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Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:39 pm
by Leisher
Hey remember when Minneapolis was trying to get rid of cops and replace them with a new "public safety department"?

Voters said, "Fuck that, we want cops."

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:54 pm
by TheCatt
Leisher wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 1:39 pm Hey remember when Minneapolis was trying to get rid of cops and replace them with a new "public safety department"?

Voters said, "Fuck that, we want cops."
Surprise. Shock.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:45 pm
by Leisher
Eliminating cops is just an absolutely moronic idea and will never work.

How about giving the cops more and better training to DEescalate situations? How about giving them more peaceful and non-violent resources instead of tanks?

Every city in the U.S. should have two cops per car, with the second officer being on a long term rotation of say a year or two. The first officer should have a "home" district so one of them "knows the neighbors". (The rotating cop helps to avoid corruption, complacency, and long term partnerships that can lead to looking the other way.) They should have side arms, this is the U.S., but should be trained to deescalate and rely upon non-lethal measures first. All should have "always on" body cams. A shotgun and automatic weapon should be secured in the trunk.

Every shift in every district should have at least (all of these are "on the road"/mobile/actively working) one sergeant, a social worker, and a crisis worker (like a hostage negotiator, but for domestics). These numbers should increase based on population and based on average number of 911 calls. There should also be a LT at the station for situations that require escalation via legal/political/criminal reasons.

Also, continuing education, competency checks, psych evaluations, personal finance reviews, and physicals (including eye exams) should all be part of the job.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:47 pm
I don't think you need to send a guy with a gun to help a mentally ill person being crazy in the street.

But yes, as I've always said , if they have the power to kill people, they should be held to a much higher standard.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:55 pm
by Leisher
GORDON wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:47 pm I don't think you need to send a guy with a gun to help a mentally ill person being crazy in the street.
Rather than me painting the scenario and you responding back with how you would prevent the violence, let's flip the script. Paint me the scenario of how you think society should respond to those situations, and I'll tell you who you just got killed.

Minnesota or Minneapolis, I forget which one, sent a social worker to a domestic violence call after all the riots and their "abolish the police" bullshit and that person was shot dead. That was the first time that was attempted.

The person with the gun is fine to go, BUT they need to be trained better and they should have additional resources that have previously been unavailable, like access to shrinks who can potentially talk the crazy person down.
GORDON wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:47 pm But yes, as I've always said , if they have the power to kill people, they should be held to a much higher standard.
You have to define "much higher standard" to me before I can rubber stamp agree. I think what I laid out was already pretty solid.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:32 pm
by TheCatt
Leisher wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:55 pm Minnesota or Minneapolis, I forget which one, sent a social worker to a domestic violence call after all the riots and their "abolish the police" bullshit and that person was shot dead. That was the first time that was attempted.
I don't believe you. I know that a social worker was killed after some kind of 911 call once, but I don't think it was the "first time" that was attempted, etc. Social workers have faced peril and been killed by their (clients? case people?) for a while. It's not exactly every day, but it happens. Several police departments have hired social workers and used them for calls, and I Couldn't find any of them being killed. But I kinda recall what you're talking about, I just doubt the exact details.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:02 pm
by Leisher
So take away the "first time" and who gives a shit? It doesn't affect the point in the slightest.

But yeah, I could have that detail wrong and it's good that some departments are doing other things. However, they all need to do it. Seems to me the cost would be worth not dealing with all the riots and lawsuits.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:06 pm
by Leisher
FBI video (that we have never seen before I guess) being shown at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
In opening statements, the prosecution said evidence would show Rittenhouse chased down and fatally shot Rosenbaum, 36, and then shot at three other people who tried to confront what they believed to be an active shooter.
The video shows the two stop and interact, and Rosenbaum, who was unarmed, then begins to run toward Rittenhouse, who is armed with a rifle. Rittenhouse, then 17, runs away from Rosenbaum before the teenager ultimately turns and shoots him four times, the video shows.
Uh...did the prosecution see this video beforehand?

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 1:16 pm
by Leisher

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:58 am
by Leisher
One of the far left talking heads, The Young Turks, admits she has believed falsehoods about the Rittenhouse shooting. Another way of looking at it is that they've been lying for a year despite all of the facts of the case being public knowledge. Or that echo chambers are really, really bad for you.

Rittenhouse ran from these people while yelling "friendly". The first guy he shot chased him while daring Rittenhouse to shoot him. A third person opened fire. The guy chasing Rittenhouse got his wish at that point and is now dead.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:47 pm
by Leisher
CNN says the Rittenhouse judge is racist.

His comment:
"I hope the Asian food isn't coming... isn't on one of those boats from Long Beach Harbor," said Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder as the court was preparing to take a lunch break.
The insanity:
Schroeder, the longest-serving active judge in Wisconsin's trial courts, appeared to be referring to the supply chain backlogs caused by congestion problems in California ports. But his comments were offensive and perceived as anti-Asian by some and as placing blame on Asian people for a large-scale event.
"It harms our community and puts us in the crosshairs of micro aggressions as well as actual physical violence," said John Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC.
Yang said it's clear the judge doesn't have cultural sensitivity. His remarks were meant to denigrate or minimize Asian Americans and "any Asian American that sees or hears his statement will understand that he is making fun of or mocking our community."
"This is a great illustration of how Asian Americans are not immune from racial bias and discrimination in our criminal justice system," Yang said.
Is this an SNL skit?

They ordered Asian food, the judge makes a joke about the currently broken supply chain, and that's him telling people to go out and murder Asians?

What the actual fuck?

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:48 pm
Yeah, that seems pretty obviously a supply-chain joke, but opportunists will say whatever lie they need to win.

Good thing they weren't delivering mexican food. Then he'd be anti-immigration.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:53 pm
by TheCatt
Leisher wrote: Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:47 pm They ordered Asian food, the judge makes a joke about the currently broken supply chain, and that's him telling people to go out and murder Asians?
Everything's a microaggression. Hell, why aren't we posting in 10 different languages at once?

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:29 pm
by Leisher
This has right wing Twitter all bent out of shape claiming censorship.

Uh, are people streaming a privately owned station's live feed because that seems pretty illegal?

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:01 pm
by Troy
The first amendment gives you free reign to violate copyright and trademark law, now that I think about it. :shock:

:lol: :lol:

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:11 pm
by Leisher
It always bugs me when people get these blind spots. I'm sure we ALL do, and that's probably what bugs me the most about it. There's being willfully ignorant, and then there's having a massive brain fart caused by your own bias.

I guarantee these same people would completely understand YouTube pull down live feeds of broadcast NFL games.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:41 pm
by TheCatt
Rittenhouse not guilty - over/under on number of peaceful protests + damage caused?

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:37 pm
by Leisher
Or as CNN calls them, "Mostly Peaceful" protests.

I think riots protests might happen, but on a smaller scale because anyone with the brains to actually follow the trial know this was the correct verdict. I don't think they're going to join this wave. (Note the ratio on the tweet below and keep in mind Twitter leans far left.)

Left wing Twitter is melting down. Here's the mayor of NYC spouting lies and misinformation:

So are the people reacting badly to this verdict blatantly lying, have they simply been lied to, or are they so far gone that they can no longer tell the difference between right and wrong? What is the difference between them and the people who think Trump won the election?


Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:40 pm
If only there were some way to not participate in a riot, and attack a kid who is carrying a rifle, and get shot dead in the street.

None of us are safe.

Peaceful Protesting 2020

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:43 pm
by Leisher
Reminder, these are the poor, innocent victims who were caught on video from multiple sources provoking the incident with Rittenhouse, attacking him, shooting first, and ultimately getting shot.


FYI, Biden also released a statement saying he disagreed with the verdict, but the jury's decision must be accepted. What a great leader...