Weird dream dreams

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Weird dream dreams

Post by Cakedaddy »

Last night, I was a member of an assassin organization that would eliminate various targets. The heads of this organization (government, corporate, not sure) where covering their tracks and having us all eliminated. I knew it was coming, and I knew it couldn't be stopped. They were going to take my wife out as well, even though she didn't know about any of it. I let her know and she was pretty upset. Trying to convince me that we should run, fight back, whatever. But I knew there just was no stopping it. But then a situation came up that offered a way out. There was a poker tournament between myself, another agent, and Ashton Coocher. The other agent would just fold every hand thinking that if he didn't play, that somehow, that would work out for him. So it was me against Ashton. On the third hand, after a series of raises, I went all in with a full house, or something. I ended up beating him. I say 'or something' because there were like 9 cards in my hand, and I thought at one point, I had 5 9's. I remember laying the cards down and saying "pick whatever combo that you want that beats you". Turns out, he had a really good hand too and I barely beat him. Then I woke up, or the dream changed, so I didn't have an outcome for the agent that didn't play.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

I've had two dreams about getting coronavirus tested. That probe up your nose was unpleasant.

Last dream was I was back in high school. I was taking AP Physics, and new I had bombed my test, and sure enough, got it back with a nice fat F of 33 / 100. My teacher showed up, and it was my HS Physics teacher... Man, she was definitely one of those people meant to be a teacher, but she wasn't the brightest bulb. I argued with her about the test (In reality, I had gotten a question right that she marked wrong because she mis-graded it on a test once), but realized that I just hadn't prepared cuz I forgot I was taking Physics that year/semester. Something more interesting happened right after that, but I forgot it :(
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

Weird collection of dream fragments. I got a paycheck, but half of it had been ripped off, yet someone had laminated the rest, I think it was the postal service, figuring that delivering half the ripped up check was good enough. I was back in high school, on our soccer team. I was playing left fullback, but managed to score 2 goals. But then, I was supposed to be lined up on the far post for a corner kick by the other team, but our left midfielder had already lined up there, so I went into the middle, but failed to mark my person. He got the ball and scored cuz the left midfielder didn't even move. I told him that I was the one who was supposed to be there, for next time. Then half time came. When we came back, the field had to be closed, and we had to move somewhere else. Somewhere else turned out to be the school library. It was a weird, L-shaped field, and the books and stuff were still there. Most of the bookcases were only 4 feet tall, so we could see around them pretty well. As the game neared the end, I got the ball and was dribbling towards their goal. I realized they had chosen which side of the field to defend. Our goal had been normal sized. There's was a 3 tier "book return" basket that was about 2 feet in diameter at each level, and had a thin bit of crochet work draped around it. Fortunately, their goalie was bored of the game and reclining in a beanbag reading a book, so I was able to score the final goal of the game.

I was also on set for the final episode of The Office, except it took place in a single-wide trailer in the middle of a strip mall. Each time someone's scene ended, they had to leave the set, and it got emotional after each one as people realized they were never going to see each other again, because you could never return to the set, no matter what.

I was with Dwight, and he was trying to figure out how to keep making money in the absence of the show. We also had a couple of kids around us, for reasons I cannot recall. Then some white trashy version of Kathy Bates came up BAWLING because she was making half a million dollars a month, but it was all illegal and she didn't know how to launder the money. Dwight got SUPER excited because he knew exactly how to launder money. He grabbed the bags of money (like those bags you see in cartoons), and we all hopped in his Trans Am as he explained that he knew precisely how to setup shell companies to do this exact thing.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

It's Sunday, and my wife + I are at the beach, and realize that on our calendar we have a week long hike planned starting Monday. In Texas. So we drive down to Texas to get ready for the hike. It's a very popular hike, and hard to find parking in the small town where it starts. My wife says "I thought everything was bigger in Texas. This town is tiny." We eventually find somewhere to park, and start going to the registration building. While walking there, I start worrying about a signature only package that was supposed to arrive at home that same day. Eventually I decide that they'll just hold onto the package if we're not home.

We get to the registration building, and my mom is checking my wife and me in. For some reason, they also want our passports, and I'm like "oh shit, I didn't know they'd need those," but then I reach in my pocket and there they are. While they're checking us in, I'm trying to figure out the math behind the hike. It's a 7-day hike, covering 700 miles, so 100 miles per day. I figure at best we can hike 10 hours per day, 3 miles per day, which only works out to 30 miles/day. And today it's already past noon, so we're pretty far behind schedule. My wife is on the floor of a room next door organizing her pack. I explain all the math to her, and she says "It's not a 700 mile hike, it's a 700 square mile park that we're hiking through. It'll be fine." This calms me down, and I help with packing. I realize we don't quite have everything ready, and suggest getting a hotel for the day and starting in the morning. She's OK with the idea, and especially because "The pretzels will really pack better with another day to air out." (Whatever that means)

I leave the building to go find a hotel, and realize it's pretty dark for the middle of the day. I look up and see that there's a nearly full eclipse going on. Then I realize that the house I'm walking by is on fire at the roof. It has a small explosion, and the ground starts to catch fire. It's like everything is super dry and covered in kindling. The fire rips through the yard and spreads to another yard. I start running to out run the fire, but it keeps leaping around me, and new fires start sprouting out of the ground, and I wake up.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by GORDON »

Did I mention that my big container of pretzels took on a water during the kayaking trip? Made them all wet and soggy
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

GORDON wrote: Did I mention that my big container of pretzels took on a water during the kayaking trip? Made them all wet and soggy
You did not.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

I don't remember much, but I was at the kids' climbing gym, on the floor, and they were doing this weird exercise (not my kids, but other kids, like 14-18 year olds), where they stood on a platform about 25 feet up, and then someone would swing a pair of ropes over to them and they'd jump off the platform, grab them and swing over to somewhere else.

I was watching thinking "man this is dangerous," and sure enough a girl jumped off the platform, but was looking where she was supposed to land, and missed the ropes. She landed on a floor that basically had carpet, not massive padding. My body,... did that thing bodies do when you see someone in massive pain. But then she said she was OK, but I looked over, and the bottom half of one of her legs had basically dislocated, and was flopping off in its own direction, then she saw it and started screaming, and I woke up.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

Fragments of dreams.

Dream 1: For some reason I had the ability to either assassinate Trump, or simply end his presidency. I don't remember which. But, I had to wait for other people to make their "turn" and by the time it was my turn, someone had ruined my move, so I couldn't end it any more.

Dream 2: I was at a crosswalk, just hanging out, but also fingering my wife at the same time. Some woman came up, so I pulled my wife's shirt down to hide what I was doing, but the new woman was on her phone and oblivious. She couldn't figure out how to get across the street, so I pressed the crosswalk button for her, but she was so distracted by her phone she couldn't make it across. Then I pushed it again and she made it next time.

Dream 3: Was at a friend's house, and we each had our dogs there. She had a new puppy, but it turns out it also had cancer and was going to die. My dog was 13 years old, and had the fur of a rabbit I used to have, but the fur was starting to thin out due to her age. I was trying to comfort my friend, but some neighbor kept interrupting asking how to take care of his own dog.

- edit - Almost forgot about dream 4

Dream 4: I was working with Nick Kroll on Big Mouth, and he decided that I should just write an entire episode. I said I wasn't there to write episodes, and I just (named the episodes? Came up with the basic plot? I dunno, something) and I was supposed to then hand it off to him to write. He was convinced I could do it, so I started writing an episode where robots take over his job of writing the show. Which doesn't really make sense for Big Mouth, but whatever.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by GORDON »

Dream 2: you fingered two buttons at once.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

GORDON wrote: Dream 2: you fingered two buttons at once.
Not quite the most exciting time I've had with two women, but hey, they both got what they needed.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by GORDON »

Regular people dream they're back in high school.

My recurring dream that I've been recalled to the Marines, I have too much facial hair, and I plan on gimping the 3 mile runs with my fucked up nerve damage legs.

Last night my son was recalled with me. That was different.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

Last night's dream was I was trying to hire a software engineer, and some kid fresh out of college told me $400k/yr wasn't enough.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by GORDON »

400k might be enough to get me back in the game.

But I'd need 6 weeks of vacation, and guaranteed 40 hour weeks.

And no after hours.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

GORDON wrote: 400k might be enough to get me back in the game.

But I'd need 6 weeks of vacation, and guaranteed 40 hour weeks.

And no after hours.
Pretty close to where I'm at. But I only take ~4 weeks of vacation ;) (kidding)
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

TheCatt wrote: 400k might be enough to get me back in the game.
400's a pretty obscene amount of $.

At any rate... last night's dream, to build on the sports in weird locations theme: Basketball, but in a retail store. We were just picking things off of shelves to be the basketball, and when you scored, you picked a new item to be the ball, and played with it until someone scored. It was a work team-building activity, or something.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by GORDON »

TheCatt wrote:
TheCatt wrote: 400k might be enough to get me back in the game.
400's a pretty obscene amount of $.
And my title is "Professional Troubleshooter."

And I have an ammo allowance.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

I was trying to get home from somewhere in the Midwest (St. Louis?). My wife drove me to the train station, where there were two large lines of people, I got to the front, and it turns out I had missed my train to West Virginia, which was my first stop. So I would have to take the plane that night instead.

Went back to where I had been staying. There was a weird scene of me working in an open office, and I packed up and went to a house. In the house, I was watching a video where an LA Rams and Oakland Raiders football game had been super imposed onto a video of me and friends playing football in our backyard, interspersed with segments of us playing when we were kids. For some reason the technology ran inside a fish tank. This particular tank was a 100 gallon fish tank. I went downstairs to tell me family that they should watch it, but then someone unplugged the bottom of the fish tank, so it was leaking. But, it didn't leak that much, and was easy to clean up. For some reason, despite the advanced technology, it used RCA cables to plug into the TV. Fortunately, we had one of those large projection TVs like people had 20 years ago.

Then I had to leave to catch my flight. It was an 11:55pm flight, and we left at 10:00pm, but my watch had messed up and said "4:53," so I temporarily didn't know what time it was. But, I arrived at the airport and was on time. The lady behind the desk said that I would know I was on the right flight, if the LA Lakers were also on my flight.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

I was at work, but sick, or something, so I realized I needed to get home, but before I did, I went to the bathroom, and realized the person before me had clogged it up. Fortunately there was a plunger, so I fixed it. I grabbed my laptop and took it home. It was the home we had lived in previously, and my wife had ordered cable to be installed, but she had to leave, so I was there with the cable guy, and he installed the cable. Then, I had to leave and go to college.

It was orientation week, and I was trying to get settled in my dorm room. I was up on the 3rd floor, and decided to go to a study room. On the way, I somehow realized I was divorced. There were all sorts of orientation games going on, so I walked around to find other people. We ended up playing some virtual simulation games. Then I ran into a friend of mine who was notoriously never married. He was like "Hey since you're divorced we can hang out together." I was very sad at the realization I had become him. Then I went and found another game. Along the way there were all the first years who had to dress up in these weird outfits. Imagine colonial outfits, but the skirts stuck straight out instead of being those hoop-like dresses. Then I was playing one of the virtual games with my kids, and my (now ex?) wife came over, and introduced us to this girl with green hair, who invited us to play another game. While waiting in line, my ex-fiancee from years back showed up. I thought that since I was divorced, and she was too, that maybe something could work out. Then I realized that she was wearing a green mesh mask, with giant holes like a bag you hold avocados or limes in. She was an anti-masker. I thought that was too bad, but maybe we could still have some fun together.

Then I woke up.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

Something about going to a club to see a show with my wife in the days of coronavirus. I walked down a corridor, and some woman touched me. I yelled at her to stop touching me, and she grabbed my arm (With a surprisingly strong grip), and told me "NO BREAKING IN LINE FOR THE BATHROOM!" and I was like "I'm just walking here, I have no interest in the bathroom" and was so mad that she was yelling at me with no mask on, and touching me.

Later, I had to pee. So I got in line, but the line was taking forever, and no one was distancing, so I went outside to wait my turn. Then I came back when it was supposed to be my turn, and some dude said "Hey, you with somebody?" (implying I was otherwise breaking in line), and I said "this was my spot, I remember you (and pointing to 2 other guys in line) and you and you in line" So they let me pass. Then I peed, but fortunately, only in my dream.
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Weird dream dreams

Post by TheCatt »

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