Trap (2024)

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Trap (2024)

Post by Leisher »

Shit. M. Night's latest is my greatest fear. :D

Twist is right there in the trailer, but they call this one "a new experience". I wonder if he's not going to try to add a twist.

Fuck...I've got to be me...if I ruined The Sixth Sense for you, then maybe don't read this spoiler.
Prediction: If there's a twist, it will be that she's the killer and dad's just covering for her.

Genuinely looks like it might be good.

FYI, the singer is M's real life daughter. Nepotism is just the best.

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Trap (2024)

Post by GORDON »

It was good enough. I found the profiler the most intriguing character, and she had hardly any screen time. It has a standard 1st, 2nd, 3rd Act..... but then there's like Act 4 and 4.5. It's interesting.

M's daughter seemed talented enough, I could imagine her the Taylor Swift of the "Unbreakable" universe.

Also interesting he wrote the killer to be pretty much a 195 IQ genius, to do the things he did. And we were discussing it after.... there was lots of little luck here and there, augmented by shrewd decision making and confidence..... but having the dude's wallet and ID on the roof was BIG luck.

Profiler in the arena said, "He's played his hand, he has no more moves." But he had several more moves, she wasn't able to foresee. Until the very end, he was ahead of her. WHich is part of why I find her intriguing, because she adapted and still circled around and got ahead of him.
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Trap (2024)

Post by Leisher »

GORDON wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:06 pm It was good enough.
Agreed. I was entertained throughout. I even enjoyed the jokes, which I think we were given just enough, including the credits scene. The acting was solid and M. Night's daughter does a great job singing. She wrote basically all the songs, and they didn't completely suck.

Was I wrong about my prediction?
In this movie, yes. If there's a sequel, my prediction could still come true. In fact, I don't think there's a twist at all. At least not a typical M. Night twist.

The profiler was definitely shown to be something more than just a one off character.
That makes the ending interesting. Did he already have a sequel in mind?

I would recommend seeing it. It's the best M. Night movie in a while.

Now for my problems with it...
Pretty much most of the behavior of the cops, especially at the end. They're not letting him pick up the bike or hug the daughter, and it really felt jarring to allow that stuff considering the entire movie was about 50K cops trying to capture this one monster who had killed a cop a few hours earlier. Randomly pulling people out of a crowd seems like it would be a really ineffective tactic. The idea that they found the ticket receipt would have likely led the feds to thinking he purposely left that there, not by mistake. They still would have gone to the event, but they would have thought he invited them there for something, not that they had him trapped.

Was the tattoo the only identifying mark? The tattoo they didn't even really know what it was? What was the smoking gun that would identified the killer?
"Happy slaves are the worst enemies of freedom." - Marie Von Ebner
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