Trying new UO server - UO Gamers: Hybrid

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by GORDON »

UO Gamers: Hybrid

Observations, in no particular order:

- UO Gateway says this server has avg population of 836, 100% uptime. Judging by the banks I've visited, I believe it.
- Factions
- You gate hidden
- I saw reds
- No trammel.
- Stuff is expensive - horses 2k, store-bought katana and small shield 500
- 1k gold to start
- Hit points are calculated with that formula I don't remember... my character's strength is 47, hit points 73
- stamina drops fast when running, making you walk at 0 or 1 stamina

- aaaaaaaaaand.............. the server just crashed, and I'd done a ton of "setup" stuff since the last save. Bad omen.
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Post by GORDON »

- macro'd hiding overnight. It was cl'd at 8am, but my hiding was 98. Definately speeded up skill gain.
- People on the forums bitch about:
- gating peeps
- purple potions
- disarm theives
- in training, went aggrassive on 3 zombies in jhelom gy. had to pull back to heal. zombies followed. guards wouldn't come when called. zombies killed me in the street like a dog.
- saw peeps talking about blessed items... i don't know whether they meant sandals, or vanq spears
- 1 month play time = 1 year for vet rewards. Saw ethereal mounts.
- at death, all your gumps close, old schools tyle, pointlessly.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Holy shit. Is this the server you were talking about?!?!?

Hybrid ssssuuuuuuucks. It's crazy not pre:uor. Has all kinds of mixed up stuff. Thus, the hybrid title. "best of all the worlds" mentality. Best by who's definition? I was on this server at some point and lost interest pretty quickly. Same with Divinity and the other UO Gamers server. They have high numbers, but crazy admins. Reading message boards, I got a "Zen on crack" feel from them.

But if this isn't the server you were talking about, then never mind. Current server I'm playing on has me to damn near the same addiction level I felt back in the day. At least as much as Metro did. Forced myself to not play it today so I did real stuff. Have logged many many hours since getting home on Saturday.
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Post by GORDON »

I did like a few changes UOR brought, though. Just not the majority.
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