Ranked LoL play

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Post by GORDON »

I think I am too inconsistent in my skillz to ever be #1 in this game, so there you go. I have no problem following orders, though, so there's that. Have no problem calling out orders when I see an opening, and it seems no one has a problem with that. Have a decent stable of champions, and play them in custom games when you jackholes aren't online, which is a lot. Can make a list of my champions later.

I think I have most of the AP characters, so I need to learn a few AD/carry/whatever just to round things out. Bought Victor the other day, played a couple games. Been working on an AP/Spell Vamp Swain build... you don't see a lot of Swain in the games.

But back to my point, I don't have the skillz to be a Top 10 player in this game, there are too many players, and I can't devote the time needed to making it so. I have my moments, but I am not consistent. Just letting y'all know that in case you have delusions of me helping TKV being the #1 team in LOL. I see myself as a solid "B" player. Good, but not Excellent.
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Post by Leisher »

I don't care. (and not in a mean way)

I think that as a team, we need to find the style that will win us some games.

Right now, we're the comeback kids. Why? Because all of these stupid kids worry about kills, not focusing on the end game. We focus on strategy on win.

None of us are "A" players, but we win games. Don't fool yourself into thinking we aren't playing against A players either. We are.

My whole point, and I think Cake's too is that we should try. Let's have fun learning the game with different characters. Then let's give ranked a shot.

I'll take your "B" over the A player who worries more about individual stats. You have a concern about team that many others don't.

And even if you refused to do ranked, why can't you still be in our group, and train with us, and play with us...just not the ranked games?

Point is that I'm down with whatever you want to choose. I'd like to see you in a ranked game with me, but if not, I support that too. I promise I won't get on your case either way. I'll tell you where you can improve, but I won't be screaming "U MAD BRO????"
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Post by GORDON »

I would LIKE to play ranked, but only if it is fun and no one gets mad at each other.

But. stuff like if Ronnie played a ranked game the way he played last night, people would be getting mad at each other...........
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Post by Cakedaddy »

We wouldn't be getting mad at each other. Just Ronnie. :-)

For ranked, we have to be at least 4 deep in each champ style. Those being (in my opinion):
Carry (most important)

The fifth would be another melee type character, but AP or AD wouldn't be important. They just have to do well in a team fight.

The carry is most important because they win the games. Trynd is our most reliable carry, because he can carry alone (suicide turret missions). So far, I think Ashe is the second. When fed, she can kill turrets in no time. But, she needs an escort. My Ashe beat a fed Trynd the other night. We need two more. . . Twitch? I don't know who else has played a carry yet. I think Yi would be a good one. Jax used to be. Not sure how the 'dodge' changes have affected him. Kog is a carry as well, isn't he? But, Ronnie as our carry is a crap shoot.

Tank. Even though Maokai isn't a full on tank, he plays the part pretty well, I think. I'm not sure who else would fall into that category. I know you can have a tanky Garrin build. But, he's not really a tank. Skarner? We need to improve in this area.

AP. We have plenty of that. Brand, Fiddle, Ryze, Swain, etc.

Jungler: Noc and Skarner. I'm not sure how good of a jungler Skarner is. Just because Riot puts him in that catagory, doesn't mean he is. . . I don't get it. He's slow. Doesn't have a sneak attack. He might be able to clear and level up in the jungle well. But when it comes to the gank, I think he's way to limited. In my opinion, the jungler needs to be stealth, have the ability to travel long distance fast (Pantheon, Noc), or run really really fast (Yi, Kennen). Jax would work as well since he has that little jump that stuns. Hell, Maokai does too. But he's so good at solo top when they don't have a jungler. That being said, ranked games, I bet 90% of them have a jungler.

5th player: We are deep in that area. Could be a second AP that can be a bit tanky (Swain, Kennen, etc), a second carry, etc. Even a second tank that builds more damagey than tanky.

So, lets come up with a team build like I suggested above (Carry, Tank, Jungle, AP, Misc is what I suggest). What's your opinion on how the team should be built? Then lets categorize champs into each roll. Find out who plays them, how deep our line up is, etc. Then, learn new champs to fill in the blanks.

We also need to change our team tactics based on our champs. We would play the game differently with Ashe as our carry than we do with Trynd. Also, we need to learn to feed our champs. We all want the next item that's going to help us do better. But, it's more important for our carry to have their next item. You can push all your want. But if you don't have a fed carry, you can't take out the turrets. A fed tank can get Trynd/Ashe to the turrets, but can't kill them. Fail. So, as much as we all like gold, we MUST give it to our carrys! I will be making it a point to not nuke all the minions with my presents from now on. . . I started playing him that way because I was a weaker player. But, as I got better, I found that I could score kills. So, I started farming and stealing gold from people who needed it more. Gotta be disciplined.

That's all I have for now. We can come up with more after this, or something.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Oh, and I can't stress it enough. Gordon sucking in a ranked game will not make me any more upset than Gordon sucking in a random game. I play both with the same intensity. And I think I do pretty well with rolling with the suckyness. . . The only thing that really upsets me, is a negative attitude and trying to convince me that we can't win. Fuck you. I can!
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Post by GORDON »

Cakedaddy wrote:Oh, and I can't stress it enough. Gordon sucking in a ranked game will not make me any more upset than Gordon sucking in a random game. I play both with the same intensity. And I think I do pretty well with rolling with the suckyness. . . The only thing that really upsets me, is a negative attitude and trying to convince me that we can't win. Fuck you. I can!
Not when the enemy has 5 organized people and we have a 3-man team and 2 lone wolves and one is moody and one is stoned, you can't. ;)
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Post by Leisher »

I think we should roll back into ranked a bit on a night when Scooty and Stranger aren't on.

I think we can do better than we did previously. It wouldn't hurt to get more experience.
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Post by GORDON »

I'd buy that for a dollar.
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