Oculus Quest

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Oculus Quest

Post by Cakedaddy »

Got one for my birthday. It was a HUGE hit with everyone in attendance. I'm not that blown away by it. First 5 minutes was AMAZING!! Then the novelty wore off VERY quickly with the meh graphics and the very expensive 'experiences'. The tech is VERY cool. Love how I can set the room up and it warns me if I'm leaving the 'safe' area. Very good controller interaction. Just lacks content. I knew this going in, but still hoped that what was out there would be amazing. I still have to give it some time as others played it more than I did because honestly, it was pretty fun watching them flail around in a headset. I'm very disappointed that my Gear VR purchases don't follow to the Quest. But apparently, they are completely different and games/apps need to be ported over and not all are doing it. Luckily, I didn't have many that I'm losing. Well, didn't lose them, because they are still in my Oculus library, but can't use them either. The Gear VR stuff was based on my Note 6 which is long gone. Did not update the Gear VR when I upgraded phones.

Anyway, I REALLY like not being tethered and that games take advantage of your 'arena'. So you can walk in the game. But of course it's limited to your room. Doesn't work well outside because the sun messes with the camera tracking.

Bonus, they are supporting tethering which opens up rift/steam titles to the quest. It's in beta right now, but people aren't complaining. I haven't gotten into that yet. But that means Humble/GOG/etc titles become options.

I'll be spending more time in it this weekend. I feel like I need to give it a chance before returning it.
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Oculus Quest

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Tell us about the porn.
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Oculus Quest

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Their boobs feel real, like they are full of sand.

Also, haven't tried it yet.
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Oculus Quest

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Boobs like bags of sand?

This guy fucks.
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Let me start with, I have not tried porn yet.

I have still not played with it much. Mostly because I didn't have a big enough space to dedicate to it. It recommends at least 6.5' x 6.5 ' play space. I did take the time to clear a space last night and spent some time in it.

Beat Saber: Much like guitar hero and other "objects are coming at you and you need to react to them" games. There is music, and you slice blocks with a saber to the beat. It was quite fun. I'm sick of the songs already. They are indie electro/rap songs. You can buy song packs. I've read about 'side loading' as well. A way to load stuff without going through the oculus store. Not sure if you have to 'jailbreak' it or something though. I don't think so. I think it's more like putting in developer mode so you can load your own stuff on it than hacking the OS. I have not tried this yet. This is a game you can break out and put anyone in it and they'll be able to play it. Good intro to VR.

Journey of the Gods: Only played the demo. It's on sale and wanted to see if it was worth buying. It's really not bad. You move using the joystick on your controller and can wield a sword and shield, or a crossbow. You go out and kill stuff and collect 'resources' while picking up magic powers. People compare it to Zelda games. Being that Zelda games never really appealed to me, I'm skipping this one for now. I'm more interested in shooting/action type games. This would be a good game for someone who wants to sit in their VR room alone and play a story game. However, it's a short story. About 6-8 hours.

Space Pirate Training: Demo: Little space objects are coming at you, some shoot at you, you shoot all of them. Lots of action. But not quite my thing. It's like a VR version of a '1942' type game. Where tons of random things come at you on a scrolling screen and you have to just non-stop shoot them. Skipping this one for now as well. There's a game like this that was included with the unit so I don't feel I need another one.

I'm going to make my play area closer to 10 x 10 because there are times when I get proximity warnings in games that have me moving a bunch.

Over all, I'm digging it. But I think it's far more fun in a party setting where people can watch each other play. I'm sure I will eventually get a story line game, but right now, they are all so short while being expensive. The Journey game above is on sale for $20. Too much for 6 hours and no replay other than doing the story over and over. Most of the story games have the same bang for buck. Really good experiences, but too short for the cost.

Games yet to play:
The three Vader games (included with unit)
Boxing simulator (bought for $7)
Drop Dead (just bought for $10)

It came with a pretty long charging cord. I have an outlet on my ceiling in the middle of the play area so I can play while plugged in with little cord interference. Ideally, you play unplugged. But this allows the fun to continue when battery runs out. It charges faster than it drains to you can play and charge at the same time.

Game selection: VERY limited right now. I'm also finding there seems to be no big names developing. Most games are indie with a single person developing. This would be an outstanding platform to write for. Very little competition with no major developers. Games are very simple (short/small/etc). Given the very few titles, you have heavy exposure to a captured audience. They want to play with these toys, they have to buy stuff. Games are written in Unity and Unreal. Huge opportunity for a small company/start up.

Going to grab a cheap steam/rift game and play with the tethering support called Link. Gives me access to steam/humble/gog titles. But want to start cheap to test it since it's still in beta.
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Welp, link requires windows 10 and a bigger graphics card than I currently have. I wonder if there is someone with a better one that I can have. . . . I'll trade the 980 for it!

Reviews of the link are very good. They are saying "prepare to have your mind blown" when comparing graphics in games. They go way up when tethered. Makes sense since I'm sure the integrated graphics are pretty weak. The included cable won't work with Link either. Have to get a better USB C cable, and you have to keep it somewhat short. The long cables don't work. Oculus is releasing a proprietary USB C cable later that's going to be $80. It's a fiber optic, 15' cable.

So testing tethered play will have to wait.

Game update:
Discovered there are more songs in Beat Saber. Still all electro indie shit. But at least they are different.

Drop Dead: Meh. Very slow. I really like the interface. You have a utility belt that holds your pistol, grenades, and a booster drink thing. You can grab other weapons using your tractor beam hands. You can throw the axe and then tractor it back and throw it again. But really, it's better to just shoot them. The game is just so slow. Enemies come slow and there aren't that many. However, I'm only about 15% of the way into the game. I tried one round of 'hoard' mode and it was ssslllloooowwww. I was up to level 13 before I was challenged at all. And it killed me. A new enemy was introduced and they wiped me out pretty quickly. It went from 1 to 10 at level 13. I didn't feel like starting another round because it took about 10 minutes to get to level 13. Plus, my head was killing me.

Which leads us to: Holy fuck is this thing uncomfortable. If you have it too loose, it moves on your head and that obviously completely messes up the visuals. Too tight (which is where you have to have it so it doesn't move) and your face and head start to really hurt. Like, alot. I'm shopping third party foam inserts to see if this can be improved. Solid red ring around your eyes when you are done playing (VR Face). This didn't come up when playing with other people because no one had it on for very long as we were sharing it.
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Oculus Quest

Post by Leisher »

I could grab one for free right now with all the Best Buy points I have acquired, but I seriously think it'd be a waste.

VR just isn't selling, and I'm afraid it's a fad. Particularly until they get real support from Valve and other software distributors, and AMD/NVidia start getting involved.

I got an Oculus Go a year or two back and it has sat untouched after the first few days with it.
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Oculus Quest

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I feel like VR has a lot of potential. But mostly as a way to show immersive visuals.
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I don't think it's a fad and I think it's here to stay. I mean, VR is good for a LOT of things outside of gaming as well. So there's a lot of things that will be pushing it forward.

I think it's really fun and I'm glad I have mine. It's will be great for parties and other get togethers. HOWEVER, the games/software are still pretty lacking. The Beat Saber game is really good and has a ton of replay and will have a long life. Similar to Tetris. Short bursts of competitive play. There are others like this as well. Similar game play, but swap out the sabers. VR Boxing, punch the boxes. There's another that you follow lines with your hands. All done to music. The rest of the games, I compare to the early days of video games. They are the packmans and 1942s of VR. They are fun to play, but you're looking forward to more. The graphics in many of the games are VERY weak and simple. Some of the newer entries are MUCH better. The early games are similar to Atari where the newer ones are more like N64 (They skipped NES and SNES). I'm looking forward to playing Pistol Whip and Super Hot. But that leads to the other problem, all of the games are so expensive. Steam has spoiled me with <$5 premium games. I can't bring myself to paying $20+ for games. Looking forward to the Link stuff and being able to play games that are offered outside of the Oculus store. I'll have access to the Steam/Humble sales and an even better playing experience, although now I'm tethered. But more features are good.

It's not even close to being a platform you can sit (stand) for hours playing games. At least not the Quest. Way too uncomfortable for that. Some people claim to spend hours in it. But not me. Maybe it's like a bike seat. If I just keep playing, it will get better. It's a toy right now. Not a PC/console killer. Still waiting for the killer app that makes you buy VR, I think. But it's certainly usable/playable right now. That being said, YOU may find a better thing to spend your points on right now. Just saying, it's more than a fad.

I think I have a reason to be in the Toldeo area late next week. If someone wants to host, I can bring it down and we can spend the evening messing around with it. We'll need a 6.5' x 6.5' clear area for full affect. 10 x 10 is ideal. My area is in my basement. I have an extension cord in the ceiling for when I'm running low on power and have to plug it in.

Beat Saber
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (this would be played at the kitchen table)
Drop Dead
(others that I haven't tried yet but would be available)
The Vader series
Rec Room
others I can't think of right now

No one is allowed to play the boxing game until they buy their own face pad to sweat into.

I ALMOST went with the GO, but went with the Quest instead for gaming. The Go is great for watching videos/movies, from what I've read. Very limited gaming.
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Oculus Quest

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I would only be interested in the VR gear for the R&M game, HL:Alyx, and KTaNE.

When I say fad, I mean I don't know that any of these versions will ever catch on. I think it's more likely that these immersive experiences will catch on when the headset isn't so bulky and your movements are recorded without controllers.

$400 is a lot of money for a tech demo. Perhaps when the Link stuff comes out, it'll be worth it?

Is the reason you're coming down next week to work on my cabling project? Did you see my email that desks are being moved Thurs-Tues and will be disassembled Wed?

Anyway, if you visit on a Wed, the evening I could make happen. Thursday is my day to take my youngest and another kid to swim (we car pool with other parents to save on the driving), so I'll be there a few hours after work. Friday could be possible. My basement is current wide open after our flood.
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Oculus Quest

Post by Leisher »

After checking daily, sometimes hourly, for weeks, I finally caught some in stock at BB who sell them for over $100 cheaper than anywhere else. Just paid $4.24 for my Oculus Quest 128 GB!

It arrives Monday.
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What was the actual price? I paid $399 for my 64GB. 128 was not available at the time (and I don't know what the price was anyway).

Get in line for the USB cable too. That will unlock all the Steam VR games. When I bought my cable, it was hard to find because of demand.

I bought the Humble VR bundle not too long ago. Some really good games for $15. Superhot, Moss, and Space Pirate Trainer, among others. I have to play them tethered because they are on Steam. But I think the long, thin, single USB cable won't be TOO intrusive. Ideally, I buy a laptop that I can tether to so I'm not limited to my office. Still haven't tried them because I have to upgrade to Windows 10, which I'm putting off, and I'm not sure my video card will work.
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Oculus Quest

Post by Leisher »

Cakedaddy wrote: What was the actual price?
$499. $599 or even $699 elsewhere. No idea why.
Cakedaddy wrote: Get in line for the USB cable too.
Yeah, I've signed up for notifications with several outlets when the cable gets in stock. I really want to play Alyx.
Cakedaddy wrote: Still haven't tried them because I have to upgrade to Windows 10, which I'm putting off, and I'm not sure my video card will work.
I, literally, have a GeForce 1080Ti sitting here that I was going to hand to you, but you sent Ian instead.
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Oculus Quest

Post by Leisher »

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Oculus Quest

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Ya, that's been to been available. The latest news is, it now supports USB 2.1, so you don't need the $80 USB cable they had been selling. The charging cord now works. But people recommend getting a longer one, or at least and extension. I read a very small amount about this, and it appears that some people are still having issues with using USB 2.1 cords, but, the latest update included support for them. I think one issue you'll have is that it won't be able to charge it while in use like the USB 3 would, but have not confirmed that.
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Oculus Quest

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Now I need to figure out how to hook it up and make it work using my charging cable (which looks EXACTLY like the $80 USB cable they sell on their site...).

Hooked it up two nights ago and my PC recognized it, but I couldn't figure out how to launch the Steam VR games I own.

I also downloaded Virtual Desktop, which is cool, but I don't think it does what I was hoping...
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Oculus Quest

Post by Leisher »

Leisher wrote: I also downloaded Virtual Desktop, which is cool, but I don't think it does what I was hoping...
Of course, I'm completely wrong and I should already be playing HL:Alyx wirelessly...:

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The cables look alike, but are different. The $80 is a fiber optic based USB3 cable. Charging cable is copper USB2.1.
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Oculus Quest

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The Virtual Desktop app is worth it. Based on the videos I posted above, and using a few other sites, I was able to get the Oculus Quest to run SteamVR through Virtual Desktop using Sidequest. It seems complicated, but it's easy.

How does it look? Fantastic! I'm guessing it uses the video card from the computer since it's essentially just streaming everything. I didn't notice any lag while playing R&M. I was also about 20 feet away and in another room.

Steam games that work with Quest.

So far, we've bought (or gotten for free):
Beat Saber - Seems to be the standard first purchase and it's fun. I have a kid who loves Imagine Dragons, so we bought their music pack. Their music really fits the game.

Arizona Sunshine - Zombie FPS with a story. Pretty cool. Has some graphical glitches in one level, but it's an otherwise awesome level.

I Expect You to Die - You're a spy sent on various missions. We've only gone through one level and once you figure it out, you can do so quickly. I guess each level is like a mini escape room. Seems fun and has some charm.

Red Matter - Pretty highly rated. Seems like one of those "walking simulators" with lots of puzzles as you try to figure out what happened at an abandoned Russian station on Mars. Haven't played it yet.

Thrill of the Fight - Boxing game that some actual boxing champion reviewed and said it's a good workout and is the most realistic boxing game he's played. Haven't tried it yet.

Bait - Fishing game. There's another fishing game that has "real" settings, but I like this one. There's a story line, it has some character, and it's relaxing. The fish bite quickly, but hauling them in isn't an automatic. You have to actually pay attention or you'll lose it.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (bought on Steam) - Contains the proper type of humor and real voices. You're a cloned Morty that Rick created to do laundry. Stuff escalates from there, mostly from the garage.

I bought several of the games above tonight as Oculus is having a sale to celebrate 1 year of the Quest. I also looked in Steam and noticed the following titles I own have the VR tag:
Subnautica - Awesome fucking game.
CAT Interstellar - Another game that impressed me and I cannot believe have far it has come. I'm pretty sure it only had one guy developing it. (Not sure if it's finished yet Catt.)
The Forest - One several of us have played.
Passing Pineview Forest
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - As Cake mention it above, it's highly rated.
Transmissions: Element 120
The Solus Project
Lunar Flight
Legend of Dungeon
Doorways: Prelude
RaceRoom Racing Experience
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Oculus Quest

Post by Cakedaddy »

I'm guessing you got the message too, but they are pushing a few "controller free" games right now, one of which is free. They have been working on "hand recognition" and it looks like they want to test it now.
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