Albion Online

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Gus recommends this build for 2v2 Hellgates:

Saw a dude I remember killing me once in ZvZ (cant remember if yellow or red zone). He was one of the bomb people.

That sword is like 2M alone as an 8.0. That one's 8.4, right? 21M in Lymhurst for 8.4
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Post by TheCatt »

Stranger wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:00 am Hellgates, Roads, red/black zone ganking i'm down for any and all of that tonight.
I'm down. Cake? When?
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Post by Cakedaddy »

Red/black zone ganking will go horribly. I don't know much about it, other than we do not have the builds to make that work. Unless we try to bait a red into a fight, or something. We would not be able to dismount/catch anyone.

We could also just hit yellow zones and go for chests!!
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Post by Stranger »

I'm on, ready to do whatever. hit me up
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Note to future selves if we forget:

Albion Roads - 3 people really is a nice number for us using 4.x gear. NPCs were tough for chests, require coordination. 7 people limits were nice, since we would be 3 of the people there. Dungeons sucked (Better than yellow/blue dungeons, I guess?) Tons of fame for killing NPCs.

Roads decoder ring. (2 person seems not to exist any more?)
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25 minutes of bandit faction, 20k points. Which works out to about 280k silver if you do the 3k thingys. Maybe more on the more expensive items. Not bad. I spent 15 minutes farming red resources, grinding for fame mostly, which added 50k silver. Those next tiers are insane for gathering.
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Looks like weve got guests coming over tonight, they might be here pretty late. Not sure if i'll be on or not tonight.

Was really wanting to do some more roads too...
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Post by TheCatt »

Stranger wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 5:45 pm Looks like weve got guests coming over tonight, they might be here pretty late. Not sure if i'll be on or not tonight.

Was really wanting to do some more roads too...
Just, uh, narrate your play to them as you play :)
TheCatt wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:34 pm 25 minutes of bandit faction, 20k points.
Very short run tonight. Instead of turning around at the first big fight (only 3 regions in), I "fought". I healed, I dodged, I healed, I ran a bit, I healed... and I got bombed. Still ended up with 20k points (9k from captures + "defending" (healing people who fought) + 11k bonus).
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Tried Cake's idea to go for a chest in mist today, twice.

1st one - I was just trying to see the person's build, but we turned red as I was doing it, and he lit me up, so I just ran.

2nd one - 3 of us. One dancer, one fighter, and me. I took both of them down pretty far, the fighter pretended to run, I opened the chest, saw the contents, and he knocked me out. If I had remembered to switch my skills to PVP instead of PVE I might have been able to win.
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5 mist chests, I tried.

2 of them were camped by ~1800 IP people. So I left. One of them I traded a few blows with, but it wasn't good.

3 of them I decided to fight. I got beaten twice, and uh, tied once. We both got knocked out. So there was a chest, no one near it, maybe Cake strode up a minute later and was like "Wow, an unguarded chest, nice!"

Got 18k on a bandit raid... but only a 4k bonus. Can finally get T7/6.x wood, so picked up a few on the way which was nice. Left when things got heavy, I don't need to lose another 60k! :P
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Went 1-0-1 in afternoon mist fighting. Sadly that win wasn't for a chest. Was just doing the hideouts, thought the dude and i were just peacefully each doing our own thing, and he decided to light me up. He paid for it.

The another chest. 4 people including myself, breaks down into 2 1v1s... and my guy and I knocked each other out at the same time :(
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I did some chests last night. First one was a chest that popped up in Yellow during faction fighting. A handful of us stopped to hit it between forts. As the timer counted down, some rival factioners showed up and people started attacking them. I stayed on the chest and got it all. 220k T8 bag among it.

Found one in Mist and there was a guy in full 8.3 gear, with an axe on it. I'm like "Who does mist in full 8.3 gear?". So I was going to leave when I saw another guy heading to the chest. He was in 5.x gear. I lingered for a few seconds then went back to the chest. They were fighting. The Axe guy wasn't beating the shit out of the T5 guy, so I joined. I was focusing the T8 guy, but letting my AOE hit both. They were both down to about 30%, with me full still when the T5 guy broke off. The T8 guy turned on me and couldn't hit me. I had him to about 10% when the T5 guy came back and started hitting me. The Axe guy managed to land a hit taking me down below 30%, so I broke off a bit. Came back to see the T5 guy with about 5% health. I tried to kill him, but missed as he ran away. The T8 guy was trying to open the chest, so I hit him from range to disrupt. He would come after me, but I would evade and kept chipping away. Then a new full health person showed up and focused me, chasing me off with like 10hp. By the time I got back, they had the chest open, but it still had stuff in it as they fought. I tried to hit the T8 guy and they both turned on me and chased me off again. By the time I got back, the chest was empty. One chased me to try to kill but I outran him. So, the T8 guy sucked. I could have easily beat him 1v1. Would have taken a minute, but he was bad. I was in my cheapest PvP gear with 4.1/5.0 stuff that I was wearing for factions.

This morning, I found a chest in Mist again and there was one other guy in T5ish gear. I was in my gathering gear but figured I could fight him anyway. As we were both channeling the chest, another guy showed up, but had some mobs on him. He couldn't channel the chest and attacked the other guy. They moved off the chest for a moment as it opened for me and I looted all. Got about 60k worth of stuff. They came back and attacked and knocked me down. Between last night and this morning, I went for 6 chests. 3 I got it all, 3 I got nothing.

My tactics are such that I never fully commit until I see a good chance of success. I'll hover on the outskirts and try to hit the weak people. I'll poke the stronger ones to piss them off, keep them from opening, but run if they turn on me. Just trying to wear them down while seeing if other people do all the work for me. I've never had a chance to come in and just kill all the weak ones. Normally, I can sneak up to the chest and open while they are focusing on each other. Occasionally I will just outright beat the other person if it's 1v1.
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Post by TheCatt »

Cakedaddy wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:28 pm Found one in Mist and there was a guy in full 8.3 gear, with an axe on it. I'm like "Who does mist in full 8.3 gear?".
Every fucker I run up against.

FYI for fame:
Auto-Respec: 0.9 silver per fame
Satchel: 1.17 silver per fame (varies by satchel, I use the Elder 8.0)
Tomes: 1.7 silver per fame (based on Lymhurst prices on Adept (10k) book)
So Autorespec for the win. I used autorespec + satchel right now.
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Blew 1M on a healer build for Crystals, cuz I hate queueing. IP 1185 or so. Also 6 200k books, and 750k respec points. Still 10 levels from where I need to be for one stat (L60, need 70)

1st battle - 42.6k healing, their healer did 42.2k, we got crushed
2nd battle - 46k healing, they did 41k healing, we got crushed.
3rd battle - 27k healing, they did 25k healing, we crushed them.
4th battle - 29k healing, they did 30k healing, we crushed them.
5th battle - 35k healing, they did 36k healing, super tight, but we won
6th place - we got raped. I got 25k healing to their 30k. My adjusted IP was 959, their healer's was 1066. He used a taproot to help stay alive. We didnt even get our pylon to start the game.
7/8 - These were just a disaster. Our team split up, people weren't using mounts, just everything that could go wrong did. Someone decided to go to the far pylon, got massacred, multiple people went to our pylon, it just sucked.

I changed my profile messsage:
Crystal Arena - New healer, trying to get good. Apologies in advance.
I will say this, if you are a good fighter, I'm healing you first.

So if cake wants a healing break, I can try.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I heal that way to. I don't heal you if you are running away. I focus the people up in the scrum. Or you guys. I favor you guys too just because.

I would like to do a bloodletter build I think.
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Was just shy of Bronze I. Woke up, did 2 battles, won them both. Bronze I! Sadly, it was mostly because our attackers were awesome. I equaled the first healer, got out-healed by 20% the 2nd time.

Also, had 9 extra cabbage seeds this morning, which is about $75k

Went after a chest in mist. Someone else did, too. The dude focused on me, and then just ignored the two other people who walked up and opened the chest. Didn't die, but didn't get the chest.

Next chest: Finally, a chest no one was at. 32k of crap.
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Post by Cakedaddy »

I went for two last night. One was in yellow zone and there were 4 people there. I was invited to a party. I figured I better join, because if I don't, I might be the only one who doesn't. They were all partied up. Then faction people showed up. So it was about a 4 v 4. But it ended up being a 3 v 4 as one of our party members didn't participate. I'm not sure who got the chest, but I was knocked down in the fight. I was bloodletter which put me up close.

Second chest was in Mist. One other 8.3 person there with an axe. I fought him. He was way better than the other and took me out pretty quick. I got him to about 70%.

Chests are way easier to make a play for with the bow. I don't have to commit to anything and can be on the outside hitting whoever.

Bloodletter clears monsters fast. Was running around mist farming fame and things were easy to kill.
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Post by TheCatt »

Cakedaddy wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 2:04 pm Chests are way easier to make a play for with the bow. I don't have to commit to anything and can be on the outside hitting whoever.
Yeah. Fire staff similar.
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I went a little overboard on sick week.
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