Diet and Exercise

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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

I haven't done any NY resolution stuff yet. I have broken ribs, so that's putting exercise on hold. I'm leaning towards fasting again since I have no physical activity except for evening walks when it's not too wet or cold out.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: I haven't done any NY resolution stuff yet. I have broken ribs, so that's putting exercise on hold. I'm leaning towards fasting again since I have no physical activity except for evening walks when it's not too wet or cold out.
I use keto to get myself ready for fasting.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

TheCatt wrote:
Leisher wrote: I haven't done any NY resolution stuff yet. I have broken ribs, so that's putting exercise on hold. I'm leaning towards fasting again since I have no physical activity except for evening walks when it's not too wet or cold out.
I use keto to get myself ready for fasting.
'Splain the science...
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote:
TheCatt wrote:
Leisher wrote: I haven't done any NY resolution stuff yet. I have broken ribs, so that's putting exercise on hold. I'm leaning towards fasting again since I have no physical activity except for evening walks when it's not too wet or cold out.
I use keto to get myself ready for fasting.
'Splain the science...
I dunno about science, but personal experience:

When I eat carbs I fall into a cycle of eating-hungry.

When I eat keto, I tend to get divorced from that cycle, and rarely feel hungry on a schedule, once I get adapted.

From that point, not eating becomes more of a habit thing, as my body rarely asks for food as long as I stay hydrated and salted.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Cakedaddy »

For me it was:

Food tastes good. I want food.
Then I did Keto.
Food tastes horrible, bland, and boring. I'd rather just not eat than eat more of that slop.
Weight loss really takes off.

For the last year, I've been doing a protein heavy, moderate carbs and fat. Have maintained my weight pretty well. Then the holidays came and there were cookies. Acres and acres of cookies. I have gained 12 pounds in about 6 weeks. I'm not proud. Last of the cookies will be gone tomorrow, and I'm going super low carbs, high protein, moderate fat to see if I can lose it just as quick. I'm going to increase the exercise as well.

I'll never do keto again.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Cakedaddy wrote: Then I did Keto.
Food tastes horrible, bland, and boring. I'd rather just not eat than eat more of that slop.
Maybe you're doing it wrong?

At any rate, I guess I should have said "low carb" rather than keto per se. A lot of people on keto get their protein down to like 5-10% of calories, which seems insane.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by thibodeaux »

TheCatt wrote: 'Splain the science...I dunno about science
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Cakedaddy »

TheCatt wrote: Maybe you're doing it wrong?
Of that, I have no doubt. I don't believe I ever hit ketosis because I really didn't know how to maintain a good protein/fat ratio. I just couldn't get enough fat into things and I think the protein was being converted into glucose. And my muscles, since I was never in Ketosis. I didn't like doing the dirty keto thing either, because as one person said it "You know in your heart, that shit is really bad for you". When it came right down to it, meat, eggs, butter, etc all sound great. But when eaten by themselves, with most sides/additives/flavorings being taken off the menu, that shit gets bland and boring very quickly. Cheat ONE time, and it's 2-3 weeks of work to get back on track. Drink one pop. Eat one piece of cake. You are back to square one. That's just not the life for me.

So again, I have no doubt I was doing it wrong.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

thibodeaux wrote:
TheCatt wrote: 'Splain the science...I dunno about science
Thanks Thib.

I know we've discussed this before, but did you ever read that book by Timothy...I'm forgetting his name...he wrote the 30 Hour Work Week or something like that, and then did a similar headline for his health book...hang on, heading to the googles.

Tim Ferriss! The 4 Hour Work Week and The 4 Hour Body.

He had a bunch of doctors and scientists in his book discussing the diet and exercise plan he used, and if I remember correctly it was really close to what you do?

I'm curious about that one because it's a strict diet for 6 days and then you have a cheat day where you can binge. Plus, you didn't need to spend hours in the gym. I want to try something while I'm unable to exercise for 8 weeks.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: I'm curious about that one because it's a strict diet for 6 days and then you have a cheat day where you can binge. Plus, you didn't need to spend hours in the gym. I want to try something while I'm unable to exercise for 8 weeks
I've found that the cheat day really makes the other days harder, imho. But, I did find doing open-ended OMAD (one meal a day) was kinda nice. You could eat your diet foods, then top it off with something small treatwise each day. What I didn't like is that my schedule was to eat around 3pm, which removed all social eating.
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Diet and Exercise

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I really just want something to keep the weight off while I'm unable to be active. If I lose a few pounds too, then bonus.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by thibodeaux »

The thing you have to remember about Tim Ferris is...he's kind of a bullshit artist. I mean, the things he writes might be technically true but you should take it with a truckload of salt.

I think in general if you want to lose "weight" (in quotes bc you probably REALLY want to reduce your bodyfat percentage)...well, reducing your calories below a certain threshold and keeping it below that threshold for an extended period WILL DO THAT. But there are variables you can adjust to make that easier and pleasanter, and some of this plays into Taubes and insulin and "a calorie isn't a calorie."

For example: a low-carb high-fat diet can help you feel less hungry all the goddamn time, which will help you eat less. Fasting for 16-20 hours and only eating in a small window will help you eat less (although you will feel hungry, it might be more tolerable). Both of those do things to your metabolism that are beneficial in terms of losing body fat (basically tweaking the calorie threshold), allowing you either to eat more or lose fat faster. Drinking caffeine helps a lot with hunger and metabolism too. Getting off your ass and doing some exercise will make the calorie threshold higher (but probably not nearly as much as you think).

I think what trips people up is: they don't know what their threshold is AND they have no idea what their intake is. "I'm having a healthy salad!" (covers salad with ranch dressing...boom, you've just blown past the threshold). So, if you're disciplined about measuring what you eat, it can be done. However, it will be a slow process. For most people, losing just half a pound of fat a week is HARD WORK (mostly mentally).

And by the way: if you're not getting enough good sleep, fix that first.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

Good info.
thibodeaux wrote: And by the way: if you're not getting enough good sleep, fix that first.
I'm fucked there. Although science seems to be showing that the bar is different for different people, so maybe I'm ok?
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Good info.
thibodeaux wrote: And by the way: if you're not getting enough good sleep, fix that first.
I'm fucked there. Although science seems to be showing that the bar is different for different people, so maybe I'm ok?
The bar is different. If you feel rested, etc. That's your normal. I need about 7-7.5 hours, my wife needs an hour more. We have one kid who needs about 2 hours more, and one who needs less than I do.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by thibodeaux »

I used to be awful at sleeping. Interestingly, I think low-carb and feeding windows help there; be sure to stop caffeine intake in the early afternoon though. I also take vitamin D in the morning and zinc/magnesium at night. These help. Melatonin works great for some people (long but good resource).

A big pro-tip though is: no screens. Stop looking at a goddam screen by at least a half hour or better an hour before you want to go to sleep. Videos are worse than text; I find that if I watch videos up to the cutoff I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back, vs reading blogs or forums. Certain people I know complain of poor sleep but won't put down their goddam phone. No names.

Food and phones (esp social apps), though, are reward systems, and I suspect a person who has trouble with one with have trouble with the other.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

I wonder if glasses with blue light blocking tech would allow one to read in bed without negatively affecting their sleep?
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Diet and Exercise

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: I wonder if glasses with blue light blocking tech would allow one to read in bed without negatively affecting their sleep?
I'm going to say that it will either 1) do nothing or 2) do not much. The light is too much even with the blue light blocked. It's probably been studied. But I'm tired.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by thibodeaux »

Apple devices have a built-in low-blue mode that automatically comes on at night ("night shift") but like Catt said, it could just be snake oil.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by thibodeaux »

Just thinking more about this: I suspect it's not just the color of the light. Screens flicker at a very high frequency. We may not consciously notice, but I bet that it induces "brain waves" (similar to how flashing lights can cause a seizure). Because sleep is associated with a certain pattern of brain waves, I suspect that the flicker of screens messes that up.
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Diet and Exercise

Post by Leisher »

I wonder how many people's sleep is affected without them realizing it by the light of the phone going off for alerts, the vibration of alerts (if the phone's sound is off), or the pinging of alerts?
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