The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

GORDON wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:36 am Imagine if there was a news source that focused on reporting facts, and not engaging in a grudge match.
I have noticed that since Biden won, my phone's news alerts from Fox and CNN have simply swapped their tone. CNN went from constantly bashing the president and reporting every misstep to positive messages about the direction of the country, while FOX has done the opposite. A person who believes either source to be fair and unbiased has no idea how slanted their news makes them.
GORDON wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:36 am I don't think they're going to start holding politicians responsible for shit, because someone might be expected to enforce the law for both parties. It would be a dangerous precedent.

I don't think we live in this world of fantasy. Rich people do what they want.
Sadly, you are not wrong. There are different rules for different people based on race, sex, money, power, etc. Of course, those in charge only want us to focus on the inequalities in race and sex. That keeps us from talking about what they get away with.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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Biden admin releases Trump admin's drone strike rules.

They're actually not horrible, but this is the sort of thing most people should never learn about. They can't handle the horrible truth that for them to live their entitled lifestyle, people are constantly dying. It's interesting that Biden's admin is just reviewing them to see if they even need to make a change, yet the article still judges the rules harshly because "Trump".

The review, officials said, discovered that Trump-era principles to govern strikes in certain countries often made an exception to the requirement of “near certainty” that there would be no civilian casualties. While it kept that rule for women and children, it permitted a lower standard of merely “reasonable certainty” when it came to civilian adult men.
A lawyer for the ACLU citing Obama for good policies on drone strikes is comedy gold. Yeah, he only intentionally used a drone strike to kill an American citizen without trial, but whatever.
Brett Max Kaufman, a senior staff lawyer with the ACLU’s Center for Democracy, portrayed the Trump-era rules as having “stripped down even the minimal safeguards President Obama established in his rules for lethal strikes outside recognized conflicts”
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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Witness claims Trump was involved in Jan 6th.

It'd be hilarious if he ended up in jail at the end of all this. What a perfect example he would be for parents to teach their kids how ego can doom you.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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As Trump is so universally beloved, when someone says something horrible about him it's so unusual that it shouldn't be dismissed out of hand.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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To be fair though, he deserves 90% of the hate he gets. He's genuinely not a good person.

That being said, I do think he and his admin deserve credit for things they got right or did as well as the Ds, but overall it was a dumpster fire. If he wasn't such a titanic ego driven, selfish asshole, he probably would still be president.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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His foreign policy will probably go down as his best parts.

Do I really care he offended a bunch of Europeans? No. I do not. Right wing Europeans are taking immigration way harder than OURs are. Check out Denmark right now.

Good relations with South Korea, Japan, AND North Korea? Important nowadays.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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I'd say prior to the pandemic, the economy would probably have been his best claim. However, since he bungled covid (and make no mistake, anyone would was an unwinnable situation, but somehow he made it worse) I'd have to agree on foreign policy.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by GORDON »


- A+ on foreign policy
- A+ on the economy, until unprecedented pandemic election year
- Immigration policy generally unchanged since Obama administration, so call that an A+ because Obama was an infallible god
- Gays were never locked up
- F- on his twitter policy

Worst president ever?
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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C+ - FP
B- - Economy
F - human being, domestic politics and everything else.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

Catt's rating are more accurate.

I'd say he easily had an A with the economy until covid. However, the B range is still impressive because nobody was going to handle covid well.

Foreign policy is easily a C+, maybe B- thanks to historic olive branches and legit honesty, but his flaw was that he never followed up on things. We're back to square one with NK, his very aggressive stance against China's evil was toothless and ultimately they are probably feeling empowered, he was/is right about the Paris Accord but he didn't get anything changed in it or new drawn up so Biden just rejoined it, etc.

And yes, a solid F for everything else. He's a shit human being, but he was a worse politician. He's a bully with zero tact. His administration had no stability. Nancy Pelosi is a shit human being and a bully, but she is a good politician. She knows how to play the game. He would throw around conspiracy theories and spout off lies daily. You're the president of the United States, you cannot do that. The man lives, eats, and breathes hyperbole.

If Trump was a LT in Vietnam there's a 10/10 chance his own men would have killed him.

None of that excuses the absolute biased garbage "journalism" that was prevalent in the coverage of him, but it also was not responsible for any of the stuff above. That was all Trump. He made their blatant attempts to slander him quite easy.

Was he the worst president ever? Probably not. His economy prior to the pandemic and his foreign policy are, imho, enough to keep him from the bottom. However, he doesn't have much else to brag about.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Troy »

“Anyone would have fucked up the Covid economy”

This is isn’t a legit statement. We only had one shot in 100 years to have the right guy at the top during a novel pandemic. You put good people in charge because when things hit the fan you know they are up to the challenge. Trump never even stepped up to the plate. Anyone can slash regulations to the air and water and promise to drill Alaska. What matters in crisis mode is how you deal with non perfect situations.

And did he ever fail there. No leadership, conspiracy theories, shifting of blame around instead of tackling the problem head on.

Not a leader of men. Maybe a leader of scophants only.

Scragged by a grenade in Vietnam for sure (as Leisher noted) if he hadn’t invented his bone spurs.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

This is isn’t a legit statement. We only had one shot in 100 years to have the right guy at the top during a novel pandemic. You put good people in charge because when things hit the fan you know they are up to the challenge. Trump never even stepped up to the plate. Anyone can slash regulations to the air and water and promise to drill Alaska. What matters in crisis mode is how you deal with non perfect situations.

And did he ever fail there. No leadership, conspiracy theories, shifting of blame around instead of tackling the problem head on.
My statement was not a defense of Trump. I was simply pointing out how anyone in that situation was fucked. There was no winning no matter what actions were taken, and all you need to do is look at the D responses to his actions to see that is correct.

In the early days of the pandemic, Trump did shut down travel to and from China, as well as, other places. The D response? He's xenophobic and this is an overreaction. Their response has been conveniently forgotten.

Early on Trump called this thing the "China virus" or something like that. The MSM and Ds did too, but that's been conveniently forgotten.

Early on Trump was doing whatever Fauci recommended, and Fauci was even praising him. Again, forgotten.

Throughout the whole thing Trump suggested it was man made, as did many in the scientific community. This was all reported seriously by the MSM early on, but somewhere along the line that suggestion got turned into a conspiracy theory. Now that Biden's admin is investigating and Fauci is openly suggesting it is true, the MSM is treating it seriously again. However, I've yet to see a single article titled: "Ok, maybe Trump was right about this one."

NONE of this is to suggest Trump did a good job. I mean, I don't even remember seeing him in a mask until somewhere around 6 months into the pandemic. Lead by example dipshit! And the way he shifted gears right in the middle because he was worried the crashing economy, due to the lockdowns, would negatively affect his chance to get re-elected was the height of selfishness.

Now granted, a D president would have gotten much better press, but the fact remains that the public still would have been pretty unhappy. Whoever was in charge was going to have to support masks, vaccines, and shutdowns, which were going to be unpopular. Even if Obama was still the president. And no matter what, the pandemic was going to negatively affect the economy.

At the end of the day, dealing with a crisis means doing so from start to finish, and he did not do that at all. He sucked, and might have done the worst job possible, but we don't honestly know that for sure. It's literally impossible for us to know how another R, a D, or anyone else would have handled things despite what our own biases want us to believe.

Catt's Saturday plans... :D

If he somehow wins in 2024...

Is Biden admin protecting Trump?

Long term thinking there. They're not protecting Trump himself, but rather the office of the president.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

DOJ still wants to replace Trump in a defamation lawsuit.

Their argument is that he was in office at the time, and as such, he was acting as the government. So his words were "official". (Very cringe when you consider everything he ever said and tweeted.)

This is an interesting argument on the DOJ's part. They blast Trump's words as inappropriate, but still say the responsibility falls on them, not him. I get their case, but I don't like the "Get out of jail" free aspect of it for Trump and anyone else who could escape via it. (EX: Maxine Waters and her comments implying citizens should use violence if the "proper" verdict didn't come down in the Chauvin case.)

However, there's another aspect that I find equally as interesting that isn't discussed in the article. A woman writes a book and gives interviews, and in each she makes the statement that a man, naming him, raped her. No evidence. No court case. No police report. Somehow this isn't defamation? Then when the man denies it and says she's trying to drum up sales of her book, that IS defamation?

Is that not a double standard or am I missing something?
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

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Ds complain that Trump weaponized Justice Department against them.

They are 100% right to feel like that sort of thing shouldn't happen. However, they should have been speaking up when Obama did it with the IRS and Eric Holder's DOJ.

Politicians have to stop being silent when their parties are pulling shit like this.

The IRS, DOJ, FBI, etc. are not political entities and should not be used by politicians for personal or political gain.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by GORDON »

If you type up that opinion, and wrap it around a stack of hundreds, your elected representative may listen to what you have to say.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:58 am Trump finally conceded.
I didn't read it that way. I read it as "they say we lost, but it's crooked"
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

To be fair, it is the HuffPo's story, so...
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by Leisher »

NY prosecutors are leaving no stone unturned in trying to nail Trump.

And as I typed that, charges coming as soon as Thursday.

If Trump simply wasn't a such an unrepentant dick you wonder if such efforts to "get him" would have taken place? I also wonder if the part of the GOP that is still smitten with him are going to try and martyr him.
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The [s]First[/s] Only Trump far

Post by TheCatt »

Leisher wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 11:11 am NY prosecutors are leaving no stone unturned in trying to nail Trump.

And as I typed that, charges coming as soon as Thursday.

If Trump simply wasn't a such an unrepentant dick you wonder if such efforts to "get him" would have taken place? I also wonder if the part of the GOP that is still smitten with him are going to try and martyr him.
They would not have. I have no doubt this stuff goes on elsewhere and people just agree to settle for a fine if found out.
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