Duke Nukem Forever - Formerly "Duke Nukem sighting"

Mostly PC, but console and mobile too
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Post by GORDON »

In Duke 3D the controls were only 2D. You'd aim toward the target and the altitude of the shot was controlled be the computer.

That is something I have been thinking about as I prepare to play the first ever 3D Duke.
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Post by GORDON »

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Post by Cakedaddy »

I think it's possible you paid too much for the game.
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Post by GORDON »

It's the collector's edition with statues and shit.

I wanted the statues and shit.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

No, I mean, for the game. Unless you got $90 worth of statues and shit.
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Post by TPRJones »

From what I understand, all editions of the game come with shit-grabbing action. You don't have to spend extra for that part.
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Post by GORDON »

I got out of the little car to do some things and then I got back in and for some reason I can't remember what the turbo button is.
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Post by Malcolm »

My buddy bought the 360 version. Oh my fucking crippled Christ on a cracked crutch, it was such a letdown for a 15 years of development. Some of the shitty, shitty highlights...

- Intro vid sucked. Again, you had FIFTEEN years to work on a goddamn PR demo video. You can't even do that right?
- Gameplay was Gears of War minus co-op (sucks) and minus over-the-shoulder view (fucking thank god).
- Enemies comes in waves and you know you're done when the particular sound effect plays.
- Your enemies also conveniently seem to have been picked from random kung fu B-flicks in that they don't really gang up on you all at once.
- The wave looks to consist of a few critters teleporting in, dying, then having another few critters teleport in, ad nauseum, until the wave is over.
- First half of the level was driving in a fucking car working out puzzles on how to get around environment obstacles.
- There was a fucking jumping puzzle. Duke Nukem had a fucking jumping puzzle.
- Prior to that, you to blast something out of the sky playing a turret mini-game. Why can't the Duke just pull a gun and blast away as normal? I don't want to play first-person tower defense, I want to splatter things.
- In fact, there's lots of annoying mini-games like that. "Tap A repeatedly to force open the door." Fuck you, just open the goddamn door with ONE press. I don't want to press buttons, I want to blow shit up.
- The Duke now only gets to carry 2 guns, too. What the fuck happened to the fucking arsenal he used to pack?
- Dialog was written entirely by a team of stoned, slacker frat boys. I sort of expected lots of that, but occasionally punctuated with something genuinely funny or darkly clever. There's absolutely nothing beyond obvious one-liners.

Almost every FPS used to let you carry fifty guns and ten thousand bullets without blinking twice. The designers back then understood what drove people to those games -- wanton mayhem and carnage. It's Duke Nukem, for Christ's sake. This ought to be the anti-Portal, thinking about puzzles should be limited to, "How can I destroy this in a particularly interesting way?" The cavalcade of designers that slimed their way through the history of this thing probably didn't help, but good goddamn, you took this long to produce a shooter that I'd charitably classify as "below average." Go take another fifteen and try again.

Edited By Malcolm on 1308956775
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Post by GORDON »

- Enemies comes in waves and you know you're done when the particular sound effect plays.

Most other things you said are more or less accurate, but at least I can point at that and say, "Not on the PC."

The 2 weapon limit is frikkin retarded.... like you said, this is a Duke Nukem game. Why that stupid nod to realism, and nowhere else?

The company that acquired this game from 3dRealms... blanking on the name... pretty much took the game they acquired, and finished it. No wonder 3dRealms didn't release it, because so far it is generally.... uninspired. But now that this game is out the door, the company is free to take the license and make a real Duke game. That's what I'm looking forward to, the next one.

It vaguely feels like a Duke game, but definitely has its problems.

And I can forgive the adolescent humor because when I was shrunk I spent a minute or so looking up the twins' skirts.
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Post by Leisher »

$9.99 via Steam until Oct. 13th, 2011.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

That was fast.

Oh wow. Only $20 regular price.

Edited By Cakedaddy on 1318391329
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Bought it for $2.49 today. Was down to $4.99 and used a half off coupon Leisher gave me for Christmas! Thanks Leisher!
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Post by GORDON »

There must have been a patch or something, because now there is a setting for "extended inventory" where you can choose to have 4 weapons instead of just 2.
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Post by Leisher »

I'm up to the dam area, and the game isn't bad. Is it linear? Yes, but it's still fun.

The graphics are good, as is the sound, and the levels are constantly changing so nothing gets boring.

The extended inventory seems like a MASSIVE change to game play, and one that was needed. Carrying two guns might be realistic, but this is a game about Duke Nukem. He's won Oscars, won a bracelet at the WSOP, gets blown by twins while playing video games, is worshiped by the entire planet, and repelled an alien invasion that featured, among other things, walking pigs carrying shotguns. I'm thinking reality shouldn't have been a concern when carrying weapons...

I think I'm only halfway through the game, and I can safely say that if you like FPSs, this is a must buy, especially around $5 during the next Steam sale.

Just be aware that it's very heavy on the sophomoric humor. Expect cursing, toilet jokes, naked women, manly one liners ("Stop bleeding you pussy."), etc.
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Post by GORDON »

1. Game is shorter than I xepected... 20 hours, at most.

2. I have a strong feeling there were a few parts where large chunks of the game/maps were cut out. I expect this was to just get what 3D Realms made out-the-door.

3. Once you finish the game it unlocks a bunch of "making of" content, including all of the videos for DNF that have been released since 1998. The one from 2005 actually looked like it had a lot of cool stuff that just isn't in the released game.

Like I said before, I am looking forward to the NEXT Duke game that is put out by a company who knows how to manage their programmers (not 3D Realms). That'll be the polished one.
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Post by Leisher »

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Post by Malcolm »

Technically not the original, but I have many fond memories of jetpacks, holograms, night vision goggles, shrink rays, et al.
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Post by Leisher »

Right. I should have added the 3D at the end. 1 and 2 were both side scrollers.
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Post by Leisher »

“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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Post by Leisher »

“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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