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Suits (TV Show)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:48 pm
by thibodeaux
TLDR: Mad Men but lawyers in current day

I think this ran from like 2011 to 2019 on USA. Starring two handsome men, Princess Magic Sparkles, and some other people.

The two handsome guys are a cocky kickass lawyer and his sidekick with a shady past, thus splitting Don Draper into two characters.

It's USA, so the writing isn't exactly Oscar material, but it's entertaining. I'm only on season 3 so it could possibly get worse over time (my guess: yes, since it already has over 3 seasons). Good for burning time when you're bored.

Suits (TV Show)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:09 pm
by TheCatt
I need a new exercise show after I've done with the Blacklist, will check it out.

Suits (TV Show)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:10 pm
by thibodeaux
There cussing so use ear buds. Some make out scenes but no nudity so far. Although Princess Sparkle gets mostly naked (spoiler)