
For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I can't find any builds for her online and I've spectated one game with her in it. I don't see anyone playing her. No one can figure out her role.

I did some bot games to learn her abilities. She's HARD to play. She has 6 different abilities depending on what form she's in. Scooty says "So like Nidilee.". My answer, sort of, except way harder. With Nid, she's either throwing her spear and healing/traps. Or she's a cougar melee with some burst damage speed boost stuff. For the most part, she's point and click. With Elise, you have a ranged mage with a missle attack, a stun and a fire and forget homing exploding spider. So, three ranged mage attacks. As the spider, you have a short diving jump attack that does damage. A AS boost/heal ability and a long range airborn attack. So, as the spider, she's a full on melee closer attacker. As a mage, she's a full on ranged mage with a full compliment of mage spells. Learning two full characters at once.

Her ability bonuses are either AP or based on the target's current health. In both forms, her Q gives a bonus based on target's current health. The more they have, the more she does. So, it scales DOWN as they take damage. Her as human gives AP bonus and her spider basic attack is AP bonused. So, ya. How do you build her?

My first build was full AP, as that's what the recommended items imply. Was somewhat affective. Barely won a bot game with two teammates. Have to learn to switch between forms on the fly to utilize all of her stuff. She has very short cool downs (<15s each). Can switch forms every 5-7 seconds. So, I can lead as the mage with a stun, homing spider and missile attack. Then switch to spider, rappel, AS boost and Q jump attack. Switch back to human form for another stun, homing spider (depending on how fast the fight is and cool downs) etc. The spider has +10 movement, so I'd run away as the spider. But, the human has a stun. So, I'd go human, throw the stun, switch back to spider, etc. Back and forth.
I want to stun, go human.
I want to hit harder/faster, switch to spider.

My next build was AD. I lose out on the AP bonuses on stuff, but with the added movement and attack speed from the Phantom Dancer, plus a fully built Bloodthirster, I was scoring WAY more kills.

Now, after reading her abilities more, I'm reminded that she gets an AP bonus on her basic attack when in spider mode. Since my spider mode has the attack speed ability, that's the form I'm in most when attacking. So, an attack speed/AP build might be optimal.

I believe, and I could be wrong, that if I can figure out an effective build for her, she'd give us a huge advantage. Since no one plays her, no one will know how to play against her. And if I can be effective in battle, well, we might have an advantage.

So, I'm still working on it. I'll let you know how the AP/AS build goes. Have to figure out what that even means though!

Oh, and I was jungling with her. Forgot to take smite, but she still did very well. Was able to clear the whole jungle with no smite and a strong leash on blue. Once I had the red gloves, it was VERY easy to jungle.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Tried an AP build, but hard to say how effective it is. Definitely diggin' the higher attack speed and mobility from the phantom dancer. I got so far ahead in levels that I could insta pop anyone on the other team. So, again, hard to say how real the damage is.

MUCH more comfortable with switching forms to have access to the spell I need at any given time. Will be playing some random games soon.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Played a couple of real games with her. First one was a failure. Whole team got rolled. So couldn't do much with her. It was pretty much an 'all in the middle' type game early on. And since they were way tankier and had range, we couldn't hold them.

Second game was better. The teams were pretty even, so I could do more. In both games, I can gank very early. She does really well in the jungle. I can clear it and stay full health the whole time, with potions. By the time I take red (I start at blue), I have all of my abilities and can air drop in on a target. However, my damage is not that great yet. But we can at least send them home to heal.

It's taking time getting used to having 6 spells at my disposal. Getting better, but still not 'pro'. Only problem is, none of them do a ton of damage. So it takes time to do all the damage I can. But, it's nice to have someone on the run and always have something you can throw at them. There's always at least one spell cooled down.

Not feeling the traditional 'new champ op' thing yet. But that's mostly because I'm still not very good with her. But at least I ended the second game with a positive k/d ratio. But, they had one disconnect, so they weren't even teams.

Not giving up on her, but not overly impressed yet either.
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Post by Leisher »

Riot's video of her seems to indicate she should be jungling.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

That is how I play her. Just haven't unlocked her op'ness.
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