Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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Post by Paul »

As far as spoilers go... I mention what happened in the old film, but doesn't happen in this film. I consider it safe to read.

The movie: Terrible.
Even semi-drunk it was terrible.

1) Charlie's mom hasn't been fucked like that since grade school.
2) Willie Wonka's father The White betrayed middle eath.

Okay okay okay okay.... where to begin?
The movie is supposed to be based on the book rather than the previous movie. I haven't read the book, but I *missed* seeing stuff that I liked about the original movie. For example, in the 1971 movie, Mr. Slugworth offered to pay Charlie a bunch of money for an Everlasting Gobstopper, so his company could put it on the market first. But even after Willie Wonka screwed all the kids out of their prizes, Charlie gave Wonka back the Gobstopper. Then Wonka confesses that Slugworth was a plant that he'd hired, and that by returning the Gobstopper Charlie had won the contest.
That didn't happen in this film.

I'd heard that this film was creepier than the original. Nope! The only bit that upped the creep-factor was Veruca Salt's demise.

Know how late night shows like to dress random old men in funny outifts and have them act, even though they pretty much just do the scene straight-faced because they've never acted a day int heir lives? Well CGI that guy into a thousand people, and shrink them, and you have the Oompa Loompas.

I didn't want to watch the film but my wife did. The only other movie we could agree on wasn't on for 3 more hours, so I reluctantly agreed to watch it. I made sure I had extra helpings of Samual Adams at dinner though... to take the stink off the film.
Before the movie I decided to do a Peter Griffin quote. "I sit through this and later tonight I get anal. You hear me?"
My wife's expression was worth any torture the movie could bestow. So I moved on to the next line to let us both off the hook. Only, I was so impressed with myself that I got totally off track and completely forgot the next line.
The wife turned to look at me.
Shit shit shit shit... damn you beer... uh...
just as she was about to speak I sputtered out a miraculous, "No matter how clean the house is you have to clean it." It's wasn't an exact quote, but it was close enough. Whew!
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Post by Paul »

One major difference between films is that in the new film there are a lot of Willie Wonka flashbacks. Willie Wonka gets a glazed look in his eyes, then poof, a flashback scene. (Terrible terrible unoriginal transition)
The flashbacks mainly deal with Willie Wonka's life as son of a dentist (played by Sauromon), though at least one deals with the origin of the Oompas.

Another big difference:
Remember that scene in the 1971 movie where Charlie and his grandfather drink the bubble stuff and float away? That never happens in this movie. Charlie and his grandfather can do no wrong. >:P

I think I discovered why I didn't liek this movie. There didn't seem to be a cause/affect relationship going on. Events just happened. Int he original film, everything was orchistrated by Wonka. They try to show that in the new film, but they fail miserably.

Another thing that bugged me was how much Johnny Depp's Willie Wonka reminded me of Michael Jackson. I expected Wonka to give Charlie some wine & Coke and pop out a stack of Barely Legal for the slumber party.
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Post by WSGrundy »

Just watched this.

I give it a thumbs up. It isn't something that I would watch multiple times but was definatly funny/good enough to watch. The kids and the Oompa-Loompas were the best part both done quite well.

As far a comparing both movies I would say they are both cool. The only singing I liked was the Oompa-Loompas and since the new one only has that it definatly has a leg up on older one.

It wasn't a perfect movie but it was funny and had a cool look to it so it is worth a viewing.

The Oompa-Loompas rock band in the Mike Teevee song were sweet.
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