Day of the Dead: Bloodlines

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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Day of the Dead: Bloodlines

Post by Leisher »

Yay Netflix!

A re-imagining of Day of the Dead, which is the one with the scientists in the remote compound.

This time we join doctor in training, Zoe, as the zombie apocalypse starts, and immediately transition into the future where she's a doctor and scientist fighting the zombie plague. She's stationed with military and civilians in a secured compound when they discover a zombie from Zoe's past who isn't really a zombie. This means Zoe needs to study this zombie, but the mean old military commander thinks science is dumb. (Seriously, fuck you Hollywood. Most of the technology you use is because of the military. Oh, and your freedom. You're welcome.)

This movie is fucking terrible. The dialogue is clearly written by a 4th grader. It's embarrassingly bad. There is a scene with Zoe jogging and running by two friends that will make you cringe. I honestly wonder if the writer has ever actually had friends or conversed with human beings.

The entire script is a dumpster fire. There's a scene where they need to wrangle zombies in to draw blood from them, and instead of simply doing so through the CHAIN LINK FENCE, they instead unlock the main gate and try to let one in at a time. They do this despite the large group of zombies outside the gate. Guess how many guys they task with keeping the unlocked gate closed from the crushing weight of a group of undead. Did you guess 1? If so, you are correct.

One line went through my head as I watched this movie and I think it'll really help you understand this shitfest: "This is the Jaws 4 of zombie movies." If you've ever wanted to see a zombie with a personal vendetta and the ninja skills to act upon it, this is the movie for you.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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