Rust - A thread for dying

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Post by Troy »

Courtesy Penny Arcade and Malcolm:
You must understand; after spawning and being pulped or shot through at range or shaken down for medkits and then killed, that nine millimeter pistol was like finding Excalibur. If somebody runs at you from the woods, and they value their time differently from a normal person and will chase you indefinitely, that’s it for you. They’ve essentially taken all the time you spent getting to that point, which we may rightly call Incremental Murder. There should be a legal framework that metes out punishment for this. But if you have a gun - however you came to acquire it - you might as well be fucking Saruman. You don’t even need bullets. All you have to do is have the gun out, and wherever you point it, things are altered. Somebody ran at us from the woods with a rock out, and we enunciated our position with supreme clarity vis a vis our pistola. They took off their pants, set them on the ground, and ran away.


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Post by Troy »

Came back after work dead and with my house emptied and missing a wall. Fucking jerks. I thought I was playing on a non-sleeping server (when you log off you log off, but apparently not)


I thought I had taken precautions, but I guess not, this game is brutal. Do not recommend to everyone.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

So someone busted through your metal door?
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Post by Troy »

Ignored the door, and put at least 3 explosive charges on my wall.

Seems a little messed up, as I usually take all my good stuff and then log out as a way to prevent the worst from happening. But I woke up dead, which is confusing, as I didn't log off dead.

When I logged on they were talking about hackers in chat, could have been that.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I was going to mention that there's a very high probability of exploits being exploited.
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Post by Leisher »

Came back after work dead and with my house emptied and missing a wall. Fucking jerks. I thought I was playing on a non-sleeping server (when you log off you log off, but apparently not)

This could be a deal killer for me.

I've got no issue with losing stuff while I'm on, but losing stuff offline is stupid. Losing them to exploits is even worse.

Took the UO team a while to get houses locked down to where folks weren't using exploits to rob them.
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Post by Troy »

The game is still truly in Alpha, so I'm giving it a lot of leniency in that respect.

It's not going to stop me from playing, but I know other people won't feel the same.

Definitely making sure i play on a "non-sleeping" server next. Maybe a second stash house, too. I had the wood for it.
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Post by Leisher »

I had the wood for it.


The game is still truly in Alpha, so I'm giving it a lot of leniency in that respect.

The alpha part is what's killing me for this game, Day Z, and the other one with the "7" in the title.

As has been stated, there are HUGE drawbacks in joining a game at alpha.

How many people are on the server?

Rust is doing well in sales...

That might actually give it an edge over others in the genre.
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Post by Troy »

That's awesome, but it makes sense.

DayZ was not for me at all. You couldn't craft anything or really make a mark on the world.

Rust is just fun. I think the alpha base game here is fun enough to be something special down the road. Might as well get in it early.

I think the other 7 one is non PVP? Not 100% though.

There are a lot of servers. There could be a DTman server. They are max 200 people. I have avoided servers that were bigger than 50 before this point. I found a brief respite from dying on a brand new Brazilian server where I couldn't communicate with the locals but they left me alone... maybe?

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Post by Troy »

Also my huge mistake was that I had three bases worth of resources in a small cabin. I could have built a sufficiently defended base but didn't. I caught people looking in my house a bunch of times.

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Post by TPRJones »

I find the idea of Rust interesting. I'm not much for PvP, but I do love me some crafting. I wouldn't want to solo Rust due to the PvP factor, but I'd be likely to join in with a gang of players I knew and do some building projects from time to time.

But maybe not until it at least hits beta rather than alpha.
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Post by TPRJones »

Oh, which reminds me that perhaps I should mention Wurm Online, the game Notch was working on before Minecraft. It's like Rust but super crafting heavy and you can totally remake the landscape if you are so inclined. There is PvP, more so on some servers than others, but I played on a server that was very light on PvP.

But it can be very very time intensive. I played hard-core for a solid three months, and I still hadn't gotten done even a tenth of the potential crafting I wanted to do. Probably not a good choice of game for most people here, but hard-core crafting wonks should check it out.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Even when this game goes Gold, it will have exploits that people cheat with. That's unavoidable. Add the fact that you've got people who just want to grief and exploit until they are banned. To them, winning is ruining it for someone else. Not playing the game.

My prediction though is that Troy is tired of the game and done playing it WAY before it goes gold. When it does go gold, he'll jump in and play because it's gold. He'll see most of the same stuff he always had and grow tired of it quickly again. Troy has short game life cycles.
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Post by Troy »

I burn hot like a flame, baby.

I do always come around again though.

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Post by Troy »

Found a brand-new quieter texas based, non L33t PVP server and am making a much bigger base at the same mountain spot. It will take a lot lot lot of explosives to get to me when i'm done.


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Post by TPRJones »

Here's an interesting bit about the flavor of this game:
I don't recognize the person I become when playing Rust alone.

By necessity, to survive, you have to become the most untrusting, paranoid fuck possible. It consumes you. Suspicion is paramount. You adopt a shoot-first, ask questions later mentality, and any attempts to do otherwise are met with disaster more often than not.

As an example, over the weekend I was playing, and I found an abandoned two-story player structure tucked inbetween some rocks in a valley. The location was decent, and it only had one entrance, so I decided to set up base there for a bit. I crafted and installed a door (doors can only be opened by those who place them), making the base mine. I then built two additional doorways, one at the base of the stairs and one at the top, to provide additional security against anyone trying to raid me.

Finally, I started my house in the remaining space on the top floor. Campfire, furnace, sleeping bag, storage crates. Everything I would need to start accumulating gear.

One evening after nightfall, I opened my front door and found another player running around naked in the field ahead of me. When he saw my door open, he began heading my way, and I immediately fired an arrow in his direction. It passed inches from his face, and he stopped, yelling that he had just started on the server and didn't have anything. He meant no harm. He asked if I had any food.

I told him to back up, then I stepped out of my house and tossed some grilled chicken down for him, and then ducked back inside my house. He thanked me, I wished him luck, and he was on his way. A short while later he came back, and asked if he could trade me some raw chicken for some grilled chicken. I was happy to help, we exhanged pleasantries, and he left again.

The next time I saw this guy, he was with three other friends, and they were attaching C4 to the door of my house.

I managed to duck upstairs and close my additional doors before they came in guns blazing. I sat there listening to them hack away at each successive door with their hatchets, getting closer to my inner sanctum. I was trapped, there was no way to get out, so in a final act of desperation, I took what lumber I had and crafted wood planks, which I then turned into a wood wall.

I placed the wall between me and them, creating one final little compartment of isolated space in my house, a panic room, if you will. Doors can be chopped down with some 200 hits of a hatchet, but walls require C4. They were going to kill me and take my stuff, but I was going to force them to waste another explosive charge to do so.

Since Rust allows you to claim "ownership" of land in a way, and create a somewhat defendable home, and also encourages you to stick to the server you chose, it creates a sense of community unlike anything DayZ does. Where you choose to live, and who you live near, creates an entirely unique gameplay experience and entirely new set of choices each time.

Unfortunately, I now open my door for no one. Instinct tells me to be helpful to my fellow players, experience tells me put a bullet in their head and keep walking. If I see other players out gathering or huting, I give them a wide berth. At night, I'm holed up in my little fort, shotgun trained on the door, listening for raiders. I try not to kill naked players... there's no gain, and getting started can be hard enough. So I'll let them pass. I'll chat briefly with some of them... some of them seem really nice. They ask if I'd like to team up and play together.

Sure. Sure I do. But I will not, because I cannot trust you. Maybe we could be friends... right up until the moment I turn around, and you bash me in the head with a rock so you can steal my stuff.

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Post by GORDON »

Sounds like a nice little "end of civilization" simulator. Except horrible.
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Post by TPRJones »

Sounds like how I play Minecraft online when I'm on a public server. I go off into the wilderness and everyone I see is greeting with suspicion. And I set traps all around my house. Deadly evil traps.
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Post by Troy »

Everyone is friendly on the new server so far, and I haven't gotten shot at yet.

Did have to cock the shotgun(it's loud) and verbally challenge a few times to get people to shoo away from my building site before I had my big perimeter fence up, but that's to be expected with its current location. I found what passes for a rifle tonight. The new base even without my planned sniper tower would require a massive amount of explosives to get through to my safe room. I guess it's 6-7 metal doors in the way?

Standing offer to outfit and protect anyone that wants to give it a go :)

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Post by Troy »

GORDON wrote:Sounds like a nice little "end of civilization" simulator. Except horrible.
People who this game is clearly not for:

Gordon, Cakedaddy

That story sounds awesome. When is the last time you legit got adrenaline from a game?
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