Starship Troopers 2 - Spoilers Galore

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Post by Leisher »


One of the worst films ever made.

This film is a slap in the face to everyone involved in the original film from the writer of the book to the director to the actors to the fans.

As you can expect from a low budget film, the special effects are shit. Considering this series depends on special effects, you can assume that there aren't many bugs in this film, and there aren't. In fact, they appear to borrow heavily from the first film for shots of bugs.

The bugs are now pussies that can easily be killed. This is evident because the humans weapons have been scaled way back from fully auto to burst and single shot. Nor do the humans use military tactics anymore.

The opening scene is all you need to see to understand how the film is different from the original. A group of Marines (we'll say 20) are packed shoulder to shoulder on a little hill (like 6 feet high) and are completely surrounded by the bugs. The bugs simply circle the base occasionally trying to climb and are nowhere near as "swarming" as the original. Eventually the Marines make a plan to run to an outpost a half a click away. A general that happens to be with them decides to stay behind with about 4-5 other Marines. No purpose is given for him staying behind, but a general being left behind in favor of saving the lives of grunts ALWAYS happens... :) Anyway, the other Marines run, well trot, off with no bugs causing them trouble from leaving the circle and no bugs following them.

That's just the opening scene. Oh, and don't worry, the general lives.

The writers, apparently Harry and Llyod were unavailable so they hired someone dumber, were obviously limited by the special effects budget being nil, but what they came up with is was obviously created while in a drug induced haze. The bugs now have minibugs that crawl into your mouth and take you over. You're dead, but they can control your body, talk like you, have access to your memory and skills, and even have enough understanding of human behavior to act like you. Unfortunately, your body is dead, so it does begin to decompose.

Despite the other Marines noticing the blackened body parts, weird behavior, and their exclusive diet of sugar cubes, none of the infected people are questioned.

Other gems include:
-a scene where two seperate women were fighting infected people. One of the women was able to easily beat up a large man with her bare hands. Meanwhile, the other woman was using a large metal pipe on the head of a wimpy man and couldn't stop him.
-an infected woman naked and covered in blood after she bit the neck of someone the bugs wanted to infect. Biting is not required for them to infect you, and he was very willing to do what was typically needed to get infected, so why'd she bite him? I KNOW it was so they could get the girl naked.
-Infected bugs never infecting people at the right moments. This becomes a bigger issue towards the end of the film.
-A captain's decision to stay behind and die rather than go home because people think he's a murderer despite the fact that witnesses could prove him innocent. (Ok, he did kill someone else earlier, but even that could be easily forgiven considering the circumstances.)

I could type that list all night.

The cast is a virtual who's who of nobodys with the exception of the general who is a character actor and has been in a lot of movies. Everyone in the film has shitty dialogue and they're all either overacting or just phoning it in.

There is one redeeming thing about this film: The blonde is a knockout and has a scene where she's giving a guy bedroom eyes. Wow! Plus, you see her boobs later. So guys and lesbians have that little bit, but everything else is shit.

This film sucks major ass. It was made by morons who should be banned from ever making anything again that someone else could see. The writers, director, producers, and actors have all committed a sin against the American public by portraying this as a film and as a worthy sequel to a cult hit. Its a low budget piece of shit created by people who hate you, but love your money and have obviously never seen the first film, and starring people who earned their roles on their knees and backs.

0 (zero) out of 10 stars.

Avoid it like the plague.
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Post by DictionaryDave »

Only positive in that movie was the blonde was hot. She played the girlfriend on Nip/Tuck last season.

The movie was a travesty, of a sham, of a mockery. A traveshammockery. Heinlien must be rolling over in his grave.
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Post by TPRJones »

So, if I considered the first movie to be complete shite because of how much it raped the book, I guess I'll hate this one even more?
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Post by Leisher »

Rent it and find out. :D

I rarely guarantee that everyone will hate a movie, but for this pile of shit, its easy to do.
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Post by Paul »

So did this film ever make it to theatres, or was it direct to video/cable?

The worst film I've seen in theatres was Mom and Dad Save the World. I had free tickets and a free popcorn and I still feel that I got ripped off.
The only funny joke was the flash grenade bit.

I was in college when the first Starship Troopers came out. I thought the commercials made it look incredibly lame, and couldn't believe it when people I knew were actually excited to see it.
Of course, I ended up seeing it sometime later and it far surpassed my expectations. It was a pretty good piece of fun sci-fi.
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Post by Leisher »

Staight to video.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”

Post by 71-1085092892 »

At Target today, I saw Jaws (Special Edition) on DVD for $8.44, right next to Starship Troopers 2 on DVD for $19.44.

Now that's just wrong.
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Post by Leisher »

Gordo, I take it since you're in this chain and commenting, you saw it?

Jaws' price is down because its been out forever and most people already have their copies. Starship Troopers 2 will be in the $5 and under bin within the next year.

I was chating with my cousin and while discussing movies he said Starship Troopers 2 couldn't be worse than Titanic. I told him I'd rather sit through Titanic for 24 straight hours than see Starship Troopers 2 even one more time.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”

Post by 71-1085092892 »

Nope, haven't seen it yet. I just don't doubt the "worst movie ev4r" comments. ;)

Post by 71-1085092892 »

They shot the movie in 2 days.

According to Tippett, they cut 10 pages from the screenplay in the middle of production, shot all the location sequences in two seven-hour days, and had to fill the sets with smoke in order to make the digital images look more filmic. "The best thing you can say about the schedule is that it was over fast," Davison says.
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Post by Leisher »

I read a review of the film at Cinemascape and the reviewer gave it a "B".

I was shocked. Then I read the article. The reviewer is one of these people that sees the "hidden meaning" behind films, and really got deep into what the film was about without ever making a point or discussing the film. He then went on to praise the special effects based on their budget and to praise the filmmakers for even putting out a film despite all the challenges.

He never actually talked about the film. Ugh.

I went out to Yahoo and checked the user reviews there to see if I was way off base. NOPE!!! The majority of reviews there are completely negative. The positive ones are obviously written by morons or are posted as total jokes like the guy who gave it As because one girl showed her tits. (He was mocking another reviewer.)
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