A Little Help

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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A Little Help

Post by Leisher »

Jenna Fisher and Chris O’Donnell, who should NOT be getting a top billing here, are a married couple going through issues. Jenna’s overbearing mother and sister, her living in the past father, and her spoiled brat kid don’t help matters.

Jenna does a great job but I didn’t love the script. I think it does a good job of explaining the choices people make and how we all have secrets. However, I think it’s too forgiving of those secrets. One guy drops a BOMB and there’s almost no response. The lack of reaction is jarring.

Also, it’s hard not to lose immersion when O’Donnell is chastising Fisher for letting herself go and she’s got a phenomenal body.

It’s a good movie with good acting, but it’s missing elements of good story telling.
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