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Wednesday - Netflix

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:33 pm
I used to watch original show reruns.

I liked the two 90s movies, and I think they are both almost perfect films. Completely pitch perfect, except for a single little thing, once.

I even liked the "Adult Wednesday Addams" youtube show, which got lawsuited off the air this year when Netflix was going to release this teenage wednesday addams show.

Which is ok. There's a lot of teen drama, which I will forgive because I knew going in it would be centered around teenage girl in a boarding school. I've been comparing Mexican teenage wednesday with Christina Riccis's child Wednesday..... and I think it's ok. Child Wednesday was completely emotionless, and teenager W starts that way, but her shit is cracking which is fine because teenager finding herself.

I'm not sure if I like Gomez and Morticia's portrayal. They seem a lot more flappable and less cool than in the movies. Also the constant Spanish speaking is always jarring since I came up on "Tish..... that's French...." *groping and mauling*

But it's ok. Watch it with a teen girl and tell me her response.