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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:57 pm
At some point in the past I bought him, and I just took him for a test run.

Wow, is he easy to play.

Every 5th time he makes a basic attack he gets to cast a spell with no mana loss, so I almost never ran out of mana even at early levels.

His Q is a built-in, bottomless health potion, but better. At level 1 it hits a minion/monster for 300 (I think) points of true damage, and heals Nunu for 200ish+ AP modifier.

He has a built-in buff with his W that speeds up you and a friend by about 25% movement and attack. The buff lasts longer than the cooldown for it.

His E is cheap and does middling damage and has a really good slowdown, so it is like a built-in Crystal Scepter.

Taking him full AP... the one game I played I had about 670 AP, made his ult do 2500+ damage to all enemies caught in the radius (100oish base, and 250% AP modifier). This will take out most full-built, fully healed support and glass cannon champions... and we all know the bug about casting it in the weeds. Even before I was built, at level 6, that ult would do over 800 points to every champ stuck in the circle.

Taking him full AP, with no armor (aside from the Crystal Scepter which has 400ish health) or attack damage items, I had 3500 hit points and was doing 270 damage per basic attack. This had him chewing through towers pretty fast, combined with his speed up buff.

One of the easiest champs I have ever played.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:03 pm
He also could carry WOA for extra healing.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:03 am
And we just won a TT with me as Nunu....

Good thing the other team surrendered because they had to do a Guildwars 2 raid, or something.

But I really felt like I was getting in the zone.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:04 pm
by Leisher
I like one of us having Nunu because he's a champ I don't like seeing. I can handle him, but I hate his slows.

That game where they surrendered "to do a Guildwars 2 raid, or something"... They were going to lose, and they knew it. I believe they had to leave, but that was announced right after Kennen (solo top) tried to gank me, ulted, and I still killed him without dying. We had them in CS, money, and levels.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:48 am
Going to take some practice, but I think I can get a handle on him.

I think the ult... peeps can knock him out of it, and they do. I think I need to get into the habit of sniping it on them from the bushes so they never see it coming.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:31 am
With the promote spell, Nunu becomes a carry. His W buff, at level 5, increases attack speed by 55%. That is like giving a minion a phantom dancer. So Promote a minion, buff it, and it hits as hard and fast as a level 15 carry.

Edited By GORDON on 1345960580

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:50 pm
I have started winning 1v5 custom games as Nunu.

When I take Promote, I can push middle lane hard, and depending on who I am laning against, I can kill the first turret in under 3:30. Did it twice today. I promote the first bigger minion that comes in minion wave 3, I buff it with my W, and the turret drops fast.

Killed the second turret in that lane in 5:00 with the same super minion. Just keep buffing it.

Probably not viable in PVP... will prolly need to build tanky and not take Promote, but it will be interesting to try.

Edited By GORDON on 1346035932

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:48 pm
Just got an inhibitor in 10:30.

The Promote/Buff thing works... it would force the enemy to allocate an extra guy to a solo Nunu, I think.

Edited By GORDON on 1346039351

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:55 pm
1v5, Nunu, got an inhibitor at 8:07, was 2 hits from getting a Nexus turret at 8:48 when they killed me.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:31 am
Nunu is good at clearing the jungle, but I can't deal with the lack of mobility by not having teleport.

So, my first time ever jungling in pvp, that's the thing I learned.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:38 pm
Practicing junglin' Nunu. With a leash at red, I can jungle without Smite, and clear it all without pausing and without needing to go heal. I can solo dragon at level 8.