
For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Magic items and selling. . . I don't bother putting anything less than power on my vendor any more because other stuff just sat and sat and sat. Never sold. It got to the point where it wouldn't sell, even when it was only slightly above what I'd get selling it to an npc vendor in town. So, that's what I do now. Unless it has a magic affect on it. Like, deamons breath, mage's bane, ghoul's touch, etc. Those are going to be good for us to use in combat.

Same thing with armor. I don't try to sell anything that's less than fortified. Even fortified stuff takes a while to sell when priced at only a few hundered gold pieces.
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