League of Legends - Trumped up Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Post by Cakedaddy »

FINALLY won a game. Singed, Noc and Veigar. We played against Yi, Nunu and Pantheon. Pantheon was giving me trouble early game with his poking spiky move and his spear throwing. But, I've learned that with champs like that, I run above and hang out with the dragon. They don't know I'm there, but I gain all the XP from my minions killing theirs. I obviously am not getting the gold, but I'm not falling being in levels either. It works really well. I still get a decent farm though too. Especially if they are being smart and letting the minions fight and take last hits. By the time his minions got to our turret, I was able to use spells and stuff to kill them outside of turret range and get a lot of gold. He'd still hit me, but not enough to make it dangerous. Singed and Viegar where holding their own, I think. We traded a few ganks as well. Eventually, Yi ended up top and Panth went bottom. Yi was trying to farm the jungle as I started. I'd pick my fights and try to get him. Won 3, lost 2 fights. Then a couple of team fights later, I had a slight edge after getting some key items. Then he couldn't fight me any more. I could easily take him 1v1. And with him dead, the rest were easy to handle.

That being said, there was one team fight where they aced us. We came down to hit one of them, but they wandered off before we got there and then there was another in site, so we swtiched, then reverse that again. So, anyway, they were presenting gank opportunities and we were trying to grab one. By the time we initiated, we had missed the window and it was a 3v3 that we ended up in about .5 seconds after starting to try to gank Nunu. It was over pretty quickly. Nunu was dead and Singed was running from a fully healed Yi with Noc and Viegar dead. Gordon fell quickly to Yi. It was a 3 to 1 exchange. We took their tank and they took our whole team. I of course pointed out in chat "That's what happens when we focus their tank, and they focus our squishies". You can argue that our squishies were too close to the fight or something. But, the tanks locked and Panth and Yi both used abilities and were on Viegar and I before we had a chance to lock a spell. In the confusion (Nunu was the target), we were dropping spells on Nunu because we didn't even have time to change targets. They killed us FAST.

So, ya. Our tanks lock, their two melee jump the line and focus me, then Veigar. It was all over in about 4 seconds. But, at least we got their tank. Oh, we lost two turrets in that fight as well as their carries pushed without their tank.

But, luckily it was one of those games where as long as we didn't do anything stupid like that again, we were going to win. We had them pinned back in their base, we are farming hard, and then we take their bottom lane. Singed and Veigar go top, I went to carry our minions in from the bottom. Fighting started at top and Yi came down to stop me. I chewed him up pretty quickly and hit him with my spell on his steps to kill him. Veigar died. I killed their nexus turret while the fighting was still going on up top. I'm guessing Singed was almost dead and they weren't paying attention. I was hitting their Nexus when Nunu showed up. I was contemplating suiciding the nexus, but figured it would be better to make another run after healing instead of waiting to respawn if I failed. He charged after me. Between me and the minions, he was dying. He popped a heal while running to his stairs. I caught him and killed him. Finished the nexus.

From this story, it sounds like it was all me baby! But it wasn't. This is just what I saw. :-) Best bit of team work I've seen out of us in a while.

Scooty played Viegar well, but, we couldn't use him to his full potential. At this point, I know when Gordon is playing Singed, he's going to be doing his thing. The same thing he does every game. So, I anticipate and try to compliment it. With Scooty, it was always a surprise stun circle that change the dynamic of the fight. So, I'm starting to click to get away from a fight that I'm going to JUST lose. Then BAM, the enemy is stunned. Oh, shit, double back and try to get the last hit in before he last hits me kind of thing. Having a regular Veigar, I would grow to anticipate the circle rather than be surprised by it buy myself an extra fraction of a second to take advantage of the advantage. Plus, I forget about Veigar's spells. Yay! They're stunned! I'm going to go for that hurt one. Then I see the hint that Viegar's nuke spell is coming to finish him. But, I'm not used to it and don't REALLY notice it. Just as I get to the enemy, BOOM, he's dead. Oh, nice, now I'll hit this other hurt one. Stun is over and they are running. Being able to see who Scooty is hitting and anticipating that champ is going to die, I can focus on the next one and start to fear/stun and do damage on them. So, point is, learning flow and stuff with teammates playing familiar champions is invaluable.

By the way, I'm going to make sure he reads this since I'm kind of preaching to the choir right now.

It was a good game.
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Post by Leisher »

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Post by GORDON »

I just worked out a Singed build that, when fully built, gives me 650 AP that keeps climbing, 950+ point flips, and melee attacks that do 250-400+ damage.
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Post by Leisher »

Patch today.
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Post by Leisher »

Last night wasn't totally frustrating. I'll take 3-1 every time.

What did suck was the last game, and as I stated, I think we got a little complacent after rolling through the first three teams. We had guys chasing for kills, running out from under our turret, we weren't pushing as a team, there was very little ganking for our team, not a lot of team work, etc.

I knew we were losing that game as soon as I saw their team. There was just something about it that told me they knew what they were doing. That was a game where we needed to live, not get kills, but we failed. We were too aggressive, and playing very individual games.

The bright side is everyone seemed to agree, so I think we can make the proper adjustments.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I don't like the excuses.

"We could have used you in the middle instead of at blue"
"We were dead and couldn't get there."

If you could get to blue, you could have gotten to us. Why they decided to get blue instead of helping two teammates in a fight is beyond me.

I was not without mistakes. But I'm not going to make excuses.
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Post by Leisher »

By the way, I did see an interesting counter strategy for jungling in a YouTube video.

Essentially, you have 3 of our team go into their jungle and kill their ghosts. Then we head back and do blue.

Odds are, they'll be at their blue, and if we steal their ghosts, I guess it fucks up their normal pattern of jungling and slows them down.

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Post by Cakedaddy »

Any time someone takes something from my jungle, it slows me down. But, it doesn't shut me down. The ghosts and wolves respawn very quickly. I kill the ghosts, then the golems, then the red buff, and by that time, the ghosts are there again. Taking their blue is the biggest thing. You take that, and they have mana issues. But that only slows them down a small amount too. Way more than the ghosts though. Making sure we get the blue is key though. And if we score a kill, then bonus. Any time I'm counter jungled like that, having my team respond and stopping them is mandatory. In fact, any time I've stolen the blue, it's been a whole team effort. All five of us have hid in the small patch of weeds in the water. After the blue spawns, we waited a couple seconds, then went in. We targeted the enemy champs, not the blue. Let them have that kill. If we kill them, we still get the blue. So enemy champs are primaries. Stun, slow and keep them from retreating to their middle turrets. But I'm down for trying it. And easier steal would be their red. No one ever protects the red.

Also, to get a small boost. If we aren't wrapped up in a blue steal event, our top lane should kill the golems as soon as they spawn. They should be able to have them dead before the minions make it up to the middle of that lane and they would respawn before the jungler made it over to them. So, the top lane would get a couple extra points of xp/gold.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Am I wrong trying to make Scootie play from a smaller pool of champions?
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Post by GORDON »

It's fun to play all the champions and experience different play styles.

On your own.

A professional baseball pitcher doesn't decide he is going to play 3rd base for a while, for a change of pace. Everyone has their specialty, and everyone on the team is expected to play their position.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Just played a TT with some randoms. I'm going to go ahead and say that I am an expert noc on TT. WRECKED the other team. Went top against Xin. Teammates Teemo and Talon took bottom against Nunu and Jax. Xin can beat me up early game with his jump hit, bounce hit stuff. So, I have to play cautious. I do my 'hang out with dragon for xp' trick and keep leveling with him. I get a good farm by stopping his minions just outside my turret range. He never engages because I'm too close to my turret. So I'm still getting decent last hits on minions. At level 4, I fight back. We both have exhaust and I let him use his first. I fear, etc and I just barely win. First blood. I continue to farm the minions and get my fast boots and lantern. Then I start owning the jungle. Xin never makes an attempt to counter jungle. I'm racking up the levels and gold. I kill Xin again. Bottom lane is holding their own, but Teemo is leading in deaths. I start making my way down for ganks and beat up the enemies down there very easily considering I'm almost twice their level. I don't kill them all, but they are retreating on sight now. I keep farming like a mad man and extend my level lead. When I hit level 18, the highest enemy is 13. The other two are 11. I can now fight two at a time and win. I start pushing turrets while the enemy tries to fight my teammates that are closer in levels to them. Game continues and we win. I went 8/2/3. Our total kill count was 12. What's awesome, are the stats. I did 200k points in damage. The entire other team did 150k. My teammates did a total of 95k. Farmed 12.3k in gold. Everyone else was 6.7k, except Jax at 4.7k (who said Xin sucked at the end of the game). I was level 18. Teammates were 15. Enemies were 13, 14, 15. Jax was 13 (who said Xin sucked).

I turret dove Nunu at the end. We were both full health, no minions either side. He did his ult, under the turret. Kept fighting. My life steal was healing about 75% of the damage I was taking. He started running toward his spawn. I started taking a lot of damage because I wasn't hitting him any more. My fear caught him as I got out of their inhib turret range. It's not hitting me and I heal off Nunu as I kill him. My teammates finish the turret I had been fighting under and we win the game after that.

I was awesome. :-)
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Post by Cakedaddy »

See post above. 3 more games just like it. Was called OP in one game. Another game I was asked if Noc got a buff recently.

7/2/1 - Game was over very quickly.
13/3/6 - I was "OP"
15/5/4 - "Did Noc get a buff?" : "Not that I'm aware of" : "Good job man" (That was from the enemy mid game).

A noc up top is as good as a Trynd up top. Ya, I said that.
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Post by Leisher »

Cakedaddy loves him some him.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

How long has Ionic Spark been in the game? +50% attack speed, 250 health and every fourth basic attack deals 110 magic damage to up to 4 targets. I'm going to be trying this with Noc.

And add two more games. One like the above games, the last one was a bit tougher. Was playing against a Volibear that gave me a run for my money. He was fast as hell and did a ton of damage. Plus he was so damn hard to kill with that healing thing he's got when he's low. So, I didn't get my mega level lead I normally do. But later game, I was able to take him and he was the only thing his team had. He stole the dragon from me mid game and said "Thanks for the dragon noc." So that just made me work harder with my team to make sure we won. They listened pretty well too. We were pinned in our base for a little while. Told them to stay under turrets, etc. Then me and Naut were able to kill Voli, then Lux. Shaco almost got away but I ulted for the ace. We pushed their base too hard. Took their middle turret, but they aced us back. Voli and Shaco charged our base but paused to clear minions. Just as they took out our inhib (the inhib turret had fallen a while ago), Naut respawned and was able to keep them off our nexus turret. We went back to defense. I was dropping wards all over the place so I had a good idea where they all were. I was in the upper jungle when Voli charged and was tanking our top inhib turret. I pinged him and saw Vayne responding. Saw Lux in the area too. I charged in when Voli was half health and between Vayne and I, he went down. I killed Lux lifestealing back to high health. Shaco got caught and we killed him pretty quickly. Then we ran for their base to hit their nexus. Naut went bottom for some reason. But Vayne and I killed the nexus pretty quickly. I of course thanked Voli for the win. At one point, a team mate said "Now what?" when we were getting split pushed. I gave some suggestions, they listened and we held them out of our base. Point being, they were good teammates who were willing to follow a leader. Rare when playing with randoms.

Post by 83-1330479420 »

My 5 Champions include:

-AD Carry

-AP Speed
-AP Burst

-AD Burst


-AD Carry


AP Poppy

AD Carry Poppy

AP Speed Veigar

AP Burst Veigar

Pantheon Burst AD

Still working on the others. Will post up when finished.
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Post by Leisher »

Tonight's lesson for our opponents: Don't talk shit unless you can back it up.
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Post by GORDON »

Leisher wrote:Tonight's lesson for our opponents: Don't talk shit unless you can back it up.
One of my fave wins ev4r.
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Post by 83-1330479420 »

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Post by Cakedaddy »

I like how we are responding to situations as a team. When one is in trouble, we react instead of continuing to do what we were using the excuse "I was too far away to do anything". We may not save everyone, but we often finish what our teammate started so it wasn't a total loss. There were only a couple instances where someone was left high and dry by a retreating teammate who didn't broadcast his actions. Someone's in trouble, tell them where to run so you can help. You are in trouble, call out your location so people can respond. Falling back from a fight, say it. Heading into a fight that someone just started, announce it so that person knows to keep fighting, even if they are losing, because they have backup coming. Etc. And, if you are pulling away to get a buff, clear another lane, etc, make sure your team knows. So they know they are a man short and they know where you are if you need help.

Our team responses to situations has REALLY changed things. Always respond. Even if you think it's hopeless. They may have a flash, or a ghost, or a heal, or the enemy might lag, or miss a spell, etc, etc allowing that teammate a couple extra seconds to run. But then, a response isn't always 'take on the whole other team by yourself to save him' either. :-) Create a presence giving them something to think about.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

AP spears WRECK opponents. As long as you can land them of course.
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