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Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:27 pm
by Leisher
A comedic fighting game.

You portray one of 8-9 kung fu fighters starring in a motion picture. Each scene of the movie is a level and is a take off of a movie or a movie genre. There are approx 20 levels.

The fighters are vastly different in their fighting styles, although the buttons you hit will result in the same type of attack. For example, a counter will always be a counter, but it will be in the style of the character you're using. The characters are very diverse:
-A kung fu master (picture any one from any old film)
-a ninja
-a Jackie Brown ripoff
-A samuari
-a professional wrestler
-a girl on rollerblades
-a monkey (to represent the monkey style of kung fu)

Each fighter has a different ending.

The levels are fun as you try to figure out what movie they're tributing. You'll see levels based on Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jaws, Titanic, Jurassic Park, etc.

I was impressed with the way the levels were designed as far as matching the player's skill. Early on you face the easiest enemies and hit certain levels that train you to fight in different ways. Later, you'll meet enemies that require different combos than the standard attacks you've been using.

Now most video game vets would expect this sort of "leveling up", however, its just really well done here and thus worth the mention. Oh, and don't be afraid of combos being too tough. I HATE the fighting games with 5 button pushes and a roll of the direction pad to pull off some manuever. The combos here are simple button pushes. 4 buttons is the biggest combo. Easy enough for kids and the video game challenged.

Another fun feature is taunting. When you knock your opponent down with a series of moves, you have the chance to curse at them (mumbling) and gain a star above your head. Get three and you can launch a super attack by simply holding both triggers on your controller. Each super attack varies depending on who you're controlling. These super attacks really help on stages that are timed and when you're trying to score 5 stars.

Oh, I should mention that each level gets judged on your performance and you can get 0-5 stars. Depending on how many stars you get, you can unlock more levels and secrets. 3 is the standard needed to pass a level, while more unlocks bonus stuff.

The levels are also quite varied. One level you may fight your way through a scrolling landscape filled with ninjas, while another will find you on an iceberg with a lifesaver around your waste playing king of the mountain with other ninjas by bouncing them off the iceberg. These weird non-fighting levels are particularly fun in multiplay.

Outside of the main story, the game features numerous side games and assorted goodies that mainly need to be unlocked. All are fun and some of the minigames are really tough.

The cons of the game? Well, its hard to follow the story, particularly the endings. You see a scene, but you're not sure what it was about. That's because the characters' bios are locked, and until they're unlocked, you don't really have a sense as to what their motivation is.

Also, the fighting levels get a bit stale despite the differing levels. Actually, its not so much the fighting gets stale as its the differing levels become a bit of a problem. Mainly, they move (scroll) a bit too fact, making them short than one would like. That's a problem with the game idea though. The scrolling levels and star ranking system makes it almost like a fighting puzzle than of a regular fight through the level game.

Overall though, its a lot of fun and safe for kids, although there is blood. (you might be able to turn it off. I didn't look.) A great rental or bargain bin pickup.

7 out of 10.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:22 pm
by TheCatt
Does roller girl get naked?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:42 pm
by Leisher

However, there is an odd ending where it appears that the director is jacking off, but I think its Monkey's ending which makes it even more disturbing.