Styx Master of Shadows

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Styx Master of Shadows

Post by Leisher »

Stealth game where you're Styx, a goblin stuck in some fortress high in the sky built around a magic tree. The fortress is run by humans, but there are elves there too. You're a bit confused about how and why you're there.

The game play here is really solid on the stealth side...for a while. I have some serious issues with the final two levels as they seem to have been designed to completely alter your play style, and require as much luck as skill. Also, the tools you use throughout the game basically become non-existent, which becomes a major issue prior to the final fight. Speaking of that final fight, it's pretty underwhelming.

Those tools you get are health potions, amber potions, sand, and throwing knives. You can only carry three of each, 5 of the sand, until you max them out via the extremely limited RPG-skill system. Oh, and you can also make a clone of yourself which you can control, but most of the game you just use it as a tool for puzzles. It does get an offensive capability later, which is nice, but overall the way you summon and then obtain control doesn't make them super useful.

Levels are designed really well, and feel right for the setting, but a huge negative is that halfway through the game you simply play your way back through them.

Enemies are humans, elves, bugs, trolls, and something else that shows up later, but is a spoiler. All come in various flavors, and some are immune to your regular attacks, which makes taking them down like puzzles.

The story is confusing to say the least. I never played the original, so I don't know about Styx, but the story seems very flawed. Very, very deeply flawed.

Another big problem is your lack of the simple ability to just swing your weapon without prompts. For example, if I sneak up on someone or if they actively are attacking me, I will get a prompt to kill them or "parry" then eventually kill. However, just striking with your weapon is never an option. You'll hit moments where this will be frustrating. Also, here's a hint: You can kill the bugs, but you have to get close to get a prompt...

The stealth part is pretty awesome, but probably would require a LOT of playthroughs to be successful. There is an achievement for not killing anyone, aside from certain ones you must kill, but I cannot imagine spending that much time on the game. I was killing everyone possible, but still the majority of my playthrough was spent replaying levels after making a mistake.

Is it worth it? If you're way into stealth games, definitely give this a look. Otherwise, skip it.
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