Monsters of Man (2020)

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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Monsters of Man (2020)

Post by Leisher »

Some government officials, along with one covert ops guy and some nerds drop 4 robot prototypes into a foreign country to field test them. The robots will be illegally killing hostile locals, but also on site are some lost American doctors and an ex-Navy SEAL.

Steven Seagal stars in Under Siege 3. Ok, it's not US3, and Seagal isn't in it, but it feels that way. One little village in a third world country and the SEAL just happens to be there, AND those doctors just happen to break down there, right as killer bots are being dropped?

This movie actually stars nobody. The biggest name is "always the bad guy" Neal McDonough.

Anyway, the robots are dropped in, during broad daylight, and one of their chutes doesn't open. This leads to the "AI being uncapped" and it begins becoming self aware. I'm going to let you think about that for a bit...

Are you done laughing? Once you see the Comms module and how its installation and uninstallation are handled in the plot, you will laugh again.

This movie is insanely bad, in terms of, having even a basic understand of the military and government. Nobody in the government is secretly dropping trillion dollar machines into a jungle without EVERYONE being involved. The ending scene also completely annihilates this critical point of the movie. It's hilarious.

Everyone is so cliche, and you'll know their role and fate the second they introduce them.

Thing is, the robots are cool and the action is decent. The writing is just soooooo bad.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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