Audiobook - Devolution - Max Brooks

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Audiobook - Devolution - Max Brooks

Post by GORDON »

The guy who wrote World War Z wrote this one, about Bigfoots being real. I'm about half-way through so far so good. They have a full cast of famous peeps doing the reading like in WWZ audiobook, so that's good.

Anyway, I'm like half way in. Part of the premise is that near Seattle a small progressive town of peeps who were living green and being enlightened are cut off from civilization by a natural disaster, and none of them know how to live without the internet. They don't know how to plant a garden, or skin a rabbit. They're too polite to shoo away the deer in the garden eating their food because it's against nature's way. The main character is facing starvation and goes on a big rant about how she "can't be around death" because she has panic attacks in chinese markets seeing all the dead ducks and shit, and therefore she needs other people to do her food prep.

No one has a ladder to clean the solar panels on the roof.

These people just piss me off so hard. They're so worthless. I would hate to know them.
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