"I am MISTER black people."

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Post by 71-1085092892 »

From here.

"Black people love me!"

Edited By GORDON on 1092260515
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Post by thibodeaux »

Well, you know Clinton was our first black president.

Post by 71-1085092892 »

Did he ever do the BLACK POWER salute?

Here's another caption for that pic...

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>"KILL WHITEY!"</span>
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Post by thibodeaux »

If John Kerry was any whiter, he'd be clear.

Post by 71-1085092892 »

thibodeaux wrote:If John Kerry was any whiter, he'd be clear.
Of course, but that won't top him from telling people he is a million miles removed from that he is "one of them."

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Post by thibodeaux »

"That sonuvabitch got in my way!"
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Post by TheCatt »

Well, he'd have to have his head bowed/black-gloved fist for a real black power salute, right?
It's not me, it's someone else.

Post by 71-1085092892 »

I'll take your word for it.
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Post by TheCatt »

Well, his actions are pretty dope.
It's not me, it's someone else.

Post by truth »

:blues: here is somthing bush said: You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' -George W. Bush, Feb. 21, 2001
Whos the moron now? http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm
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Post by thibodeaux »

Ever said "between you and I?" Well, then you're just as dumb as GWB.
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Post by Leisher »

Truth, nobody will argue that Bush sucks at public speaking. Its the substance behind the man that's important and that was the point being made.

There's no problem with Kerry or any political figure speaking at an NAACP meeting for political gain. The problem comes when a rich white man that has never been poor or worked a day in his life holds up the "black power fist" as a way of endearing himself to minorities. That picture is of a man whoring himself for votes.

Kerry's latest campaign ad shows him debating GW. During the debate, Kerry morphs into a working man, a woman, and a sick black child. Meanwhile, GW morphs into a white businessman, a white businessman, and a white businessman.

Get that? The old, white, rich as hell 14th cousin of GW's that has never worked a day in his life, graduated from Yale (like GW), was a member of the secret society "Skull and Bones" (like GW), and went to boarding school in Switzerland wants you to know that he's just like you, but GW isn't.

Should I vote for the bumbling speaker that's sincere and doesn't try to pretend to be things he's not, or the whore who pretends to be anything for anyone as long as they vote for him?

Besides, what kind of political statement did you make with your post? You're ripping Bush for misspeaking, but let's look at what you've brought to the debate table:
-You didn't capitalize "H" at the beginning of your statement.
-You misspelled "something".
-You didn't capitalize "Bush".
-You forgot to include the first set of quotes before "You".
-You didn't include an apostrophe in "Who's".

Whos the moron now?

That's a good question.

You're telling everyone not to vote for Bush because he sometimes makes grammatically incorrect statements, but you're doing so with a grammatically incorrect statement.

I'm not saying you're a moron for misspeaking, even though you said Bush was for the same offense, but I might have to label someone who listens to you that way.

Finally, just as a little "Ying" to your "Yang", here's a website with a different opinion than the one you posted.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”

Post by 71-1085092892 »

I was about to show the irony of "truth's" post, but Leisher got it.
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Post by TheCatt »

John Edwards:
When John Kerry is Commander in Chief of the US people...

Funny, the Constitution sees it another way:
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Guess he's a moron too.
It's not me, it's someone else.

Post by Killdeer »

Whats with the chinched fist? is he a socialists? well im a little leary of anyone who give this salute why dont he just salue the flag is he afriad of offending the liberal pansies?
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