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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:57 pm
by Leisher
Trynd's abilities:
Listed below are Trynd's abilities. I start with Bloodlust, the Spinning Slash, then Mocking Shout. When lvling up, I always upgrade in this order or importance: Undying Rage, Bloodlust, Spinning Slash, Mocking Shout.

Battle Fury - For each hit, Trynd gains Fury and increases his crit chance. Fury is also used to heal him with Bloodlust.

Bloodlust - This is just a heal. The more Fury saved up, the more it heals.

Mocking shout - If enemies are facing you, it reduces their damage. If they're not facing you, it slows them.

Spinning Slash - An attack where Trynd speeds forward spinning his sword and hitting everything in his path. Use it like flash to enter or leave combat.

Undying Rage -
5 seconds of invulnerability.

My preferred full build:

Berserker's Greaves
2x Phantom Dancer
2x Bloodthirster
Infinite Edge

How I get there:

-Start with Brawler's Gloves or Boots of Speed depending on if you want to hit harder or move faster early. I find the boots better to help avoid attacks from aggressive players.
-Next you want to buy an Avarice Blade for the extra cash it brings in. Is it a ton? No, but it does make a difference.
-Now work on getting a BF Sword or if you're having a lot of trouble staying alive or in the battle, a Vampiric Scepter. Whichever way you go, get the other one after that.
-Next, work on a Zeal.
-Follow it up by completing your IE. Now you're hitting HARD.
-Get another BF Sword, then finish off your Phantom Dancer, and follow that up with a Bloodthirster.
-Work on your second Phanton Dancer.
-Get your second Bloodthirster. You'll need to sell your Avarice Blade to equip it.


I was working with ALL attack speed runes (nearly a 40% attack speed bonus), and it worked out well, even when I switched to other champions. However, I felt it wasn't really efficient. I have since switched to Armor Penetration marks and Quints, while leaving the Seals and Glyphs at attack speed. I've only tested this once so far, but it appears to make me far more deadly early game.

Trynd (your team):

If you're Trynd-
Feed. Move a LOT to avoid aggressive players who will be trying to stop you from feeding. Getting to level 6 and earning gold is critical. The faster you level to 6, the quicker you'll start racking up kills. The faster you earn gold, the faster your team will have you as it's massive damage dealer in team fights. If you're getting cut off in lane from gold and/or XP, head to the jungle. (This is critical in Twisted Treeline.) If you're Trynd's teammate, try not to cut him off from the gold.

If you're against Trynd-
Try and lane against him with ranged champions and simply go 100% aggro on him. Push him all the way back to his turret and even there keep taking shots at him to allow the turret to get kills and not him. It gives him XP, but cuts him off from gold. Trynd is nothing without his items. If you have ignite or poison and are fighting Trynd, wait until he ults, count to 2 and then hit him with it. Also, buy Thornmail and Randuin's Omen.

More thoughts -

I'd like to see Trynd teamed up with a support character. I don't know which one, because I don't play them, but Trynd with a support character buffing him and keeping him alive would be a good lane combo.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:16 pm
by Cakedaddy
We used to run Ashe and Trynd every once in a while. It seemed to work because I could hold them still long enough for you to kill them. Not buffing and healing, but feeding. Not sure how well two AD carries in same lane would scale to our level 30 play now though.

Soraka would be able to heal, but her mana buffs would be wasted. Maybe Sona? Heals and slows/stuns, I think.