Fighting the other night

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Watching the video and stuff inspired me. It's been a while since a battle was posted.

Tas forms a gang cause an enemy corp is camping a popular gate between empire and 0.0 space. The enemy is mostly in small interceptors so there's really no use for my battleship. I sit this one out. He and his gang attack. If memory serves, it was a 1 to 1 loss. However, the bad guys lost a more expensive ship and we got the loot from both kills. Time passes and the gate changes hands a couple of times, but not due to fighting. The bad guys have a new force on the gate. And even though it's mostly interceptors again, there are a couple ships further off that are worth sniping. So I join up in sniping mode. The gang is waiting for me at the gate and orders are to jump as soon as I get there. I come out of warp and people start jumping. I'm probably the last to jump as I was still slowing down as they started jumping. Tas calls a primary and the fighting is on. I come through and lock the primary. It was a Raven battleship. I had my sniping setup and had Javelin torps loaded. It was the first time I'd fired them in combat. They were pretty cool. Super fast. At this point, the bad guys are starting to run. But we had the Raven locked down pretty well and he wasn't going anywhere. Just as the Raven blows up, we get word that we lost one of our interceptors. We hate to take losses. But, this was a good trade. Battleship for an interceptor. At this point, there are only a couple bad guys left to target. One warps away, but the last one is scrambled and webbed. Not going anywhere. I had already had my drones on him and sent my torp after him as well. Our whole gang is firing on him, so he pops pretty quickly. It was the same interceptor flown by the same guy they had killed in the previous battle. Before the inty blew up though, another battleship warps in. We open fire on him, but he jumps into empire before we could get him. So, 2 to 1 in that battle.

Both side withdraw to lick wounds, regroup and get ready again.

We are holding the gate and the enemy is doing alot of recon. Building a strategy no doubt. We are expecting another attack with larger numbers and ships. But, it's not coming. There's word that an enemy industrial ship is about to jump into our camp. He does and we engage. But, someone screwed up and he got away. We chase. He jumps into the next system and we follow. He's got instas, so he too fast and we are getting split up. We get word that our enemies use this opportunity to start their attack on the gate. Everyone is heading back to it. However, being that some of our ships are faster than others, we are getting spread out and cannot mount an organized attack. We hold back and regroup. We have people in two different systems. I'm in Ewok with 2 others, Tas is in EC with the rest. The enemies seem to be massing on the gate between us. The plan is for me to fly into the enemy mass and survive their fire while the rest of the group comes in just after. By letting them all fire on me, it keeps them from being able to cross to another system and keeping them grouped up for us. I warp into the middle of them and wait. None of them are going aggressive. Then one of our other guys warps in next to me. Two enemies lock me and only one fires. The rest of his group jumps through the gate to Tas's side. On his side, fighting has started and it looks like that's the side the enemy chose to make their stand. This leaves me and the one enemy that fired on me in Ewok. The other guy from our group that came to me was either already dead, or attacked the ship that attacked me. I had not fired yet, so I was able to jump to EC and join the main force. The enemy had place a 'bubble' on the gate. This would prevent anyone within 20km of the gate from warping away from the fight. It's a common tactic used to keep large groups in the fight so you can kill them all. The primary target was another Raven battleship. I locked and joined the firing. He tanked pretty well, but he eventually blew up. The second target was another battleship of theirs. The one that got away earlier. We all locked and fired. Sometime during this scirmish, we lost an interceptor, I think. . . or, this was the guy that was stuck on the Ewok side saying he had died. Don't remember. .. We continued firing on the BS and it exploded too. The enemy had run away at this point (their smaller faster ships got out of range of the bubble and warped away) and we were getting ready to loot the dead. Suddenly, an enemy Eagle flew in. He was caught in their own bubble, alone. Don't know what kind of ship the Eagle is, but, didn't matter. We all locked on it and fired. He blew up pretty quick, but he managed to take another one of our interceptors with him. So this fight ends with a 3 to 2 kill ratio. 2 battleships and an Eagle vs two interceptors. Battleships are about 100 million, inties are about 15-25million. So. . . good trade off. Not to mention we were able to loot all kills. So, over all, we broke just about even as far as cost using their loot to replace our losses. Oh ya. . . we got more than a couple of their pods as well. I don't think they got any of ours.
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Post by Troy »

Our intys were killing me during that fight.

It's like a commen sense thing, we are mostly close range, slower big battleships, and you are our screen/tacklers.

If you go off 100k from the gate, we can't do shit to help you if they suddenly all focus on you.

Final kills of the night:

Battleships: Raven, Raven, Armageddon, Megathron (100m each + fittings)
Cruisers: Huginn x 2(it's a minmtar version of the falcon, basically does what i do, except for webers, giving them a 30k range) (40m x2, we got one in both assaults on the EC gate)
and the Eagle (which is an Caldari HAC like a cerberus, 100m, min.)

We lost,

Stilleto x2 5m + fittings
Malediction 1x 6m + fittings
Prophecy 25m (cause jodi didn't have instas, and when they split us when we chased the badger, he's the one who got trapped.)

While ship losses were more even, the isk value was NOT, we killed way more expensive ships then they did. Also, 3 of ours were idiot intys doing stupid things.

But they have to learn eh?

Edited By Troy on 1154113685
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