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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:57 pm
Also the actress playing Picard's... whatever? is fucking hot for being 60.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 7:34 pm
Season 2 has ended. Most reviews I see say "sucked!"

It had a few problems, but it was doing something different, overall. This is a personal story, even if you don't get it until a few episodes in, and it really gets driven home in the last episode. It's about growth and forgiveness and becoming something better. It pushed my buttons, and I enjoyed it.


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:32 pm
Season 3 has begun, we're a few episodes in. We continue the TNG family reunion, which has been fun so far.

We just had a Picard/Riker battle episode. I guess I'll spoiler the rest of this:
I was all excited for "Genius Military Strategy Riker..." and we got some of that... but I think the writers weren't up to the task. I've learned that if you want to write a character who does brilliant things, you have to be brilliant for a moment, too. The writers fell short. Half the time was Riker not knowing what to do, over and over. That was nothing like him as XO of the Enterprise, at all. So, no, bad writers.

Also..... Captain Shaw. I hated him in episode 1, but as we get to know him, and his motivations, he's really growing on me. And now I want a Captain Shaw spinoff. "Sorry, at some point I chose asshole over charm."


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:34 pm
I'm 5 episodes in to season 3, and this is what people originally wanted from a Picard show. I think you can completely skip seasons 1 and 2, and watch season 3, because fans are like FUCKING FINALLY.

It's good.


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:53 am
Ok, season has ended. Fans are going apeshit. The season/series finally has been proclaimed to be "Better than the First Contact movie." Not sure if I agree, but it was good.

Season 1 and 2 are generally graded C, and D, respectively. Season 3, I'd give a solid A-. And, if you want to skip S1 and S2, you need to know like maybe 2 quick facts to explain who characters are. Let me know.


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:59 am
by TheCatt
Yeah, I was skipping it based on reviews of S1 + S2.


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:06 am
If you want to skip season 1 and 2:

Only a few small things you need to know. Some major shit happened (poorly) in S1 and 2, but almost none of it is relevant in S3. Enjoy. (Also they say F-words now)

1. Picard is now a Soong android, "perfect down to the molecule." He was mortally wounded in S1 and that's how they saved him, transferred his consciousness.

2. The black woman was a member of Picard's crew at some point, and she developed a drug addiction and lost her family and is on a long, personal redemption arc trying to get her honor/life back. Also she and 7 are former lovuhs.

3. 7 of 9 was a crusading "Space Ranger" trying to keep order in lawless areas of the galaxy, her Borg past made her generally looked down upon. Picard convinced her to join Starfleet in S2, and convinced Starfleet to accept her.

And really that's it.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:38 pm
"Picard season 3 greatest turnaround in TV history" ... turnaround