Bad Roomies

As long as we recognize Lucas is washed up and most TV sucks, we'll all get along fine.
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Bad Roomies

Post by Leisher »

The fat kid from the Sandlot and his roommate need a third to maintain their lifestyle.

Problem #1: He owns his own business and it seems to be successful.
Problem #2: He has a long time and very serious girlfriend.
Problem #3: Both men are clearly in their late 20s/early 30s.
Problem #4: The good looking roommate has no women anywhere in the picture? Ditto for their other guy friends? Really? These are all grown ass men. None of them have a woman?

Right out of the gate, you can see where there's a problem with suspension of disbelief. Why the fuck are they still living the bachelor life style?

The roommate they choose is a pretty hot woman, of course. The actress is "meh" in her first scene, in terms of looks, but later scenes she looks much better. Must have been bad lighting. Her name is Annie Monroe and she's got one of the most passionate faces I've seen in a while. She's almost worth the price of admission alone.

However, the story, admittedly a dark comedy, gets a bit silly. It really stretches the boundaries of what logical, sane people would do or accept.

I had moments wishing it would just end, moments wondering why Annie Monroe isn't getting better work, moments of "this is bullshit", and a couple of chuckles.

Can't really recommend it, but if you can watch it for free you might enjoy parts of it.

I will warn you that the entire plot revolves around the idea that men only think with their dicks, and women are manipulative, vengeful cunts. Yeah. Not really sure what message they were going for, but everyone looks really shitty.
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