Maokai - AP Tank CC

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Post by Cakedaddy »

Passive allows him to heal with his auto attack when spells are being cast around him. After 5 spells have been cast around him (his own, enemies, friendlies) his next basic attack will heal him for 7% of max health. In team fights, ever basic attack is healing him for 7% due to all the spells being spammed.

Q=Kock back/slow - If the enemy is close enough (right next to), he will be knocked back and slowed down. Otherwise, it's just a slow.

W=Jump/Stun - I will jump onto the enemy and stun them. Holds them for 1-2 seconds.

E=Presents. You've seen them and know them.

R=Cookies! Absorbs damage for you, then releases it back onto the enemies.

I feed my presents first and foremost. They are my laning harassers and minion finishers. I can keep the enemy at bay and farm the shit out of minions. Second I max my Stun.

My main goal in life is to hold the enemy still so they can be killed. I open with my stun, run into position so I can then use my knock/slow and push them towards my friends. No where near as big a push as Alistar, but, it's something. I will put my cookies where I think the fight is heading so we can use those. I activate them as the enemy is leaving. So, follow my lead. I will stun the target, you guys beat the shit out of them. By the time that one is dead, my stun is cooled down and I'm on the next one.

All of my abilities have short cool downs.

Playing against him. Hmmmm. He can feed, even if you try to stop him. I don't really know what his weakness is. If you look, I normally have a pretty low death count in any game. Unless we are just getting train wrecked and getting ganked. So, don't know of a good way to kill him. However, neutralize his presents by keeping minions between you and the presents. If he throws one at you, run to the other side of our minions so the present explodes on our minions instead of you. They are hard to out run. You can, but you have to run way far away. I guess the thing to remember when fighting against him is his damage output is relatively low. You may not kill him because of his high health, but, you can get away from him too. So, lane right next to him. He doesn't have a finisher. Just watch out for the stun/gank combo.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Last night, I was laning against an Alistar and Zin at top. They weren't very good though. But, mid game, it was Zin and me as everyone else was else where. We were both full health and just farming. I decided to put some pressure on him to see if I could make him fall back and break his farming. So, I stunned over too him, threw a present and hit him with my slow. That right there took him to half health. I was surprised. He hadn't done much of anything to me yet. He started hitting back. I turned on my cookies and kept hitting him. My hits didn't do much. But my stuff cools down fast and was able to hit him with my stun and slow and throw another present. This took him pretty low and I was still at about 75%. He started running. As he neared the edge of my cookies, I activated them and he took a pretty good hit. He was about about 10% health. I kept chasing. He went under his turret and I followed him in stunning him. A present and slow ability later, he's dead and I'm running out from under their turret. I was at half health when all was said and done. I was fed WAY more than him, but, I messed him up pretty good.

Point is, mid/late game, he can hit. You can still get away from him, etc. So, lane next to him. But, if he makes a move on you, fall back. Don't play with him, especially if his cookies are up. Zin didn't do anything to me in there.

Playing against him, he's slow. If you can hit hard and have some stuns/slows, you can kill him. That's how people get me. Their nukes and stuff don't normally kill me. But, a stun/slow will allow you to chop me down. Fastest I'll ever be is the +3 boots. I don't take any other items that affect my speed.
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Post by GORDON »

We got our asses BEATEN last night by the best, most effective Moaki we have ever seen. He was so good that we were literally cursing Cakedaddy for his passive, shitty Moaki.

This guy. He led his team in kills. Here's his build and his stats.


He was going his electric-rush thing, immediately hitting Singed for half his health, then his buddy came in flashing her knives and the cookie circle came up and they were instant death. This guy had 9 kills. We couldn't do a thing to stop him. Cake sucks.
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Post by Leisher »

His presents were hitting Teemo for 25% of his health at a time. If he did his "fly across the screen and stun you" thing, you were dead, almost immediately. He was crazy good, and had the perfect build.

I don't think any of us have found that "perfect build" for any of our characters yet.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I have considered going full AP with him as well. But he's my only tank character, and that's how I've played him. Kat's knives are VERY deadly. So if you were getting hit by her as well, then obviously she was doing half the damage and Maokai was just kill stealing.

I'd be happy to go full AP with him to see what happens. Late game, even with my tank build I start killing people. More often than not, when solo topping, I can almost kill my opponent. He gets away cause I don't build for speed and I normally have half my health left. If anyone ganks, it's almost a sure thing.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Just finished as a full AP Maokai. I think this build is so effective because they just aren't expecting it. "Holy shit he's hitting for a ton!". But also, their Udyr was HORRIBLE and their Cho didn't seem that good either. Over all, it seems their team was bad. They surrendered at 32 minutes with a 26/11 kill score. I went 5/0/4.
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