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Post by TPRJones »

I found a P250 and learned the blueprint for it. :)
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Post by TPRJones »

I now have more good stuff than I can carry. Time to build a house, the shack won't cut it anymore.
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Post by Troy »

Nice! I'm in a big mountain house on the western side of Coast Mountain.

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Post by TPRJones »

I'm building on the west edge of Zombie Hill. So far so good. Need a lot more wood, though.
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Post by TPRJones »

I put a pillar in a stupid place. Can they be destroyed?
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Post by Troy »

Not by people. I had to build around a bad one, myself.

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Post by TPRJones »

Got a plane drop that was full of pillars, walls, planks, and even two metal doors. House is almost done. :)
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Post by Troy »

Nice!, I have yet to even see one of those land near me.

That's awesome. Were there any explosives?

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Post by TPRJones »

Oh, yes, I got some explosives as well. :)
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Post by Troy »

TPR progressing further at this game then me on day 1.

And now Cake shaming me about how ugly my base is.

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Post by TPRJones »

I got lucky. It was a good day. :p
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Post by TPRJones »

Note to self: don't forget to /share Tas and Cake next time you are both on.

Nifty server mod, that.
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Post by Troy »

Cake is shared on mine. I'll add you after I show you how to get here. Did you get attacked tonight after I left your house? I saw you talking to people on the open channel.

Story Time. The base was attacked with Cake and I in it!

I had (eventually) found Cake in the dark part of night in a big radiated town and after a zombie accidentally ate him we made it back home as the sun was coming up.

Cake said my house was ugly and went exploring into a forest for meat. He pinged me on Steam a half hour later that dudes were in my base and had shot at him and that I needed to log in and fight. So I did and we ran to the safe room (the shit is getting real room) and got two assault weapons and forced them off, killing one and driving the other away.

Here is Cake posing in a picture of the wall they knocked down. I guess we need to reinforce the perimeter.


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Post by Cakedaddy »

First impressions:

Very much like the early days of UO. Trust no one. Death around every corner. Collect resources. Build weapons. Go fight. Kill monsters. Collect loot.

Logged on just before dark. Ran and hooked up with Tas. He got me killed by a zombie. First death. Spawned who knows where. Ran in a direction for while and then it got REAL dark. I'm just running completely blind. I hear zombies but keep on running. Then it seemed like I was in the middle of a field, so I just crouched and waited for some light. It started getting lighter and was able to hook up with Troy again. He took me to his house. Quite the structure! A maze of doors, stairs and walls. He gave me some basic stuff. Kept offering me good stuff, but, I was sure I would just die and lose it, so I kept it basic. He made me a hatchet and I went out to gather resources. Found some spots and got wood and stone. Made some arrows!! He had given me a bow as well. Ventured over to 'Rad City' and killed some zombies. Got some AWESOME loot! Dump loot and went back out. While out, I hear some shots and ricochets. Someone is shooting at me!! I look around, and I see a guy standing on the mountain by Troy's house. I run over there, thinking it was him messing with me. But he keeps shooting and I figure he wouldn't waste ammo like that. I get to the house and sure enough, they are invading!! They blew a hole in the side of the house and there's Troy, sleeping in the hall with the bad guy right there!! I message him and Steam and he's on and armed very quickly. By the time I find the weapons chest and grab a gun, he's already killed one of the invaders. That invader was unarmed though. The guy with the gun got away.

Then we hear some shots in the distance. Both armed with M-4s, we venture out on top of the house and look around. Shots continue. We are about to go scouting for them and kill them when the shots stop and we get distracted. It might have been getting dark.

We move on to repairs and adding another layer of security to the house.

When I first got to the house, my first thought was "What a mess! Crazy layout!". But having spent a few hours there, it's pretty impressive. I'm learning my way around it, and what he has makes sense. It may not be the best execution. But the function is there.

He let me build and place the furnace which is allowing us to smelt ore for better equipment.

After he logged, I went out for anther resource run as the sun was coming up. I ran into a shirtless guy with a torch. We exchanged pleasantries and he ran off. I continued to gather. Then I thought I heard some foot steps, so I stopped and listened. Nothing. I turn to scout the area. Nothing. So I start to look for more resources. There it was again! I stop and listen. Look. Nothing. Then, off a little ways, I spot movement. I crouch down and arm my bow. I have a decent amount of resources on me and don't want to lose them. I watch the movement. It's getting closer. But it didn't look like a person. Closer still. That's when I realize, it's a shadow. The sun was coming up and shining through a crevice through the mountain casting a shadow. I was totally spooking myself. Cleaned up the rest of the resources and logged.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Thing I learned. Resources are fairly easy to get. Food is plentiful. A quick run by a couple of people can get a decent stock. Bows are good for hunting and pretty accurate.

This has the same feel to it that early days in UO did. Like, first days in UO. Everything is unknown. Everything is dangerous. You are very vulnerable. Getting used to the game is going to get me killed because I let my guard down. The guy with the torch, in the dark, was right next to me before I saw him. In fact, it was him talking that alerted me to his presence. That's why I was so spooked after that encounter. High alert.

I like the crafting. I like the house. I like that you have to work for good stuff, but it's not impossible to get. Teamwork will be key to long term success. This would be a very difficult game to lone wolf in.

So far. 4 hours in. I give it a good solid thumbs up. Would enjoy seeing more people from the group in it. It has something for everyone. I like the whole game. Crafting, resources, etc. Hell, eventually there will be an economy trading resources, etc. But the trade will go down like a drug deal with high tension, etc! Those that like PVP will get that. People that like to craft and build will get that. The builders make the weapons and houses. The PvPers provide protection and raid others for resources.

Again. Thumbs up. 4 hours in.

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Post by TPRJones »

Resources are fairly easy to get. Food is plentiful.

That depends entirely on where you are. There are parts of the map that are full of resource nodes and parts that have very few. There are parts of the map that have lots of pigs, and parts with none at all. Where I am is mostly zombies, but I'm right in the middle of Rad Town and Civ Mountain so I get good loot grabs often. It's worth the extra walk for food and other resources, although it was a bit harder to get started there at first.

Did you get attacked tonight after I left your house? I saw you talking to people on the open channel.

As you left, I found someone in my house. He had just dropped a workbench in the corner. I thought he'd snuck in the front when we were both outside, so I opened the front door and he took off. Turns out he had jumped in the open side off the cliff where I hadn't finished building walls yet. He robbed my furnace, but that's it. I don't let very much stuff stay in my furnace for very long. If I hadn't seen him he was probably going to build a gun right there and fight me, so next time I see someone in my house unexplained I think I'll just open fire.

But if you see Mechwarrior, don't trust him. He'll likely do you in if he gets the chance.

Edited By TPRJones on 1390565430
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Post by Troy »

What your are saying is that someone jumped off a cliff into your house, and was about to use your stolen metal to craft a pistol to murder you in the night?

That is awesome.

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Post by TPRJones »


I thought of a new way to secure your house this morning. Build it four floors up on posts, but don't have stairs. Instead have more posts 1/2 square apart leading to the door just as high, a line of them on the other end of which is a cliff you can walk up on top of. Surround the bases of all these posts with a dense array of spike walls. Getting in and out of your front door becomes a platforming challenge, with death for any failure.

I've got a three-post jumping puzzle in my house now and was practicing it last night. It's actually a bit of a challenge, you can't go post to post without a little sprint, but full sprint is too much. Master it, and you can build a very secure house.

Edited By TPRJones on 1390585429
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Post by TheCatt »

TPRJones wrote:I've got a three-post jumping puzzle in my house now and was practicing it last night. It's actually a bit of a challenge, you can't go post to post without a little sprint, but full sprint is too much. Master it, and you can build a very secure house.
Or... die in your own house.
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Post by TPRJones »

Well, the one I have now is only one post tall and has no spikes, so if you fall off there's no damage. Good for practice. :)
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