You will be road tested once a year, minimum. Your license will be classed as to whether or not you can drive in various adverse conditions like rain, ice, snow, or near semi-trucks. I can't believe that last one's a thing, but some people simply freeze up around them like deer in front of normal cars.
Edited By Malcolm on 1434983380
Edited By Malcolm on 1434983380
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
I can't count the number of times I've seen them in the "passing" lane, barely doing the speed limit, or the number of times I've seen what you describe, where two truck-driving assholes effectively block up the road.GORDON wrote:I actually sometimes feel animosity toward truck drivers. It is hard to pretend it isn't on purpose when you are about to pass one and he cuts you off because the other truck is doing 55 and he wants to drive 56.
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
It's not just the truck drivers. It's every-fucking-one.
Assholes that stick in the middle lane on highways because they are scared to death of the dealing with the right lane merges and can't handle going 5mph over the speed limit in the left lane.
Assholes that wait until the last second to merge into another lane to catch a turn/offramp.
Assholes that think they can make a right turn from a dead stop at a red light into oncoming traffic going 50mph with anything less than rocket propulsion.
Assholes that stick in the middle lane on highways because they are scared to death of the dealing with the right lane merges and can't handle going 5mph over the speed limit in the left lane.
Assholes that wait until the last second to merge into another lane to catch a turn/offramp.
Assholes that think they can make a right turn from a dead stop at a red light into oncoming traffic going 50mph with anything less than rocket propulsion.
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Malcolm wrote:Assholes that stick in the middle lane on highways because they are scared to death of the dealing with the right lane merges and can't handle going 5mph over the speed limit in the left lane.
Counterpoint: oftentimes (around here, anyway, and especially on I-75) the right lane is bumpy as hell because that's the one the massively heavy semis tear up. I will drive the middle lane in no traffic because I don't want to bounce in my seat for 10 miles for no reason.
But I'm always going 5 over, minimum, no matter what.
Edited By GORDON on 1434987021
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."
The middle lane is the slowest one on the highway from work to my place. Bar none, every fucking time. It's like a moving median of scared, slow, useless people who shouldn't be allowed on the road.
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Assholes that wait until the last second to merge into another lane to catch a turn/offramp.
This can happen sometimes on accident, but if it does do not come to a complete emergency stop in the middle of the road because you are passing it. Simply drive on by, take the next exit, and make a u-turn so you can try again.
I can't believe the number of people who would rather risk death and completely destroy the flow of traffic rather than miss their turn.
"ATTENTION: Customers browsing porn must hold magazines with both hands at all times!"
I can't believe the number of people who would rather risk death and completely destroy the flow of traffic rather than miss their turn.
Prior to getting a driver's license, one should be an expert in this. If one can't pass a driver's license exam, one is restricted to chauffeurs, taxis, and self-driving cars. Then again, that wouldn't help the taxi that decided to cross over a couple lanes today to make an illegal right turn. Asshole almost side swiped me without noticing. He did, however, spill my drink.
Fuck, there's another rule. If you earn more than $100 from driving, you're road tested 4 times a year and your standards are higher. That includes cabbies, truckers, bus drivers, and ride share/service drivers.
Edited By Malcolm on 1434998643
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
My biggest beef is with assholes that don't get up to speed when merging onto the express way!
I don't mind letting up on the gas to let someone merge into traffic, but i'll be damned if I've gotta hit the brakes and risk getting rear ended because you're too much of a pussy to hit the gas.
I have the same problem when I'm merging into traffic too. The on ramp I've gotta take home from work has literally no lane into oncoming traffic, yet some asshole will surely come to a complete stop right before the lanes merge! Now, getting onto a heavily travelled e-way at rush hour from a complete stop with a Ford escort in front of ya makes it damn near impossible.
I get up to speed on the onramp and just merge right in, it might not look like there's much room but someone will let you in. Just about everyday coming home from work someone gets a friendly finger from me as I pass them by.
Edited By Stranger on 1435000212
I don't mind letting up on the gas to let someone merge into traffic, but i'll be damned if I've gotta hit the brakes and risk getting rear ended because you're too much of a pussy to hit the gas.
I have the same problem when I'm merging into traffic too. The on ramp I've gotta take home from work has literally no lane into oncoming traffic, yet some asshole will surely come to a complete stop right before the lanes merge! Now, getting onto a heavily travelled e-way at rush hour from a complete stop with a Ford escort in front of ya makes it damn near impossible.
I get up to speed on the onramp and just merge right in, it might not look like there's much room but someone will let you in. Just about everyday coming home from work someone gets a friendly finger from me as I pass them by.
Edited By Stranger on 1435000212
Had a buddy in the Marines who would say, "My gramma used to say 'get your nose in there and your ass will follow,'" about merging into traffic.Stranger wrote:I get up to speed on the onramp and just merge right in, it might not look like there's much room but someone will let you in.
Yeah, someone else will tap their brakes if needs be. Usually.
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."
The on ramp I've gotta take home from work has literally no lane into oncoming traffic, yet some asshole will surely come to a complete stop right before the lanes merge!
I had that problem every day driving home from my old job. But the merging lane was just wide enough that I could maintain speed and serve around the stopped car while leaning on my horn and flipping them off, and merge smoothly into the moving traffic.
"ATTENTION: Customers browsing porn must hold magazines with both hands at all times!"
Must be weird to get overtaken and flipped off by a guy in a smart car.TPRJones wrote: But the merging lane was just wide enough that I could maintain speed and serve around the stopped car while leaning on my horn and flipping them off, and merge smoothly into the moving traffic.
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid."
So we're taking away crosswalks and traffic lights, then? Restraints are already in place.TheCatt wrote:Slippery slopeMalcolm wrote:Forgive my ideas of restraint with regards to 2-ton killing machines.TheCatt wrote:Malcolm's America 2 sure has a lot of rules and tests.
Diogenes of Sinope: "It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."
Arnold Judas Rimmer, BSC, SSC: "Better dead than smeg."