I need help

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Post by Leisher »

Yep, known to only one of you unless he has loose lips (but that's a whole other subject), I have been playing Ultima Online. What can I say? All this TKV talk has gotten me nostalgic.

I wanted to keep it a secret for as long as I could so that I could develop my characters in peace and not be asked to war. The reality of my situation is that I've got infant twins and it's very, very difficult for me to commit to any length of time during the evenings.

That being said, I figured I could help TKV out in other ways and have been working towards that goal whenever I got the chance. However, I've hit a wall of sorts, and it's mainly because I've forgotten so much about the game. So let me run down my issues and if you can help, please do so...

My first character is named Herman. Herman is a GM miner (also GM Hiding as he has ZERO fighting skills) who is at 80 in Blacksmithing. He has a house just south of the mountain pass between Britain and where our forge was always located (now a tower). The house is on the Britain side and is just south of a guard zone. He has a bunch of the various colored ingots, but I'm running short on regular iron ones for training Blacksmithing (Although Leisher is out mining to build strength, I can always use more.) I've been thinking about what to do with Herman once he gets GM Blacksmith. I know I also want to give him the ability to deadly poison weapons, but I'm not 100% sure of that path. I also was thinking about tinkering? Thoughts?

I have no plans to ever put Herman into a fight, not even with monsters. My ultimate goal with him is three fold:
1. Get him trained up to be able to support TKV war efforts via blackmithing, poisoning, tinkering(?), and mining.
2. Aggressively market his "store" (a house with vendors) so that he becomes the financial backer for my characters and potentially take some of the burden off of May. If I can't commit to fighting at the moment, why not give support where I can, right?
3. Have a house in a remote location away from any other homes for TKV support efforts. Picture a house where TKV folks can recall to via a locked down rune hidden away in TKV tower. Once there, they dump their equipment into a secured chest and then leave. Herman gets logged on almost every weekday right now. He'd go to the house, make whatever repairs needed, re-poison equipment, etc. and then throw the equipment back into the secured chest where the TKV member can come back and get it.

Anyway, that's what I've been planning for him since I created him. Any help would be appreciated, including pre-built Razor macros or help with them.

My other character is, of course, Leisher. He's got 50 magery and spell resist, but he's not much of a fighter yet. I imagine he'd eventually be the one to come in and join the fun with TKV once my kids start going more than 3 hours without needing to eat. However, in the meantime, to keep the game from getting too boring just mining, I'd like him to be tough enough to explore the world, fight monsters, etc. He needs lots of training to get to the point where he can do well on his own. As of right now, he relies a LOT on spells to beat even a single orc. So any tips on what skills to train, how, and even assistance would be appreciated for him. Just FYI, back in the day Leisher was a tank mage. He could cast most spells, used a poisoned hally, and also was a good healer with bandages. If that model is still valid, I'd like to stick with it, but have forgotten how to build it efficiently.

Although, I've also toyed with the idea of building a dex monkey. Not sure which would be better for PvE adventuring (what I'll be doing mostly until the twins are more mature) and which is more needed by TKV for wars. You tell me.

Right now, Leisher is at 67STR (working on that via mining as I type this), 48 DEX, and 60 INT.

I'm not opposed to building another character to PvE or PvP or to develop whatever other support skills might be needed.

Anyway, all help is appreciated. My two immediate goals are to get Leisher into fighting shape so I can fight more than an orc and to get Herman GM Blacksmith and then on the road to poisoning.
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Post by Leisher »

By the way, how do you stack chests in houses?

Also, if I want to move my anvil, how do I remove it to reposition it?
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Post by Troy »

Buncha easy ways to get Leisher into fighting shape.

First question, whats the gold stockpile like.

If you have 20-30k to burn, it's super easy.

Basic Tank mage template is

Weapon Skill (TaZ is Mace)
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Post by Leisher »

Between all three (I have a third that I'm really doing nothing with at the moment) characters I have less than 3K in gold. I probably have another 2K in loot that I haven't sold yet.

I have more ore that's waiting to be turned into ingots and then female plate armor to be sold, so that's probably another 5K.

Money isn't exactly flowing in at the moment, nor do I expect it to until my guy hits GM blacksmith at which point I'll get a vendor or two.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I'll cover skills:

Healing requires Anatomy and Healing.
Magery: Magery, Eval (Damage bonus), Meditation (get your mana back)
Swords: Swords, Anatomy (damage bonus), Tactics

Everyone needs resist, unless you have NO plans to fight outside of town. Townies didn't have resist.

Hiding/tracking, up to you. We'd lose ALOT of chases without tracking. Hiding saves me on a daily basis.

So, having a magic based characters with swords and healing would be difficult without giving up a supporting skill or two.

May needed about 30-35k iron ingots to GM smithing, FYI.
Poisoning should be trained with alchemy. You need poison potions, and alot of them. So, might as well make them yourself. Buy alch and poisoning up, then start making poisons and applying them to your dagger. Start with lesser and move up from there. You will be able to make the next level potion before you can apply it, so make sure your poisoning catches up before going to the next level. By the time you hit GM alch, you'll have a poisoner in the upper 90's.

Tinker would go with carpenter. Most of the good stuff a tinkerer can make requires a decent amount of carpentry as well.

You stack chest by aiming right next to the first chest. Not on it, cause you'll put the chest in the other one. Too far away, and you put it next to the first. There's a thin line around the chest you hit to stack. You are putting the sedond chest on the same tile as the first, but not in it.

You can hit your anvil with any axe weapon and that destroys the anvil (double click axe, target anvil). The original anvil deed pops into your pack. This is being changed though. The anvil is supposed to be destroyed. Not sure when that change is going in.

Stratics is still a good source of information. It will just have a ton of new stuff added to it. There are guides in the forums at www.uosecondage.com as well.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

You can smelt the stuff you smith back to ingots as well. You only get half of them back, but, it's less mining you have to do. May smelted everything and used 30-35k ingots. If you sell everything, you'll have money, but you'll need at least another 10k ingots to GM.

If you are selling your stuff, there are players that sell ingots for around 6gp each. Not sure of the return you get when selling, but you might be able to buy ingots and not mine.
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Post by Troy »

For now, all the skills you want like magery and poisoning are going to be out of your price range.

Worth doing first though, is to figure out if you want him to be a Fighter or Mage.

The true hybrid class isn't extremely effective, so you'll probably want to pick either healing(bandages) or healing(spells) as your main way regaining health.

When you figure that much out, first things first is to get your stats in order! seesawing is the best, and usually takes a few hours.

The rest will depend on which way you want to go.
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Post by Troy »

Pretended I edited in "out of your price range for magery if you wanted to GM it in like 2 days".... you have plenty to get you started on getting good enough to make some steady income though.

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Post by Leisher »

What I'd love to be able to do is:

Herman -
1. Mining and blacksmithy I have covered in macros and such.
2. GM him in Alchemy and poisoning.

I'd like to do Herman's stuff while afk. That'd be ideal. However, I've figured out Razor a bit, but I think I'm doing stuff wrong. How do you specifically tell it to use items by type instead of a location?

Leisher -
1. Swords/Tactics are my priority. With him at 50 magery, that's great, but he's at 50 swords and is kind of a pussy. Is there a way to macro that?
2. What is the best macro for magery/spell resist? I assume meditation gets thrown in there too?

Feel free to swing by the house and visit. As for that house, IF I stick vendors on it it can't be a place for you guys to drop off your stuff for repairs if needed. I might wait until I can get a second house under Leisher and use that as my store. I really like my location right now for mining purposes. Plus, it's so close to the guard zone that it's rather safe. Very little traffic.
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Post by Troy »

Ok so, let's assume you want to do the magery thing first.

Make a third character. One that has say, 50 healing and 50... poisoning? or something. Give him 60 Str for max Hp for later.

Set him up in your house with another of your chars and set up a macro that does use skill anatomy on the other char and pauses for 7 second, repeat ... leave for 6-7 hours.

You'll then have a decent healer.

Buy/Make a shit ton of bandages. (500-750)

Since you want magery, buy lightning reagents 1k of each or so, and set up a macro on Leisher like
"If mana < 11 medidate for 20s .
Else, Cast lightning,
pause 2 seconds
target self
pause 1.0 seconds The second pause is needed because lightning is a delay spell, and will dispupt things.

Have your healer healing Leisher every 5 seconds while you do this.

Way to set that up (and to answer an earlier question)

Is record
dbl click (bandages)
Wait for Target
Absolute Target
Pause 5 seconds,

You can go back and right click the bandage line and do "convert to item type" which just make it use ANY bandages in the your pack, not just that stack.

Once you've exhausted your regs, keep a similar macro, only let your two characters fight using butcher knives or something. It's a slower gain on PCs, but it will still get you where you need to be.

Your healer just needs to sit there and heal himself, he doesn't even need to attack back. Suit him up in your heaviest crafted armor, and set the delay for a while so you don't waste bandages. (1.5m?) maybe less. Give him a shield too.

Go through a buncha bandages, and by the end of it you should have a character ready to at least do some basic adventuring, and will ahve gained some magery/resist/swords/tactics/meditation out of it. You will also be able to cast gheals with pretty much no failures, which will let you go hunting.

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Post by Troy »

Oh yeah, while your doing the long anatomy macro, you can have leisher do the same macro but for Evaluating Intelligence, the damage mod of spells.
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Post by Leisher »

Are you guys using multiple PCs for multiple accounts? I realize you're allowed three, but to log them in at the same time...

I'll setup some macros for tonight. I'll have to work my cash surplus back up before doing the magery/spell resist one.

As for Leisher, I'll drop one of the two healing or magery, but which one would you guys recommend? I'm thinking you're going to say drop healing...
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Post by Troy »

Healing, for sure.

And no, my computer can run three different razors at the same time and have no problems...
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Post by Leisher »

I just didn't know tht running multiple instances of razor was possible
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Post by Cakedaddy »

What is Leisher going to do? Mage with swords? Full dexer? Full mage?
Are you going to have hiding and/or tracking?

Once you know those things, you can figure out your template and recommend training macros and stuff.

I had Taran healing Alex while he trained magery. I started with ebolt though. Taran started with no healing. Might have bought it up at the beginning. I'm training my second Alex, same way, and I've burned through about 2k baids so far. So, grab wool EVERY time you see it. On the other hand, Gordon's got 10k baids. Maybe he could spare a few.

Early money for me came from creating a junk tailor and macroing fancy shirts. Sheer sheep, make shirts. Then I was killing liches when I could because tailoring got boring. Oh ya, almost forgot. I did alot of escorting early too. I actually ran around town and did it manualy via moongates. Made decent money doing that. Better money came when I could actually open gates. But escorting is low risk, easy money.

Setting up a shop. You MUST be in a high traffic area. If there's alot of foot traffic there, then give it a shot. Only way to make a low traffic house work would be to advertise it heavy on the message board in the trade forum. Then you could make it work.

As far as alchemy as a money maker. . . there's not much money in it. HUGE overhead buying all the regs, which is a pain in the ass. Not much mark up. I made one cause I wanted a poisoner. Real good markup on poisoned weapons though. Kats take 8 ingots to make (after fails, about 11). They sell for about 115 each. A single DP potion costs about 150gp (fail alot). That same kat sells for 500gp easily. A GH potion keg costs about 3k to make (unless you make your own kegs with high tink/carp, then -500gp). They sell, slowly, at 5k. Decent mark up, but, large investment, and hard to do in bulk. You have to buy a shit ton of regs to fully stock a vendor. So, large up front costs. Poisoning has medium up front costs with good return though. Mining has up front time costs (mining) with decent returns. So. . . that's what I know about that.

Leisher's starting skills. If you didn't start him with 50 magery, 50 resist, start him over. Those are the two most expensive skills to train. Everything else is very cheap (as far as combat. . .).
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Post by Leisher »

If I remember, he used to carry a hally and a katana, both poisoned. He also had enough magic to cast most spells.

If that's still a legit character to use here for PvE and PvP, that's what I'd like to build. What should his STR, DEX, and INT be? What should his GM skills be considering he'll use magic to heal?

Swords, Anatomy (for the damage bonus), Hiding, Tactics (again bonuses), Spell Resistance, and ?. I figure he won't need GM Magery, unless there's nothing better to put the skill points into. That's mainly what a tank mage needs, right?

The macro for anatomy will be easy, but what is the best way to train up swords?

And again, how does one get the razor macro to go by type, not location? I'm sick of altering the macro every time I start it up because my backpack has moved and it no longer can find the ingots.

Edited By Leisher on 1241843059
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Post by GORDON »

In your macro right-click on whatever item you are selecting, and choose "Convert to item TYPE."

I think that is what it says.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

If you plan to do magic damage, you might as well GM it as you'll need to invest 100 points into Eval Int to do damage. Magery is weak without eval int. Most people that was to kill with both magic and swords go with:

Eval Int

They do 100 str/int 25 dex. This means you swing really slow. I think most damage is magic, with swords/hally being an extra hit after spells and stuff. You'll have to master timers, macros, disarm/arm shit to use this template effectively. Otherwise, you'll swing even slower than you have to because you arm too soon, too late, start wrestling, etc.

I think. As you can see, that leaves no room for hiding or tracking. Most people fight without tracking/hiding. But, most people die to TKV. ;-)

If you want just enough magery to get around (cast recall) and maybe heal or something, you only need about 60 magery (you can recall with less, but you could fizzle).

A dexer template might look like:

magery/something else

Again, no hiding/tactics.

I'm a huge fan of hiding and tracking. Tracking gets us kills all the time. People go off screen all the time. Tracking keeps you following them. Hiding saves my ass all the time. Buys me time while backup is heading my way, or, the enemy misses me all together and just runs on, giving me time to heal/leave. Hiding helps TONS while fighting monsters as well.

Taz is VERY much a mobile hunter. Likes to go from place to place to place looking for PKs or other targets. He's probably not missing hiding very much. He's constantly asking me if I'm tracking anyone (actually, he keeps asking if anyone is on scanner. He also warps in. He 'rats. And tonight, he was doing some other Eve thing, but I don't remember what it was). Gordon and I are more a 'stalker?' style. We'll stage ourselves and set out bait. When we get a bite, we pounce. Our style can be boring, cause you might wait a while. Taz's is frustrating because you are bouncing around alot not finding anything. Plus you have to keep getting more recall regs. So, depending on what hunting style you are going to use will also influence your character.

Tonight, we'd hunt for a bit, then start doing other things. He was hitting treasure chests with his t-hunter. When he'd see a target, he'd get Taz and let me know via voice coms. I'd drop what I was doing and meet up with him. When the action died down, we'd go back to other stuff.

You have to remember that I *think* you quit UO before T2A. So, having high magery along with swords doesn't work as well as you might remember because combat skills require so many support skills.
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Post by Troy »

Ok, who do you have on scanner? I mean tracking, Oh, ok, he must have warped off... I mean... FUCK.
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