Bro do you even COMPOST?

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Bro do you even COMPOST?

Post by GORDON »

It's awesome to have a source of natural fertilizer, and I love putting kitchen scraps, and chicken coop bedding, to further use.

I keep a repurposed gallon milk jug as my countertop compost collector. Any vegetable scrap goes in here, egg shells (super good calcium source for garden), tea bags, coffee grounds. Instead of the landfill, organic matter goes back to the environment.... and I'm not buying plastic bags of this stuff in the spring, instead, adding to the carbon problem.

Milk jug, and if I have a big project happening.... like stringing peppers.... I supplement by repurposing a plastic grocery bag, for the trip out to the compost pile. I dislike having to walk out there every day, especially in winter.


I keep my compost pile in two halves. One half is the active pile that I dump in until Fall, then stop to let it season for 12 months. I also add chicken coop shit/bedding, so I like to give it a year to mellow before I put it in the garden.


That's the other half, it will be spread on my garden beds at the first frost, when the garden is well and truly done. It will work itself into the soil and everything will be ready to go again April/May. As soon as I use this half, I close off the other half to let it season, and start dumping this half. Back and forth. Good system.


People decide this needs to be more complicated, turning it all the time and whatnot. That might be true for some, but my operation is so small it's all fine just leaving it in a pile. Working for me. Just reuse your kitchen scraps and stop being part of the problem.
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Bro do you even COMPOST?

Post by GORDON »

GORDON wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:31 pm PXL_20231006_164017475.MP.jpg


That side, that was fresh last year, is the side I'm pulling compsost from, this year.

Yesterday I was walking by and noticed a tomato plant had volunteered up out of there, and had 2 perfectly ripe tomatoes on it. One of the heirlooms I grew last year. Picked them, and ate them with dinner last night. Those tomatoes growing directly in the chicken shit were the tastiest ones I've gotten this year, heh.

Also, I learned recently that you can put vacuum cleaner/roomba dirt in your compost. Mine is mainly cat hair, and I learned it is compostable and good N for the garden.

Keep it out of the landfill and supplementing your personal, healthy Carbon cycle.
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