll see a lot of familiar folks as you push through the story because you're all doing the same things at the same time), and the first time was at a single spawn which he was camping and stealing from other players. He was also challenging everyone to a fight. This was a dick move because he was setting up shop where everyone else was lower level than him, and he'd spam the request, so if you happened to click your screen on the wrong spot... We did see him fight one person, and the other person had no chance. Not sure what the asshole got for winning though. Later, we ran into him again where we had to trap some tigers. He'd see us starting the process then run over and quickly try and steal the trapped tiger before we could pick it up. Then he'd try to challenge us to a fight. If there is a report or ignore option, I don't know where that might be, and if both of us could have attacked him... Alas, that was the only asshole I've encountered, so I guess that's not bad.

There is a guild system, as Stranger mentioned, but if we were getting involved in the large scale stuff, I think we'd be in trouble with little TKV.

Another big concern is that P2P folks have a massive advantage (they can own land and have permanent stat boosts of +1, +2, or +3). I don't know if the world will reset at launch, but if it doesn't, P2P people already rule the world here, so...

There is a "Patron" system we've talked a bit about that gives you large boosts, but must be paid for constantly. It can be paid in game, but I have no concept yet about how that'll translate. How much in game money equals the needed payment and how many hours of play time is that...

I think another complaint I have is that I feel like I'm playing an RPG, but there are other people around preventing me from being fully immersed. Since the only danger thus far is from the AI, and because I'm following a story, it's just like playing Neverwinter Nights. Due to past experiences, I'm not a big fan of multiing RPGs. Plus, I'm a BIG story line, explorer type. What's it say when I'm skipping cutscenes? Not saying that it's poorly done. It just isn't captivating to me during a beta, and holy shit there's just soooooo much of it.

The game play itself is solid. Fights are well done, the map system is decent enough, inventory space hasn't been an issue for me, there's an item comparison system like Torchlight, etc.

There is a really interesting game here, but I don't know about the PvP stuff. I'll play it again during the next open beta, and if I knew PvP would be what we're all searching for, they might even get my money.
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Post by Troy »

Flying is awesome, btw. It's almost a constant mini-game to get altitude and not hit things. You can use the public transportation Sky Ship and glide across whole parts of the map when you jump off mid route.

I hope the water ships are as fluid. Naval combat could be pretty sweet.

Also, I agree that none of us are even out of the tutorial stage yet. The quest line I spent most of my time in taught me farms, mass transit, air travel, trade, and donkeys.

One last thing. The most interesting thing I found in that giant city was a portal that would transport you to the pvp continent for 3 recall stones. Recall stones were super easy to craft.

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oh and: Image
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Post by Stranger »

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Post by Stranger »

So i really wanted to find out a little bit more on the F2P vs the pay to play model in this game. I found this post by someone that gives a little bit of incite on his experience.

Duoing Archeage with patron and f2p; a summary
With all the fuzz around labor and land ownership, I'd like to share my experience with Archeage in the current closed beta and give a small review based on that.
It's mostly positive, so if you are an elitist, you can move back to your cave.

I, as a silver package founder and casual gamer (playing at an average of 2 hours per day max) and my girlfriend, playing on a free invitee beta account, tried the game and duo'ed it for all the last beta events. I played a tanky abolisher, she played an offensive edgewalker, later respeccing more to heal as soon as the appropriate crafted gear got available (damn healing gear only being available through crafting).

These are our experiences on crafting, labor and farming, based on the idea that a patron account was paired with a free to play account:

1) Labor
Being able to practically compare free to play and patron side-by-side, I really understand the core issues and concerns of the community. Being the casual gamer I am and only playing 2 hours tops per day, I was literally overflowing with LP (again, as a patron). I never managed to drop them below 4k points, once I capped labor after a two days break from gaming. Labor, for a patron that is a casual player, is not in any way limiting from my experience with the current beta build. I recall reading labor is gonna be halved for the actual release, things might change, but in the beta, it wasn't an issue at all.

Things, however, were totally different for her (as free-to-play). The cost for identifying quest loot and opening coinpurses alone were enough to keep her LP constantly at zero. Actually regenerating LP was pretty much impossible without artifically staying online. We managed to deal with it by trading unopened coinpurses and handing over all tasks that require LP to me. However, that was a pretty annoying experience, with her basicly never being able to chop wild trees or harvesting any plants or mine nodes. Her not being able to participate in basicly anything that is related to crafting in any way during the leveling process really overshadowed the experience.
And yes, I know that Trion decided to investigate that matter and hopefully, change it for the better. Let's hope they just get rid of the identifying mechanic. It's totally absurd anyway that we can not see the stats of items when we have to select quest rewards... -_-

Well, we managed to fix the problem through my loyality building up over the next days. As labor potions are a loyality item, I funneled all my loyality into labor potions and traded them over. Worked pretty good, actually. Most of the time when she managed to deplete her LP, I had enough loyality to buy another labor pot. I couldn't use any for myself, but I didn't need them anyway.

2) farming

When she found out she couldn't place her scarecrow, that was a real downer. Almost to the point of her quitting the beta. Luckily, we learned about the family system, which made up for that pretty good. I quickly leveled a twink to place a second scarecrow garden and supplied her with full access rights to use freely. At a later point, I placed a third one just because I never ran out of LP anyway and could afford it. Three scarecrow gardens were enough for us - again, as casual gamers - to get everything we needed. It kind of turned out to be somewhat of a farmville experience, playing two hours on the afternoon and then checking on the crops and trees again before going to bed. If timed right, we managed to farm two 8 hour growth cycles per day.

Having to level a twink just to place a second and third scarecrow was pretty weird, however. I think they should just allow us to place all possible scarecrows (up to the server limit) with one character. It only takes some hours to level a twink so the one-per-character limit isn't in any way limiting. It's just an additional annoyance that breaks immersion having to do the relog-cycle to pay all taxes.

3) housing

As we planned to share a house anyway, f2p wasn't limiting us here in any way. I just bought the small house and placed it once I found a cool plot. I took my time to explore all the areas finding an optimal spot and even discovered several hidden housing plots. ... and took a note on a neat hidden spot I will go for on release.

I plan to place a bed inside the house on the next beta so we can try out if that 'in-bed-LP-recovery' manages to fix the LP problem for her. My bets are it won't, but it might be a nice daily bonus.

The cool thing about sharing a house is, that she had a lot of gilda stars leftover for other stuff. Like the clipper. It's actually a cool thing that F2P is not limited when it comes to construction stuff that doesn't require land. So we managed to get both the clipper and a house pretty early in the game - after turning our gardens into forests.

4) the cash shop

The cash shop was actually pretty weak imho. Nothing really interesting to find there. Only a few costumes and some ugly glider skins we weren't interested in. And some materials and stuff we didn't really need so far. Some cool mounts, but meh, is that really everything?
Trion really needs to request more stuff here from the developers. So far, I don't see any personal reason for me to use the cash shop aside from buying patron passes for credits and LP potions for loyalty.
The only thing worthwhile was the inventory expansion. I bought 4 of them with my founders credits and traded 2 of them over to my girlfriend and never had inventory issues anymore (using the warehouse on a regular basis to drop stuff like saplings and seeds).


Playing Archeage as a patron + free-to-play duo actually works pretty good currently and is possibly the most fun way to get the most out of the game with only limited time and money. With labor potions available in the loyality shop, you can get one potion every 5 days for your free-to-play friend. Sharing farms and houses works great and provides the free-to-player with everything he needs to participate in the crafting part of the game just fine. LP is scarce, even with labor potions, but that's alright considering it's free-to-play.

So all I can say is: if you want to play Archeage with a friend, but don't have the money to pay for two patron accounts, split the cost and only pay for one. It works!
That is, if you are a casual player. In case you play for more than 3-4 hours per day, LP might be much more limiting to you.

However, if you don't have a friend to play Archeage with and don't want to pay for patron either, chances are you won't have any fun. A guild might give you access to farmland, but that won't really help unless you farm gold constantly to buy labor potions. And only time will show how good that works...
I surely hope labor potions stay in the loyality shop. It's a great mechanic to improve the economy that people are able to sell these on the auction house. As loyality shop mostly has crap stuff nobody needs, I think there will be a healthy market on labor potions (with affordable prices for f2pers) provided by casual patrons who don't need all the LP.

So it really looks like the farming/housing is unlikely for the F2P player because of the limited LP gains. But that can be worked around if you do know a patron or even get into a guild as i'm sure alot of those have patrons in them. So i wouldn't necessarily call this a P2W game, but a pay to experience to whole game, unless you got friends.. always good to have friends

Edited By Stranger on 1408452322
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Post by Troy »

That account is confusing to me. I thought everyone got Patron status for these beta events?

Another edit: I swear I saw labor potion for sale for 50 gold. 1,000 labor for 50 gold seems a rip off, but if you are in dire need as a F2P person to finish your house or something....

vvv well dang, now I feel dumb, mystery solved

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Post by Stranger »

Troy wrote:I thought everyone got Patron status for these beta events?
No, beta access was just a F2P account
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Post by Leisher »

Stranger wrote:So it really looks like the farming/housing is unlikely for the F2P player because of the limited LP gains. But that can be worked around if you do know a patron or even get into a guild as i'm sure alot of those have patrons in them. So i wouldn't necessarily call this a P2W game, but a pay to experience to whole game, unless you got friends.. always good to have friends
Wow. If that was "pro-ArcheAge" I'd hate to see him write a "con-ArcheAge" article. That was mostly negative. His good times were due to the fact that he paid for the game and was playing with his girlfriend. Meanwhile, her experience was vastly different.

I would absolutely call this a P2W game, and that post proves it.

Look, that's not necessarily a bad thing. If the paying players can share the wealth, and make life easier for non-paying members, great. However, I wouldn't assume that you'll find an in game sugar daddy, and even if you do, I'm sure he'll expect a little something-something for his cash. Even if he doesn't, you're going to feel like you owe him/her.

Listen, I can justify the cost of the game. When we played UO monthly subscriptions were all the rage. So translated to those dollars, $50 is 5 months. $150 is 15 months and we played UO a lot longer than 15 months. Although, only 90 days of Patron status for $150? That seems steep... Yes, I realize you get a lot of other stuff with it, but still.

That's not the issue. Also, the game is fun. However, to my F2P ass it was a lot of fun, but felt like nothing more than an RPG that a lot of other people were playing through at the same time. As I stated earlier, it felt like SW:G.

Meanwhile, his P2W ass is placing houses, building gardens, etc. Things I can't do until I either fork over real money or, and I base this on assumptions made about marketing material I read, play the game long enough so that I can buy Patron status using in game money.

That's all meaningless though. Why? Because I don't even know what kind of game I'm playing yet. I am completely in the dark regarding the PvP, and in your own words, "It's all about the end game."
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Post by Stranger »

So since you have bought the silver founders pack you get patron status for the beta events? am i right?

also, can you play on beta when the closed beta events are over?
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Post by Troy »

I did have patron status, 3k cash shop coins, and the labor regen rate had me at the labor cap(5,000) near constantly. I can only play in the beta events though. I'm surprised they are still having this many betas really.

I think the game's NA release is basically imminent. They are doing some serious stress tests and the servers seem to be doing great. Supposed to be 2x the people in this next (long) beta.

And Leisher's right - 150 bucks is a ripoff for what you get. Unless you really care about the magic items and founders stuff. Which if I understand things right, can be replaced by better crafted stuff as soon as you have the gold to buy it.

The big thing the founders get is the 4 day headstart. Which seems a bit OP.

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Post by Stranger »

i agree, the $150 is absurd. i'd consider the silver but am more interested in maybe just becoming a patron after release. Which i believe is going to be $15/month. And i don't know how or if you will be able to pay that off with in game currency nor how that will work and if it will even be attainable if your a casual gamer.

So, i also have my reservations about the game myself. I'm not trying to put only positive spins on the game, but i do have high hopes for it as of right now. I'm just trying to figure out more info on whats going on and bouce it off you guys to see what your opinions are.
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Post by Troy »

I think i'll be an elf on release. The elf starter forest area was pretty quiet and there were trees everywhere. The basic level house requires 300 logs. So people are gonna need trees. Easy way to make money or use them yourself.

How was the Eastern Continent?

Holy table breaking map, Batman. Here is a game world map (linked because It messed everything up)

On the west side, I started in Solzreed, spent a lot of time in the Lilyrut Meadows, the Gweonid(elf) forest, and the big city I saw was Marianopole. Two Crowns looks like a sexy housing district.

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Post by Leisher »

I picked the Asians because of their crafting bonuses, but never really used it.

My mount was the worst in the game. It's like a Chinese dragon with the flat round face fucked a Tauntaun. Plus, it was slower than Stranger's wolf.

I'd be ok with switching to an elf. Do the races matter once the PvP starts? Is all PvP this side versus that side or can there be a free for all like the UO days?
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Post by Troy »

From what I understand:

Outside of the newbie zones (which we never left, unless someone went out to sea and didn't report it) anyone can kill anyone. BUT "green on green" faction killing will eventually turn you into a perma(?) red (like UO). You can also go to jail for it. Killing the other faction doesn't have consequences, and the red named people you see are from the other faction.

Don't care which faction we start with, but I''m not being a furry. Totally fine with Asian.

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Post by Troy »

Saw you can buy custom clothing today with images you create. Meaning I can put a large phallic symbol on the sails of my boat, or my cloak, and everyone else will have to DEAL WITH IT. I can see this being abused.

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Post by Stranger »

Here is a little bit more interactive map with some more detail.

I never realized just how big the world is. i started out in the middle of the eastern continent of Haranya by Winds Promise then the story took me westward towards Tiger's Eye, near where Leisher and i just happened to run into each other. When i went on my little journey we went west some more and ran into the big city, City of Towers. I continued west and eventually ran into the shipping docks in Austera. This part of the map has a middle eastern look to it and is barren and wide open. I continued west and stumbled upon a lot of the housing districts that i had mentioned before, this was in Halo Rise.

I never even knew that there was more to be explored to the south, north and east of where i originated, much less two other continents! The map is HUGE!

I think it would be a good idea for all of us to pick the same continent to start on, that way we could help each other out much easier. I wouldn't mind being an Elf and seeing the western continent
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Post by Troy »

Nice find, that map owns.
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