Our fights with T-B

For sooper seekrit League of Legends, <s>UO</s> <s>EVE</s> talk <s>and Diplomacy</s>.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

It was 2 on 2. The following is the standard fight with multiple people. Not instructional, more like 'my observations'.

Like I said in the other thread, as soon as we started hitting them, they BOTH cast heal. They'd just hover around us and heal whoever we were hitting. I'd call that out on voice and I'd hold my spells. No point wasting mana. I'm guessing Taz was doing the same. As soon as I'd see them casting harmful spells, I'd restart my attack. But, as soon as one of them would take damage, they'd stop their attack and heal again. Taz and I would stay 100% aggressive. Eventually, we'd land some good spells and maybe he'd land a mace hit. That's when the target panics and forgets he's got a friend. More often than not, they run AWAY from their healers! They lack any kind of survival skill because there's always someone healing them. But if they get low, they don't know what to do. So, when fighting multiple people, watch the spells. If the target is casting heal, stay on him and try to disrupt. If they both cast heal, stop casting and conserve mana. Odds are, you won't do enough damage to beat his partner's heal. I will often play 'lame duck'. I won't heal all the way making them think they have an opportunity. This sometimes throws the healer off and leaves a window for us to do more damage to the target. When you get them in the 15% range, they scramble. Hardly ever towards their healer. The fact that Taz will sometimes teleport around cutting them off helps too. Tonight, I dropped an explosion on the target, and then I got hit. I pulled back a bit incase the damage piled up from a coordinated combo attack. Taz stayed on the target. Eveyone was off my screen, so I figured they were on Taz. So instead of healing, I cast ebolt. I was at about 70% health. When I got closer, I see that the target is at about 10% health. I see his healer casting heal. I'm trying my hardest to weave through the trees to get close enough to beat the heal. And that's when he doubles back right to me. I drop my ebolt and it drops him. This happens so many times. So, save your mana when they are healing, and stay aggressive when they are not.

Also, they were switching targets like CRAZY. It's like they are dumb AI monsters. "Attack closest target". Like I said above, I got hit. Hit hard enough that I broke off my attack. But, no one followed me. When I got back on screen with everyone, Taz looked safe as well. So, my guess is they weren't keeping their targets straight. Later, when they were all three on me and I was in trouble. As soon as Taz showed up (with the heal), two broke off of me and chased Taz. One stayed with me. I started attacking, but then remembered I was out of heals and stuff. So, I just recalled. So again, as soon as a new target presented itself, they split up and did wacky stuff.

Wanted to share what I noticed, and how I handled it. I did it in here because I didn't want them to be able to read it and learn from it.

Also, the above is common among most pair fighters out there.
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