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Post by Cakedaddy »

I'm always trying new rum. Rum is my drink of choice.

Wife bought me this one:

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Post by GORDON »

"Ron" is spanish for rum.

There wasn't ever a guy named Ron Bacardi. IIRC, his first name was Fegundo.
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Post by TheCatt »

I like rum. I've never bought fancy, old rum, just like mixing drinks with rum.

Is the older rum fancy-smooth drink it on your own? Cuz I bought a small bottle of something like that a while ago, and did not like it.
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Post by GORDON »

I had spiced rum, once. Did not like. Cap'n Morgan, maybe.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I have found the older it is, the better it is. Even in the higher proof. This is the oldest I've had. 12 year was the old oldest. This one has a definite "wood" flavor. Even though its 80 proof, it doesn't have the strong "kerosene" flavor, as my wife would put it. She would disagree, as she tasted "kerosene and wood". I would not chalk this up as one of my favorites, because it's just a dark rum. Not spiced. But I really enjoy the uniqueness of it. This is the first one where the oak barrel taste is very prominent. As the ice melts, it definitely changes the taste and takes the edge off, as ice does with most strong alcohols. I like it better before the ice melts because I want to experience the flavor of the rum. That being said, I'm probably breaking a cardinal rule of expensive stuff by putting it in coke. I wouldn't like it straight. I'm not crazy. Over all, I'm glad I got it and was able to try it, but at $150 a bottle, I dont like it that much. It will be one I break out and share with others. Not one that I drink on the regular. So many alcohols talk about their "oaky flavor" this is the first one I actually taste it. Makes it very unique, for me.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

There are a lot of spices rums that are better than captain morgans. They add a lot more flavors to mask the cheap rum underneath. Get a spiced rum that's at least 6 years old and it's going to taste better and hit you harder. Not all spiced, 6 year rums are good. But most are better than captian's.
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