The Iron Claw (2023)

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The Iron Claw (2023)

Post by Leisher »

An apparently cursed family lives within the world of professional wrestling. This is based on their true story.

Zac Efron buffed up massively for this and it pays off. He's pretty amazing as Kevin Von Erich. In fact, the entire cast is as solid as it gets. However, Zac truly deserved any award buzz he got.

This movie won't make you feel good. Yes, it does end an a positive note, but fuck how much hell does one family have to go through? Ultimately, and this won't exactly be a spoiler, could some of the tragedy have been avoided if their dad wasn't like that and mom didn't enable it?

A truly excellent film that comes off as any biopic should. Yes, they do play slightly loose with some details, but not in a way that makes this more movie than real story.

Recommended, just have a second, lighter movie waiting to be watched afterwards.
"Happy slaves are the worst enemies of freedom." - Marie Von Ebner
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