Watch Dogs 2

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Watch Dogs 2

Post by Leisher »

An unrelated sequel to this game. You can go read that review for a breakdown of the game play because it's mostly the same here.

The biggest game play differences are a robotic car and drone your guy uses to solve puzzles and hack things.

The story line has you as Marcus, a black guy hacker and member of DedSec. DedSec is a group that fights corruption among major corporations. They work to expose it. Why did I mention he was black? Because games featuring black leads aren't super common. Plus, this game out after GTA5, which did the same thing, so it seems like a bit of follow the leader. DedSec has some interesting characters that are the highlight of the game, aside from Sitara. That bitch is boring. The highlight is Wrench. He wears a mask for reasons that get revealed, and has genuinely the most interesting personality. There's also a story line involving a member that I thought was pretty amazing. It doesn't relate to the main story in any way, but a major thing occurs. I really enjoyed that piece of story telling.

Truthfully, this game isn't as good as the original. The game just doesn't do a good job of immersing you into the story. Most of the missions seem to boil down to puzzles where you're using your drone or car to hack something.

The biggest flaw, however, is in the story itself. DedSec is supposed to be this group about giving power back to the people, and thus, morally superior. However, your guy has tons of killing tools at his disposal. That's fine when fighting the various street gangs in the game, but most missions have you fighting what are essentially rent-a-cops. Why is it ok to kill them? There's even a late mission where it's revealed they're not in on the plan or even know what they're guarding half the time. They're simply guys working a job. They have no idea the people they're working for are "evil" or whatever. I tried to do all the missions without killing people, but you're not really given amazing tools for that. It's easier to kill, which I did against the gang members.

I will say this though, the game's story will make you think about our world, and it's fucking frightening. As you play and expose these silicon valley companies' plans and plots against everyday people and their data, it really makes you realize how realistic these threats are.

Oh, I also wanted to mention that while there's lots of stuff to do, a lot of it is completely pointless. No achievements that I noticed, so unless you're crazy into fashion, why do you care about finding hidden outfits? There are typical races and stuff, but...meh.

A decent effort that pales in comparison to the original, but will definitely make you think about the real world and the dangers of our reliance on technology.
“Every record been destroyed or falsified, books rewritten, pictures repainted, statues, street building renamed, every date altered. The process is continuing day by day. History stops. Nothing exists except endless present in which the Party is right.”
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