Team Comp

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Post by Leisher »

I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of Veigar. Two high kill/low death games last night with lots of assists in both. I'm getting very used to flash now as well. ALMOST second nature now. When things are REALLY harry, I mess it up still. I find that I'm using my exhaust MUCH less often now too. But that's probably because I'm so far back, dropping my spells then falling back. Never up close enough to drop exhaust. I might change that spell to something else. In the last few games, it's been more of an after thought than anything else.

Try Teleport and Flash.

Leisher. Keep making sure you are behind your team. Last night, there was one push where we were all the way into their inhib turret. I saw one of us three pulling back and followed. You kept going vocalizing your wonder of where we were going. To me, that was one of those times where we had gotten a lot out of the push and to keep going would just be greedy. One person fell back and I followed. Yes, we could have vocalized it. But at the same time, sometimes we all just have to recognize a situation and react because voice is slow and you have to act now. So two things happened there. Stranger didn't vocalize that he was falling back (he was first to), and neither did I. You didn't recognize that your support was falling back and fall back with them. Whether we were making the right call or not was irrelevant at that point. You had no support, you must fall back.

I disagree with your last sentence there. Not because AD carries should engage without support, but because I don't believe I ever had the chance to notice my support was gone, and thus, I should fall back.

At that moment, I had no clue that either of you was out of health and/or mana. I thought the situation dictated pushing because 1-2 were dead, and the 2 in front of us were feigning a defense because it was 3v2. I was totally focused on the 2 enemies, and not my teammates.

What you should have said is, "You shouldn't have been in front of us, and then you would have noticed us falling back."

But yeah, please communicate pushes and retreats as best you can. I'm old and can't keep up with all the flashes and pretty colors on screen. :D
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Post by Cakedaddy »

We were bumping into each other for the whole push. Very bunched up. You HAD to see us falling back! Check your recording. You'll see!
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Scooty is playing with Sej and Anivia. I've never been impressed with Anivia. He was jungling with Sej.
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Post by GORDON »

Cake and I played TT with Hitler last night, and he was top solo.

Our guys kept going mia CONSTANTLY. A couple times a minute. If we didn't report it in a timely manner every single time, Hitler gets pissed. Granted, he usually died, but still. I was the only one typing the MIA's and i just couldn't keep up.

So fuck you, whoever you were.
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Post by Stranger »

I was just reading the first page of this topic and i saw that team comp the "Asian lane removal". i was watching the gamerscom LOL championship stream over the weekend and the announcers of were talking about this ultra agressive super short laning phase that was kinda taking over the pro circuit.

The one thing i took away from it was that the whole team wouldn't just group up and travel all as one, but instead they would rotate lanes. For example they would decide that top needed to get pushed. mid and jungle would head top and bottom would cover mid, that way if they enemy team responded quickly enough the whole damn team could be in the fight in a matter of no time.

and if bottom was the lane that needed pushed. Top would go mid, mid and jungle head bottom and hopefully clean house. This way the team is never to far away from thier respective lanes and can be grouped up quickly or get back to the lanes that might be getting counter pushed.

Its an interesting idea that would take some really good coordination
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Post by Cakedaddy »

And a lot of luck. Many times, you could have 4 people in a lane and two enemies can hold it while under their turret. Mean while, we are getting no farm, no xp, etc. So, you need luck to time it just right that the enemies are over extended so you can kill them and push an empty lane.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

But speaking of team comp, we've been running:


Vayne still seems to be feeding. Is it poor playing, or we need better/different support?

I'm missing a LOT of heal opportunities because I'm very unpracticed with her. I'll give almost dead people mana and healthy people health because I get the spells mixed up. Not to mention I waste my global heal healing the local fight instead of using the summoner spell. So, need a lot more practice with her. Or, should I abandon her and try something different. I think with enough practice she'd be a real asset though.
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