Darksiders II (Deathinitive Edition)

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Darksiders II (Deathinitive Edition)

Post by Leisher »

Picks up where Darksiders ended, but not at the exact spot.

Instead of War, this time you play as Death. Your goal is to clear War's name, and to do so, you must resurrect humanity. The Tree of Life is the key, so you head that way and find Corruption plagues this land. The story takes you to the Land of the Dead and even Heaven and Hell (kinda).

Game play is very similar to the original game, but Death's powers are much different from War's. War was about strength and power, while Death is about moves and magic.

They really left their formula for the first game and tried to crush what worked in other games into this one. They added dropped weapons, upgrading weapons, and a whole bunch of other stuff I noticed immediately upon starting this game, but have since forgotten from the first.

The fighting was very unsatisfying this time around. I never felt as powerful as I should be as the Horseman Death. By the end of the original, I was murdering everything as War. This time, as Death, I still had lots of trouble with certain enemies.

There are half a dozen items to collect that can be found around the maps. Another one that's hidden. Fast travel becomes a time saver later. Some of the dungeons take some time. However, there is at least one that's a bullshit time waster. The Soul Arbitrator's. Here's a tip: Just use Google to get the directions if you're missing any by the time you're ready to venture in there. Skip most of the chests unless you really, really need the gold. Except the 5th floor as you'll find weapons, not a chest. If you're wondering, that dungeon is just a maze. Every time you step into a portal, there's a fight. Once you win, you're given four choices on a direction to go. It can take 2-5 fights to finally arrive at a treasure or stairs down. A treasure is a treasure, but then you have to start over to find the stairs. 10 levels. Then a boss at the end. It got really repetitive and boring and took a loooooooooong time.

The one returning merchant, and interesting character, was worthless this time around. In fact, most of the merchants offer little to help you. Their items suck. Health and Mana potions are way overpriced initially as well.

Speaking of weapons, the whole possessed weapon concept where you can improve them was pretty stupid. They should dump that mechanic.

Additionally, there are bugs. Most are little nit picky things, and there's not a ton, but you'll notice them. One is a game breaker and I was thisclose to calling it a day, but figured it out. (Run the game as administrator the first several times.)

Overall, this is a competent game. The story is still awesome, but the game play was a bit flatter this time around. I see there's a part 3 already out and you play as another horseman. I'm honestly not sure at this moment if I'll play it or just hit YouTube for the cutscenes.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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