The Knights of Vindication




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FS! - No clue.  Fiddle Sticks, maybe.
War Status: TKV Victory
Current Score: TKV lots, FS! few (as of 10/6/2001)

So, we're out killing the bad guys of UO, and these FS! people are running around getting in our way, talking a bit of smack here and there, etc. Turns out we know some of them from past wars/fights and they know of us and our reputation. Our reputation of destroying guilds that we war. It's funny how many people want to war us because THEY will be the guild to finally beat and destroy TKV. Whatever. So they challenge us. They don't declare of course, they simple challenge us. We do some research, find out if they meet the criteria for us to war and we decide to declare. They accept after a couple days. War on.

2/2/2002 - Javalanche and Javalin go FS! bashing..

Kill counts to date: TKV - ? . . . . FS! ?. The war with FS! is as follows.

There has been more action than what is being reported here. I could have SWORN I had more pictures and stories to post. I guess that's what you get when you put things off. . . . Hopefully the lost episodes will turn up someplace.


[As told by Javalin:]

Javalanche was in Tram doing some reg shopping when he ran into Samantha. He attacked and quickly found out she had a blue healer with her.

Long story short, orange + blue healer + not enough trapped pouches = dead Lanche.
[But, never fear!! Any self respecting TKV member (which we all are) likes these odds.]
I found them both in the same area. Attacked. Blue healer healing.

Samantha ended up on the run after she mana dumped and I recovered.
Blue still healing, and throws up a moongate for her.

I followed through and attacked. She was yelling for another moongate, and blue yells "just run".

I switch back to spear for para, and pursue. End up landing a hit on a dead run for killing blow.

[As you can see, the blue healer is still there. Just couldn't save his dear friend.]
Blue hangs out and calls me a noob.

I recover Javalanche's regs.

- Taran

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