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Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:03 pm
by Leisher
I'm doing this thread for Gordo, as I know spoilers irk him. We've had a standard way of doing things in place for a long while now, but with the new forum we've added some members, so...

For you long time folk, you probably know the drill, but please review this anyway as there may be a new item or two:

-If you're posting a movie review or starting a chain to discuss a film, please add "*SPOILERS*" to the Topic Description line if you are planning on discussing anything further than what the trailers show. Reviews don't need to include major twists or the ending.

-If you are replying to a chain that doesn't have *SPOILERS* in the Topic Description, please refrain from discussing anything in the film farther than what the trailers show.

However, let's make a slight addition to our existing policy.

If you're adding a review, throw your final score at the top of the review and the review itself below. That way, someone can come into the chain, see how you scored the film, and then determine if they want to continue reading or not, all without spoilers.

Of course that only applies if you're writing an indepth review and not just a word with a score after it. :D