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Freaky (2020)

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:58 pm
by Leisher
I did NOT expect to be typing this, but I really enjoyed this movie.

Made by the same folks behind Happy Death Day, but this time they went for the R rating.

Vince Vaughn is a psycho serial killer in a small town. Kathryn Newton is a high school girl who isn't very popular, just lost her dad, has a mom who isn't handling it well, and her sister is a cop. When Vince attempts to kill her with a mystical dagger (he is unaware of this), they end up switching bodies. Comedy ensues.

This is definitely a horror comedy. The gore is way amped up from their blood free HDD, and the comedy is high school level jokes, which is not an insult. It works. It's cute, yet serious, but funny.

Vaughn is actually quite good. He plays the psycho really well. A nod to his serious turn in his last few outings. He's also pretty funny acting like a teenaged girl. Meanwhile, Newton does a really admirable job as the psycho as well. At first it seems like she's trying too hard, but she really grows into the role.

All of the supporting cast is perfect, but her gay friend is especially noteworthy and adds a lot of the humor. Shout out to Cameron too. I guess crashing his dad's car didn't go over too well if he ended up a shop teacher.

Definitely deserves that R rating. A good film.