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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:46 pm
by TheCatt
Did some idiot friend of yours (or yourself) share your information?
Based on our available records, neither you nor your friends logged into "This Is Your Digital Life."
As a result, it doesn't appear your Facebook information was shared with Cambridge Analytica by "This Is Your Digital Life."


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:32 pm
by Leisher
According to that, no.

Also, if you go into FB --> Settings there's a link to DL the data FB has on you. It's basically everything ever posted about you on FB. So, essentially, stuff already in the public domain.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:00 pm
TheCatt wrote: Did some idiot friend of yours (or yourself) share your information?
Based on our available records, neither you nor your friends logged into "This Is Your Digital Life."
As a result, it doesn't appear your Facebook information was shared with Cambridge Analytica by "This Is Your Digital Life."

Also if you dig down into settings and advertising info, how FB gleans info from your profile so it knows how to target ads, it was pretty well wrong about most things it predicted about me. So that's pretty funny.

Though it did predict I was politically moderate.... probably because I block ALL political groups the moment I'm exposed to them.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:37 am
by TheCatt
GORDON wrote: Also if you dig down into settings and advertising info, how FB gleans info from your profile so it knows how to target ads, it was pretty well wrong about most things it predicted about me.
It called me a Liberal.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:39 am
by Leisher
Did you see Zuck in front of Congress? I liked that Cruz called him out for FB's anti-conservative tactics in hiring and ads.
TheCatt wrote: It called me a Liberal.
It's because of all the lesbian porn you watch.

Truthfully, it'd think I was a liberal too.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:41 am
by TheCatt
Mark Zuckerberg emerged unscathed from Tuesday's Senate committee hearing, and he did so in large part because most of the senators who asked him questions had no clue how Facebook worked, what the solutions to its problems are, or even what they were trying to achieve by calling its CEO to testify, other than getting some good soundbites in.
This sounds like how I would have expected it to go. I didn't watch anything.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:01 am
Did he say sarcastically, "People put stuff on the internet and then get outraged that people on the internet read it?"


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:15 am
by Troy
Nobody understood how they make money
Z: "we sell ads"

What is a social network?
Z: (seriously had to explain this a few times)

John Kennedy wanted a ton of changes to how Facebook operates, he had a list - that was apparently completely unresearched.
Z: "we already do all of those things"
It was extra cringy because he started the line of questioning with "Your User Agreement Sucks"

Ted Cruz and Kamala Harris were the only two who actually pushed him, or seemed to be fully in the 21st century.
Z: "we are working on it" or "it's my fault, the buck stops with me, we aren't firing people"

A few had questions about where facebook actually was. "It's IN the computer?"
Then Z offered tech support, and a bunch of senators whipped out there early 2000s Dells.
(these last two didn't happened, but might as well have)


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:20 am
by Troy
We shared the "did your info get sold" link around the war-room.

Everyone was like, "Yay, it says we are all in the clear". Then one dude clarified "It says I'm clear but one of my friends shared all my information"
"So you aren't clear, and have been effected?"
"Well... ye-..-oh."

Even a positive on the link doesn't read as a positive at first, to some people.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:38 am
by TheCatt


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:32 pm
by Leisher
Troy wrote: Nobody understood how they make money
Z: "we sell ads"

What is a social network?
Z: (seriously had to explain this a few times)

John Kennedy wanted a ton of changes to how Facebook operates, he had a list - that was apparently completely unresearched.
Z: "we already do all of those things"
It was extra cringy because he started the line of questioning with "Your User Agreement Sucks"

Ted Cruz and Kamala Harris were the only two who actually pushed him, or seemed to be fully in the 21st century.
Z: "we are working on it" or "it's my fault, the buck stops with me, we aren't firing people"

A few had questions about where facebook actually was. "It's IN the computer?"
Then Z offered tech support, and a bunch of senators whipped out there early 2000s Dells.
(these last two didn't happened, but might as well have)
I laughed and then realized this is all true and got sad.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:48 pm
by Troy
Heard the Senator's staff did their research overnight and fed a few good zingers to our representatives today.

Slightly hotter seat for ol' Z. Still not enough, but a start.

This one from yesterday slipped through the cracks, but was a highlight.

He didn't really seem to see the trap until he was already in it.

These are bad answers, IMO:
• Representative Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, pressed Mr. Zuckerberg on whether Facebook would agree or refuse to change Facebook’s default settings to minimize collection and use of users’ data. “This is a complex issue that deserves more than a one-word answer,” Mr. Zuckerberg answered. “That’s disappointing to me,” Mr. Pallone responded.

• California Democrat Anna Eshoo put it more bluntly, asking Mr. Zuckerberg: “Are you willing to change your business model to protect users’ privacy?” Mr. Zuckerberg was noncommittal, saying: “Congresswoman, I’m not sure what that means.”


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:04 pm
Maybe they can legislate making people be less attention whorish. Or stupid. Or, fine Z for it.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:47 pm
by thibodeaux
Does no one see the irony of the fed gov being of so concerned about privacy?


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:49 pm
No one with any power, no.


Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:43 pm
by TheCatt

I didn't take it as good vs evil so much as two people fighting over your data.


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:28 am
by Leisher
That's brilliant.


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:18 pm
by TheCatt
I really wish people would stop posting these questions that are also security questions for banks or other financial services. Just in the past two days:

What street did you grow up on?
What color is your favorite?
What was your first concert?
How many years have you been married?


Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:06 pm
by Leisher
FB glitch asked if every post was hate speech.

I think technically, you could make the argument that yes, every post is hate speech to someone.

UK wants Zuck to answer questions.

I'm sitting in the bean bag area watching this morning's general session with Jeff Clarke, thus I can post news bites. I hope this pleases Mr. Catt.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:11 pm
by TheCatt
Leisher wrote: I hope this pleases Mr. Catt.
It does, please continue to endeavor to please Mr. Catt.