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Post by Leisher »

TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:17 pm Is it? The primary issue, imho, is tyranny of the majority, which we resolve through our constitution/laws,etc.
I truly do think it is too large. One thing about the U.S. that its detractors never discuss is our diversity and the issues that inevitably come from it. Yes, it is a huge strength, but we kind of suck in dealing with the drawbacks. Diversity in age, gender, race, population, geography, religion, etc. all have to be taken into account when really discussing this country.

I don't trust our government to adhere to the constitution these days. Look at how easily each party is ready to toss it aside to suit their needs. And the way the justice system has become so politicized.

I genuinely think our states should hold most of the power within their own borders, and the federal government should be more of a franchiser of sorts or an HOA. I can't claim credit for that idea though. I think someone else thought of it first. :D

If we were run that way, needs specific to certain areas would be a lot easier to address. The feds should help to keep all the states on the same page, but generally, should have far less power.
TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:17 pm They created a system that made 2 parties the ideal way to approach it. I do not know if that was their intent. I think one of their intentions was stability. (bi-cameral, staggered election years, etc).
The 2 party system would be great if it wasn't for the people involved. I really don't know what the fix is, but I know what we currently have isn't working because it is allowing party politics to become more important than constituent needs and desires. These idiot Rs not voting for the Jan 6th commission and the idiot Ds condemning their two Senate members that don't blindly vote along party lines can all rot in hell. They are the problem. They are the anchor around this country's neck.

Would a third party resolve this? Probably not, but it might make it less prevalent?
TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:17 pm Alright, tell me that process if you're from Nicaragua.
Go here.

I have no doubt that certain parts of getting citizenship need to be fixed and made more efficient. However, that does not excuse breaking the law. I'm sorry, it doesn't.

Now if you want to setup a program where illegals can apply for temporary visa/green card/asylum status while their permanent citizenship application is worked out, I'm 100% on board with that. They must meet certain requirements, of course, but that's win-win.

Listen, I don't want to bar entry, I just want people to come here and play by the rules. (And also accept they left their old country because the politics there are shit, so maybe don't vote for them here... I'm looking at you CA transplants!) Is that really too much to ask?

And just for the record, I'd be interested in revoking citizenship status for some people born here.
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Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:54 pm I genuinely think our states should hold most of the power within their own borders,
I think the pandemic showed how terrible that idea is. Also, Texas.
Leisher wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:54 pmGo here.
Sweet, now how many years do I wait to get rejected?
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Post by Leisher »

TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:08 pm I think the pandemic showed how terrible that idea is. Also, Texas.
Because the federal government was so much better at handling it? I think this and pretty much every other country, that has an actual population, proved otherwise. Not everyone is going to make good decisions. Some are going to be India, some New Zealand. Do we remove all power from them since they goofed on one thing? Maybe the current leadership yes, but not the power of the state itself.

Maybe we should take away people's freedoms while we're at it? The minute you make a single mistake in your life, the federal government completely takes over?

I fully expect some places to make tremendous mistakes that will result in people/businesses leaving that state. Hopefully, they will learn and not commit that mistake again.

I'll remind you that the federal government's success/failure track record isn't very impressive.
TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:08 pm Sweet, now how many years do I wait to get rejected?
Nice cherry pick skipping every thing that addressed this. Sometimes I think you work for FOX or CNN. :D

It's weird how every country in the world has pretty strict laws regarding illegal immigration, yet only the U.S. is ever taken to task over it, and we're the ones bending over backwards for our illegal visitors.
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Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:34 pm Because the federal government was so much better at handling it?
They would have been, had Trump not been a complete dumb ass.
Leisher wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:34 pm Nice cherry pick skipping every thing that addressed this. Sometimes I think you work for FOX or CNN.
Im just saying, you say there's a legal door, I'm saying it's not really open to those people.
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Post by Leisher »

TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:23 pm They would have been, had Trump not been a complete dumb ass.
As addressed elsewhere, I find that claim to be highly unlikely. Trump did about as shit job as possible, but I'm not convinced it wouldn't have been equally as bad or slightly better with any of these other asshats in charge.

They all want to get elected and shutting down the economy was no win for everyone.
TheCatt wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:23 pm Im just saying, you say there's a legal door, I'm saying it's not really open to those people.
I'm not saying there's a legal door. There IS and I posted a link to it. In fact, the people who use that door are pretty pissed at those who don't (as has been posted here at various times before).

Sure, not everyone has access to that, but that's why I offered a different solution.
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Post by Leisher »

Pelosi wants to form a House Dem-lead Jan 6th commission.

We need a commission, but it cannot be politically motivated. Ds cannot be the only people involved or the results would only be accepted by the converted. It'd be a complete waste of time.

Why not grab those Rs who voted Yes and work together to nominate a bipartisan commission of investigators who could then report their findings back to Congress?
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AOC's grandma's home was damaged by Hurricane Maria.

This lead to her posting pictures of the damage and using it to play politics about relief aid. That lead to Matt Walsh questioning why she would let her grandmother live that way and not do something to help. AOC responded with a really ill conceived response.

Side note: Who is Matt Walsh? Seriously. He's a blue check mark, but the only Walsh I know used to host America's Most Wanted.

Matt Walsh responds by starting a Gofundme for AOC's grandma that in 3 hours is about a hundred dollars short of has exceeded its $48K goal.


Do you think the grandma takes the money or do you think AOC will talk her out of it?
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AOC's family got the fund raiser shut down after it raised $104K by telling GoFundMe that they wouldn't accept the money.

AOC tried to save face claiming her grandmother is ok, even though she clearly said she wasn't in the original tweet, and she was just trying to raise awareness.

Maybe this $100K could have paid to help a lot of families in Puerto Rico and it shouldn't have been turned down? Or maybe you're just playing politics?
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Post by Troy »

Fuck AOC for cancelling the GoFundMe for spite. Imagine being that big of a hindrance for your grandma's wellbeing for petty bullshit.
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Post by Leisher »

The sad part is she is 100% right about the corruption in Puerto Rico blocking people there from getting aid. Unfortunately, her actions her have taken the focus off of that.

She's an idiot, and I hate saying this cliche shit, but such a typical politician.
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Post by Leisher »

Putting this here because the gov was a D, otherwise didn't know where to put it...

Former Tennessee governor was involved in the contract killing of a federal witness.

Everyone involved is dead, but this type of corruption should come with a mandatory treason charge.
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Post by Troy »

Historically not a fan of Omar, but the outrage over this statement seems a bit convoluted:

The point seemed to be that everyone on the list committed some pretty bad shit.

Is that really up for debate? The USA has destabilized governments from South America, to the Middle East, to Asia. Blown up kids, gone on fake crusades for oil, fucked governments and toppled them because we wanted to build canals, ports, and pipelines for our own interest. Native autonomy be damned. We are the only country to have used nukes on cities full of civilians!

Honestly, the USA has a much deeper history of doing bad shit than anyone else on her short list. Am I taking crazy pills here? Where is this outrage coming from?

* The Taliban isn't even the Taliban unless we arm them with missiles and machine guns to use against Russia. Where's the lie?
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Post by GORDON »

The last couple decades of watching USA drone strikes on weddings, police executing people in the streets for minor crimes and generally getting away with it, fascist tactics and philosophies being mistaken for wokeness, prisons overflowing with minor drug offenders to keep up the supply of slave labor, an entire branch of government with a thoroughly documented system of how they can accept bribes.....

I'm beginning to lean toward the idea that the USA is actively evil.
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Post by Leisher »

There is no lie, but she's damaged goods. She's already lost the chance to be credible. That's the problem. So anything she says is going to get a negative reaction. She could say, "The sky is blue" and people would come out screaming about it.

People on the right won't listen to a single good point made by someone on the left and vice versa. Hell, look at all the left wing outrage anytime Joe Rogan makes the news these days. He's a very outspoken social liberal, yet because he has some right wing pundits on his show everything he now says has zero credibility and he's "basically Hitler". Because you not only have to say ALL the right things, but you also cannot even entertain the other side's position.

That's the mindset we're dealing with these days.
GORDON wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:23 am I'm beginning to lean toward the idea that the USA is actively evil.
Is it evil to blanket label an entire group of people just because of their uniform? Remember, many in this country think you're a brainless puppet who murders babies and rapes women. They have just enough examples of that behavior from a ridiculously small percentage of your peer group to justify their beliefs. :D

Anyway, to your point, I wouldn't say the U.S.A. is actively evil. I would say the U.S. has done evil shit in the name of protecting its own interests, but there is no country on the planet that's innocent of that. No country that is innocent of treating its own people terribly. Just because the U.S. has been more successful at it, that doesn't mean it's "more evil" than anyone else.

As much as I bash China, and rightly so, I don't think China is "actively evil" either.

Now if you want to talk about the leaders of these nations being actively evil, I'm 100% sure I'd agree.

Take the U.S. as an example:
-Rs and Ds work together to prevent any other party from gaining power.
-Politicians are all multimillionaires and somehow nobody gives a shit or looks into it. Every now and then a Senator is quietly sacked for taking bribes, and it just makes you think, "He wasn't playing ball".
-The entire political system is about spending millions to get a job that pays peanuts. Nothing about that is logical.
-The MSM is bought and paid for to campaign for their letter of choice.
-The people are constantly divided using social issues to ensure their full attention isn't given to those in charge.
-The rights guaranteed by the Constitution are constantly attacked and striped away.
-A president killed an American citizen without a trial and not only did the MSM not make a big deal about it, but no politician or law enforcement did shit either. (Granted the guy was a POS, but still...)
-Corporations buy politicians outright and publicly as Gordo pointed out, and get loophole after loophole to get out of taxes, waste cleanup, and so on.
-Both sides talk about the evils of the other side's "protected corporations/people" yet when one party or the other has total control of the government, they never back up their talk.

And I could go on forever...

The country isn't broken because the core concept is solid, but it's been rigged over the years so that the people in power maintain their power and there's nothing the citizens can do about it. Worse, we lose any potential ability to fight back seemingly daily.

But whatever, nobody is going to do shit about any of this, so who cares? Americans could, literally, shut the entire country down tomorrow and demand real change, and there isn't a single fucking thing the people in charge could do about it, but it would never happen. We're too divided, and quite honestly, focused on the small stuff rather than the big picture.

Apologies for the rant. I felt like I got on a roll there.
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Post by Troy »

Ranting here is like the safest place to rant. I love doing it. Go off, king. No lies detected.
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Post by Leisher »

Thank you sir.
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Post by Leisher »

Pelosi and other Ds are hammering Omar, and she's spitting back.

I am really curious if the traditional Ds will make any sort of effort to oust Omar when she's up for re-election.
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Post by Leisher »

A quote from 1989 that has come back thanks to the current unrest in Cuba:
“Cuba has solved some very important problems. I did not see a hungry child. I did not see any homeless people. Cuba today not only has free health care but very high-quality health care.” - Bernie Sanders
How out of touch with reality does a person have to be to think Communism results in a utopia?
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Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:18 am A quote from 1989 that has come back thanks to the current unrest in Cuba:
“Cuba has solved some very important problems. I did not see a hungry child. I did not see any homeless people. Cuba today not only has free health care but very high-quality health care.” - Bernie Sanders
How out of touch with reality does a person have to be to think Communism results in a utopia?
Yeah, that's the quotation I was referencing in the Fox News article. In the EXACT SAME INTERVIEW he condemned Cuba's leadership, etc. But let's not mention that.
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Post by GORDON »

That fat filmmaker MICHAEL MOORE, jut remembered his name... made a whole movie about how awesome cuba is.
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