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Google v. Java

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:26 pm
by Malcolm
ince the trial began on May 10, the jury has heard evidence from a parade of Silicon Valley bigwigs including Google's Eric Schmidt and Larry Page, Oracle CEO Safra Catz, and former Sun Microsystems CEO Jonathan Schwartz.

Google's message to the jury was that Sun intended Java to be free for anyone to use, which is why it made the Java language open source in the first place. It cited a blog post from Schwartz, congratulating Google on Android's release, as evidence that Sun had no problem with Google's use of Java.

Oracle's lawyers painted a very different picture. Google was desperate to get its mobile operating system to market quickly, they told the jury, and after failing to secure a licensing deal with Sun, Google went ahead and used Java anyway. They dismissed Schwartz's blog post as a way to make Android look like a win for Sun.

“They knew they were breaking the rules, they knew they were taking shortcuts, and they knew it was wrong,” Peter Bicks, an attorney for Oracle, told the jury in his closing statement.

Re: Google v. Java

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:20 pm
by Troy
Didn't get to work this case, but had a hearing in front of that Judge this week for a different tech company and case.

The Judge's courtroom was still set up from the trial (jury was deliberating) during our hearing. There was a big demonstrative they brought in - a big metal filing cabinet. It was in open court so it's cool to mention it. Anyway, the filing cabinet was labeled with various Classes as the drawers, i think it was a way to explain inheritance. Anyway, that's my legal insider gossip. I don't even know whose side the demonstrative was used for.

At least there tech guys had the courtroom well wired so I didn't have to do anything!

Re: Google v. Java

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:34 pm
by Malcolm
Anyway, the filing cabinet was labeled with various Classes as the drawers, i think it was a way to explain inheritance.
That makes my head hurt.