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Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:38 pm
by Leisher
$40 on PC? That's far more reasonable and must hilariously piss off the console players.

"$40? Ha! Their version must suck!"
"No, it's the same as your version."
"Their graphics must be worse."
"Actually, they're better depending on the rig."
"Well then, the controls must suck."
"Actually, it's been proven..."

Do we know if they're cheating for console players in Overwatch? (Auto aim?)

And still, $40 for something that can be found in a lot of other places for free...? It's still a tough sell.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:46 pm
by Stranger
Yeah, $40 is right at the price where I've gotta really want to play it to buy it, but I think this one might be a buy for me. It's pretty damn fun..

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 2:54 pm
by Leisher
TF2 was hours and hours of fun. Their videos were a ton of fun too. Then hats and user created content were added, and the game went south.

I'm sure we'd have a ball with Overwatch, but I don't know that I want to pay $40 for it. Gordon certainly won't. Cake will say we already don't play enough with games we own and actually want to play. Troy has shown no interest. and yada yada.

So I don't know.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:05 pm
by Stranger
Well, I pretty much don't buy or try to play games with the thought of co-op anymore. Its too hard to commit to gaming schedules and not everyone is going to like the same games either, at least for an extended period that is.

So for me, I can really enjoy this game by myself. Sure having a group to play with regularly would be a blast but I don't try and force that issue anymore. I just like to post about games I like to play and read about what games all you others like to play.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 3:16 pm
by Troy
I do remember that playing TF2 with you guys was some of the easier multi-ing I've done with the dtman group. You'd see the person in-game and could join them for that match. I'd be game for that again. It would take someone to taking the plunge and start giving us feedback/pictures/breakdowns in this thread though. Like others have said, I've got enough games at the moment, and more on the horizon.

TW-Warhammer, Stellaris, others. This is on my want list this year though.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 2:43 pm
by Malcolm
PA on Overwatch v. Battleborn.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:12 pm
by Stranger
Gets released in 7 days.. I must say, I'm kinda itching to play it again. Got to play it in two open beta's and now that its gone and I can't play it I'm missing it. Still haven't bought it yet tho, gonna have to change that.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:36 am
by Stranger
The actual release date is for tomorrow the 24th, but Blizzard said that is for a midnight release EU time and the game will be released world wide at that time. So here in the in the Eastern Time Zone it will go live at 7pm tonight. I'd be all over this if the Cavs weren't playing tonight, hopefully its a blow out and I can play thru the second half.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:04 pm
by Troy
Thinking I gotta check this out this week.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:41 pm
by Stranger
I'm a little disappointed that the rank play mode got scrapped right before last open beta and won't be ready for release. But I'll give Blizzard credit for listening to the player base and making accommodations, should be out within a month is what I'm reading.

The thing I like most about Blizzard is that they will continue to support the game long after release. Warcraft, StarCraft, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm all have gotten continued and timely updates for their entire existence. So I feel a little better about spending my $40 on a game from them. The game is highly polished and fun to play but right now I can see it might get stale as far as end game content goes, but I'd expect that to change with time.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 2:39 pm
by Leisher
Let us know how it is because right now I wouldn't be sure why I'm spending $40 on something that TF2 gives me for free.

It looks great, and I'm interested, but I'm not dropping $40 if it's just a prettier TF2.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:53 pm
by Troy
One game down. Played "Junkrat" who has a grenade launcher, thrown explosive w/ detonator, and a bear trap. He was fun, if a little weak, and with no cool movement abilities. Got some good multi-kills with his various weapons though, which was satisfying.

My team still lost, the other team had some guys who could fly, or something, flying + rocket launcher is pretty dang effective.

Overwhelming amount of Heroes to choose from.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 7:56 am
Ah, the rocket jump... probably one of the 2 things I hated about TF2.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:22 am
by Stranger
i really like playing Junkrat, but only on maps where you've gotta defend a point. If you can catch the enemy in a choke point he can absolutely lock it down. Lobbing grenades over obstructions and into a room full of enemies is really satisfying. His concussion mine is sweet too, I had a game in open beta where their Reinheart (the guy that holds up the shield) would try and escort his team into a room, I would place a mine in a doorway they had to walk thru and as soon as he passed over it I would blow it up sending his shield holding ass across the room and leaving his squishies wide open to get blown up. I don't know how many times I did this, they never even tried to counter my tactic.

Phara is the rocket launcher chick, she is probably one of the only offensive heroes that I can play decently. Her rocket jump into her ult is pretty damn effective on the more wide open maps. But I'll be damned, every time I do that there is a Widowmaker sniper just waiting for me to do that and snipes my ass right outta the air.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:08 am
by Leisher
Is there an engineer class?

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:51 am
by Stranger
There is only 4 classes that each hero falls into, Offensive, Defensive, Tank, and Support. There is no dedicated engineer class per say, and I'm not sure what the engineer class was in TF2 but Torbjorn is an engineer archetype, he falls in the defensive category. He builds turrets and repairs them, he also can collect scrap from fallen foes and make armor packs that he can drop around the map for teammates to pickup.

Then there is a support, Symmetra. She is a builder of sorts, not the typical healer like most supports. She can also build turrets but they perform a little different than Torbjorn's. She can also set up a teleporter to anywhere on the map that teammates can use. She seems pretty tricky to use, but probably useful with a coordinated team.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:01 am
by TPRJones
GORDON wrote:Ah, the rocket jump... probably one of the 2 things I hated about TF2.
It's not a rocket jump, she just has a jet pack. She has a move skill that is an upward thrust and her jump skill is a limited hover. She's often airborne and shooting rockets at ground targets. She's also often sniped right out of the sky if she flies around too much.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:14 pm
by Troy
Leisher wrote:Is there an engineer class?
The one I kept seeing was a Dwarf, definitely had the turret, maybe some other buildables.

His ultimate turns him into a flaming super star for a bit.

e: I spent a lot of time flying around and not being particularly useful with Pharaoh. Super fun after playing the relatively movement skill "boring" Junkrat.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:22 pm
by Leisher
He builds turrets and repairs them, he also can collect scrap from fallen foes and make armor packs that he can drop around the map for teammates to pickup.
So he's the engineer from TF and TF2? :D

That is appealing to me...

Re: Overwatch

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:31 pm
by Troy
